Saturday, May 26, 2007

Experts: Climate Change a Worry in Cambodia, Too

Thida Win, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh

Experts from the government and Geres, a French environmental group, said recently that Cambodia should be just as worried about global climate change as any country.

As a poor agricultural country, Cambodia risks food supply problems in a world where climate patterns are changing.

Recent statistics show that in the last five years, 70 percent of Cambodia's rice crop has been damaged by flood and about 20 percent from drought.


Anonymous said...

Ouch! that's hurt. I mean 70% and
20% lost due to flood and drout.
Our farmers could have been five
times richer. This call for
getting rid of all evil doers such
as Ah Khmer-Yuons who had turned
our buddhist religion into a
political circus for their stupid
causes, and Ah Sam Nazi who had
abused the poors just for his own
political gain and benefits. They
all must be stopped at all cost if
we are to expect our luck to turn

Anonymous said...

As I have mentioned on previous issue regarding the Deforestation, but ah Hun Sen don't think of any way. All he's care is remained in office and pocketed his bank account.


Anonymous said...

Well, the problem is more from
the global warming that cause
extreme climax fluctuation in
random part of the world. it can't
be from deforestation because
Cambodia is just a small dot on
the planet. You can't sink the
entire country under the ocean and
it won't change anything.
Furthermore, forest can be
replanted after we developed our
country; therefore, it shouln't be
a concern.

Anonymous said...

ah/me runteass banh 3:51 AM, when are you going to write properly? stop smoking crack me loplop.
Your wriitng is coming from smoking too much crack.

Anonymous said...

3:51: 90% of crop lost? They said "damaged." I will guess that in any five year period going back 100 years, that's not far from average.

Anonymous said...

Sure - Cambodia is just a small dot on the planet. But the planet is a puzzle of such dots.
Think globally, act locally, this is the sentence of the moment, everywhere.
Preserving the last forests in Cambodia will not save the planet, but will help reducing the risks. The economic future for cambodia is not in building more garment factories with dumping wages and poor and unhealthy working conditions, but in estblashing an environmental friendly infrastructure for the country. Producing healthy food, building up renewable energies, clean eco - tourism and so on - that will bring a lot of money into the country with the best effect for the most people, I am convinced.

Anonymous said...

Come on, 6:06, in the last decade
or so, the US has lost more
forests to wild fires that is 5
times the size of Cambodia, not to
mention the choking carbon
monoxide emission and other cancer
causing toxic from the fires... .
Hence, if you have to
pick on someone, go and pick one
your Evil Empire, alright?

Anonymous said...

Well, 12:44Am, I am not from the US, but I know about their catastrophic ecological behaviour. But at the moment, the people there are learning and changing – and then their government will do so, too. By the way, most of the “wild fires” are caused by wrong handling of the forests over the years, but that’s an other topic.
Most important is: there are very good working alternatives: Look at the concept of the FSC label:
If a company runs a forest after this principles, it can make a lot more money than without. Have a look eg at they run Plantations and forests in Central and South Amercia and in Africa, very successful. The key point is: Be careful with your environment and just take only as much from your resources, as they will give you without taking damages. If you burn down your house, you will have to live on the street.

Anonymous said...

2:03, not quite true, the forest
fire in the US is caused by
ignorant of the US government.
Most of the wild fire are ignited
by lightning in the dry season.
And with the US huge tax revenue
(trillions,) there is no reason
why they can't handle it. They
could have a fire detector/sensor
one of their satelite to monitor
the forest. The instant the fire
is detected, they could put it
out before it goes out of control,
as simple as that.

As for the to given links, what
am I looking for? can you just
tell me what are they proposing?
We have a plan of our own for
our forest, but we are always open
for other idea.