Thursday, March 29, 2007

VN pushes forward the Indochinese Triangle agenda

March 29, 2007
Co-ordination committee for Cambodia-Laos-VN Triangle set up

VNA (Hanoi)

Prime Minister Nguyen Tan Dung has signed a decision to establish a Vietnam Co-ordination Committee for Development Co-operation in the Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Triangle with the Minister of Planning and Investment as its Chairman.

The co-ordination committee comprises four subcommittees for economics, external affairs and security, social affairs and the environment, and local co-ordination.

The committee, under control of the Prime Minister, will provide advice on policies and management to promote economic co-operation in the region, co-ordinate with Cambodian and Lao parties in implementing the plan on socio-economic development in Cambodia-Laos-Vietnam Triangle.

The committee will submit to the PM regular six-month and annual reports on performance by Vietnamese ministries, sectors and localities as well as the co-ordination with Cambodia and Laos.


Anonymous said...

Now the Viet tries to colonize Cambodia and Lao in front of the international communities. The Viet will be the president of the 3 countries and we need to report to them what we plan to do. This viet invaded Khmer and occupy until now. Encroach our land and now tries to occupy us again.

What happens to 10 member Asian club? Does the Viet try to do the same thing to the 10 member?

Get loss Viet and Hun Sen. Are Hun Sen and CPP so stupid to join this called Indochina Triangle? If hun sen join, it's about time all Khmer in the country need to topple him from power.

Anonymous said...

Arh Kwak Hun Sen don't know how to govern the country. That's why he needs to be under Youn Hanoi control. Youn needs to advise Khmer because Khmers are so dumb from the King to the priminister and their associates.

No wonder cambodia gets smaller and smaller in size. Chet Roy....

Anonymous said...

Cambodia is no need indochina, but
Cambodia want Khmer Empire return to the region, Khmer Leuo, Khmer Kandal and Khmer Krom. If Hun Sen
can unify all Khmer; he is Jayavarman VIII.

Anonymous said...

For the legality from VN and Loa in developing this triangle project would be ok for them.

But for Cambodia, with the national constitution respect, Hun Sen has fatally violated Cambodian national law that he signed this project without agreement or consensus by the parliament representatives.

So, Hun Sen must be responsible for this tricky development mechanized by Yuan.

Anonymous said...

And that's the true color of the freaking Viet, ladies and gentlemen - you know it and I know it - taking over Cambodia is what the Viet is wanting and doing. It's a shame to see Sihanouk and all these freaking crazy Kings and Queens and the Viet slave Hun Sen and his cronies continue to give in to the Viet minute by minute in front of our very own helpless eyes!!!

Anonymous said...

eh gringos... economics not for you! go to catch indians phnong!

over your ability to undertsand!

Anonymous said...

and hey you @4:17, aren't your mother Viet's whore..go see your mother at the brothel there..go go...tell your mother to sit on the Vietcong's face..maybe you'll have a twin bother or somthin..go go...go out of our face!!!

Anonymous said...


CPP = Communist Pro youn Party


Anonymous said...

Excellent news, it will be great
if we can take this to the next
level by forming an IU (Indochina
Union,) just like what they did
in europe (EU).

Anonymous said...

Yeah fuck you, you Vietcong @8:23AM. If you want to be ah YUON's slave...Go ahead, take your mother, your father and you sister to be ah Youn's slave too if you want to....but don't advertise that for free Khmer. No Khmer in the right mind wants to become slave of the fucking Viet/Yuon HANOI! Get it?

Anonymous said...

Uncle Ho concept of Indochina Federation or Indochinese Triangle is death long time ago and why would any Vietcong would want to revive such an outdated ideology???

The Vietcong knew that one day the Vietcong motherland and fatherland will be broken up into pieces and by pushing the concept of Indochinese Triangle will somehow help to prevent the break of the Vietcong land??? I don't think so!! The Vietcong land will be broken up soon or later whether the Vietcong like it or not! So I suggest that the Vietcong don't have to push Indochinese Triangle concept any further because Cambodian had witnessed enough already of all the fucken misery borned out this fuck up concept!!!

Cambodian people must seek the opposite of what the Vietcong want or wish in pursuing any ideologies or politics and only then Cambodia will raise up to become a powerful nation

The break up of the Vietcong land must happen and when that happen Cambodian people can ripe all the benefit and the peace to rebuild Cambodia into a strong nation and contribute peace and freedom back to the world!!!

Vietcong is a very bad neighbor and Cambodian people must learn to ignore all of them until they free the 10 million Khmer Krom people!!

I say peace to no Vietcong for enslaving Cambodian people!!!!

Anonymous said...

WTF? Division is weak, and Union
is strength. If the Europeans did
it, we will do is also. We aint
gonna be weak by ourself like you
want us to be, you stupid idiots.

Anonymous said...

Yeah let me say it again you Vietcong@10:39PM - take your slut Viet whore mother and your bitch sisters to be the Vietcong's slave...No Khmer in the right mind wants to be ah Viet/Yuon's slave..get it? Now Go.. Go.. Go..Get out of Khmer people's face.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

That is such a stupid question,
motherfucker. Why don't you ask
that question to the European
Union, huh? You think we're going
to stay weak and isolated, so that
your westerners people can pushed
us around? No way, Jose. We will be
united and strengthen the region,
so that you guy don't fucked with
us like you did in the 70's. Got

Long live Monsooners!!!

Anonymous said...

So you want to be ah VIET/YOUN's slave huh dumb arse? Take you mother and your sisters to be the Yuon/Viet's whore..go ahead..who stops you? No one gives a rat arse about that. But don't ever think for a minute that the rest of free Khmer will join you, ya hear ASS HOLE@3:18AM?

Anonymous said...

To mother fucker 3:18 AM!

Hey mother fucker! Since the Vietcong reunification of the North and the South Vietname and look what happen to the Khmer Krom people living in Southern Vietname...Khmer Krom people had become a slave to the Vietcong!!!!ahahahahahahhahahah So much for the union concept of the Vietcong!!!!!I had seen enough of the example done by the Vietcong and I am not impressed!!!Without China and Russia help the Vietcong would still be living in the Stone Age!!

Cambodia must go against the any Vietcong concept or ideology!!!! This mother fucker dare to compare the concept of Indochina to the European Union!!!ahahahahahha Why can this mother fucker compare to the ASEAN???ahahahahhahh

Any Vietcong would like to show off their fucken intelliegence in public by comparing orange and apple...I am not buying into it!!
The Vietcong are trying to kiss up to something here! ahahahah

The Vietcong better free the 10 million Khmer Krom people now!!! I know the fucken Vietcong are worried every fucken day regarding the Khmer Krom people freedom and they know they can't slave the Khmer Krom people forever!!!!!!

I see bad omen coming to the Vietcong land...

Anonymous said...

There is nothing happened to KK
in south Vietnam. Most of them,
I mean over 10 millions, are very
happy. Only a few criminals who
are not.