Thursday, June 14, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
Local newspapers reported that Thai police shot and killed one Cambodian teenager and shot and broke the leg of another child: 16-year-old Khorn Bunmean who was shot and killed, and 16-year-old Sieu Ratanak who was shot and injured. The two teenagers were hired as cow herders for a Thai boss in Aranyaprathet, Srakaew province, Thailand. A source indicated that the two children were working for the Thai boss for 3 to 4 years already and they live in Thailand’s Nongsang village. The injured boy said that when he and his companion were herding cows in the rice fields in Thailand, Thai police started to shoot at them. One of the bullet hit Khorn Bunmean but he did not die on the spot, as for him, since he was injured on his right foot, he was able to flee into Cambodian territory. The young boy who was injured claimed that his companion, Khorn Bunmean, did not die from the shot, but that the Thai police officers force fed him poison and killed him, his body was left in the middle of the rice field. There is no independent verification on the young boy’s claim, but the Thai police claimed that they shot the two boys because they were stealing chicken.
Thai soldier! how can you treat human being like this, everyone die in the end but not die this way. You are so cruel, your action will reflect to all Thai soldier.
One of Thai-Khmer police officer
Thailand Government must stop to your evil act to Cambodian from now if still to follow on your cheap act to what human being, if not so i hoped that the UN work for Human Rights and other country will condem your cruel government that lead the country by military.
Thailand not respect to the Human Rights on what human being for their lives.
I wish the God probably condem this government as soon.
I never forget Ah evil Sim in my life . now,i wish Ah sim country will destroy soon by bro sister moslim.
the fucking thai soldier think that the fucking chicken is worth more than human life???? your fucking king life also cheaper than fucking chicken too.
He who dares taking someone's life, he who dares forfeit his own.
You don't shoot someone just because they steel something.Those Thai's polices are abnormal and very ignorant. Ah Tai Huoung police!
Siem will pay its sin against the Mankind soon.
Phnom Penh Rolum ,
Prey Nokor Rolear,
Bangkok Ch-Ath Ch-Ay ,
Sapbay Angkor
I told you that the Thaicong armies will never stop killing Cambodian people and until Cambodian people learn to respect and to love themselves as human being and start adopting the same attitude of the Southern Thailane Muslim!
The Thaicong armies kill Cambodian people every year and I had been counting and still counting!
Can PM HUN SEN do something sooner so Cambodian do not have to go beging or looking for cheap job in the neighbor country?
its ok, those policemen are targets by their own people who are Muslims in the South.
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