June 15, 2007
By Jennifer Kuszynski
Sheboygan Press staff (Sheboygan, Wisconsin, USA)
Thirteen-year-old Caroline Ray of Sheboygan practiced lacing up her combat boots on Wednesday, while her older sister Emily, 14, teased her.
"In two weeks, you'll be a pro at that," Emily told her, speaking from experience.
This summer, Caroline will be traveling to Cambodia with Teen Missions International to do work and evangelism in the province of Siem Reap. Prior to heading overseas, Caroline will attend the Lord's Boot camp, in Merritt Island, Fla. where over two weeks she will become acquainted to primitive conditions — such as tent camping and bucket showers — and learn the skills necessary to conduct her work assignment in Cambodia — adding a second story onto an existing building. After returning to the U.S., Caroline will spend one week debriefing in Florida before returning home.
"Last year when we visited Emily at boot camp, I thought I definitely wanted to do this," Caroline said, adding Cambodia wasn't her first choice of the 28 countries Teen Missions works in, but when she learned that a local woman, Danielle Crossett, whom she knows from Evangelical Free Church in Sheboygan, was going to be going as a leader, she decided to go with her.
Caroline is least looking forward to the two-week long boot camp, where her day will start at 5:30 a.m. and end at 9:30 p.m. and she will be required to do an obstacle course daily, learn trades like laying bricks and building trusses and learn a presentation that will be given in Cambodia.
The goal of the program is to set up similar boot camps in underdeveloped countries, allowing the natives there to learn trades to further development.
Emily saw this work firsthand last summer when she traveled to Ethiopia with Teen Missions for three weeks.
"It was amazing," Emily said of the experience, which also included two weeks of boot camp prior to travel and one week of debriefing when she returned. "We used soccer as our main tool to make friends with the people there."
Both sisters fundraised for their trip, raising about $4,000 through mail campaigns, garage sales and brat frys.
While the majority of her trip will be work, Caroline will also have the opportunity for a little fun too, visiting the famous temples of Angkor Wat, the Cambodian Cultural Center and other sightseeing and shopping.
Caroline and Emily's younger sister, Katie, 10, hopes to follow in the footsteps of her older sisters.
"I would like to work with AIDS orphans in Cameroon or travel to Kenya," Katie said.
Parents Kelly and Mike Ray said they are very proud of her children, all of whom are homeschooled.
"We believe from a Christian standpoint to reach out in love," Kelly said. "Going into your high school years, what a great time to make your faith your own. I don't want my kids to think they can inherit my faith. I think this is a very healthy time for them to go and discover things on their own."
"Going into high school, Emily had a different view than most kids," Kelly said. "Most kids might think their clothes or dating relationships are the most important, but she's been to Ethiopia, she's experienced life in another place that has impacted her so greatly."
Next summer, Emily said she hopes to work again through Teen Missions — either in Asia or Africa. This summer, she will do mission work in New Orleans while her sister is overseas.
"I think it would be so cool if we could see more kids going from the Sheboygan area," Emily said. "It's a great opportunity."
For more information, visit www.teenmissions.org.
Reach Jennifer Kuszynski at jkuszynski@sheboygan-press.com and 453-5147.
"In two weeks, you'll be a pro at that," Emily told her, speaking from experience.
This summer, Caroline will be traveling to Cambodia with Teen Missions International to do work and evangelism in the province of Siem Reap. Prior to heading overseas, Caroline will attend the Lord's Boot camp, in Merritt Island, Fla. where over two weeks she will become acquainted to primitive conditions — such as tent camping and bucket showers — and learn the skills necessary to conduct her work assignment in Cambodia — adding a second story onto an existing building. After returning to the U.S., Caroline will spend one week debriefing in Florida before returning home.
"Last year when we visited Emily at boot camp, I thought I definitely wanted to do this," Caroline said, adding Cambodia wasn't her first choice of the 28 countries Teen Missions works in, but when she learned that a local woman, Danielle Crossett, whom she knows from Evangelical Free Church in Sheboygan, was going to be going as a leader, she decided to go with her.
Caroline is least looking forward to the two-week long boot camp, where her day will start at 5:30 a.m. and end at 9:30 p.m. and she will be required to do an obstacle course daily, learn trades like laying bricks and building trusses and learn a presentation that will be given in Cambodia.
The goal of the program is to set up similar boot camps in underdeveloped countries, allowing the natives there to learn trades to further development.
Emily saw this work firsthand last summer when she traveled to Ethiopia with Teen Missions for three weeks.
"It was amazing," Emily said of the experience, which also included two weeks of boot camp prior to travel and one week of debriefing when she returned. "We used soccer as our main tool to make friends with the people there."
Both sisters fundraised for their trip, raising about $4,000 through mail campaigns, garage sales and brat frys.
While the majority of her trip will be work, Caroline will also have the opportunity for a little fun too, visiting the famous temples of Angkor Wat, the Cambodian Cultural Center and other sightseeing and shopping.
Caroline and Emily's younger sister, Katie, 10, hopes to follow in the footsteps of her older sisters.
"I would like to work with AIDS orphans in Cameroon or travel to Kenya," Katie said.
Parents Kelly and Mike Ray said they are very proud of her children, all of whom are homeschooled.
"We believe from a Christian standpoint to reach out in love," Kelly said. "Going into your high school years, what a great time to make your faith your own. I don't want my kids to think they can inherit my faith. I think this is a very healthy time for them to go and discover things on their own."
"Going into high school, Emily had a different view than most kids," Kelly said. "Most kids might think their clothes or dating relationships are the most important, but she's been to Ethiopia, she's experienced life in another place that has impacted her so greatly."
Next summer, Emily said she hopes to work again through Teen Missions — either in Asia or Africa. This summer, she will do mission work in New Orleans while her sister is overseas.
"I think it would be so cool if we could see more kids going from the Sheboygan area," Emily said. "It's a great opportunity."
For more information, visit www.teenmissions.org.
Reach Jennifer Kuszynski at jkuszynski@sheboygan-press.com and 453-5147.
What a good place to be: Siem Reap. Why not choose a Sambok Chap area as a work base, then you will have an experience of a lifetime sisters...
Ha-ha! Great one. Just make some blowjob for some of Sombok Chap dwellers - it's gonna be the greatest contribution of all times !!!
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