Wednesday, April 18, 2007

US decides to allow a person accused of involvement in terrorist attack because he is now supporting Pres. Bush's war on terrorism

US defends decision to let notorious Cambodian police chief visit

WASHINGTON (AFP) - The US government said Tuesday there were "compelling reasons" to host Cambodia's police chief for counter-terrorism talks here this week despite suspicions he was involved in terrorist killings, drug trafficking and other crimes.

Hok Lundy, Cambodia's national police chief, has been granted a visa to hold talks here Thursday with the Federal Bureau of Investigation on counter-terrorism matters, said State Department spokesman Sean McCormack.

McCormack acknowledged that Lundy had been refused a US visa in the past due to accusations he was involved in human trafficking, and he said State Department officials were aware of other allegations against the police official.

But he said that there were no "legal bars" preventing Lundy from receiving a visa and that authorities had made a "policy judgement" to let him attend the meeting with the FBI.

Lundy was notably implicated in a 1997 grenade attack against anti-government demonstrators in Cambodia which killed at least 19 people and wounded more than 120 others, including a US national.

The FBI classified the attack as an act of terrorism.

Lundy has also been accused of involvement in other politically motivated killings, drug trafficking and human smuggling.

"We're not trying to discount those allegations," McCormack said. "In this case, it was decided that he would be granted a visa specifically to attend these counter-terrorism meetings."

"There were compelling reasons that he be granted a visa," he said.

McCormack declined to elaborate on the reasons or any other aspects of the case.

A senior State Department official admitted there had been a "pretty healthy internal" debate over whether to let Lundy into the country.

"People made the judgement that it was in our interest to issue him the visa," he said.

The human rights group Human Rights Watch slammed the decision.

"Hok Lundy's alleged involvement in political violence and organized crime in Cambodia means that the FBI should be investigating him, not hosting him," said Brad Adams, Asia director at Human Rights Watch.

"By inviting Hok Lundy to discuss the rule of law and effective police enforcement, the US government is likely to breed cynicism among Cambodians about its commitment to human rights and political reform," he added.

The group said US authorities were turning a blind eye to Lundy's involvement in human rights abuses because of his support for President George W. Bush's "global war on terrorism."


Anonymous said...

"People made the judgement that it was in our interest to issue him the visa," he said.

Remember that, In their own interest not Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

This is what we call :

" American Values "

Khmer saying : Noyobay Arkaing chea Noyobay CHONG SRAOL .

Anonymous said...

4:48 , so , our interest is first. If you don't like it go to hell.