Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Hochimonk Non Nget: No march for peace for monks because Cambodia is already at peace

Monks not allowed to participate in demonstration

Monday, June 25, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

Patriarch Non Nget said that the Ministry of Cults and Religion issued a ban for all monks from participating in any form of demonstration. Non Nget said that the June 8 directive issued by the Ministry of Cults and Religion (and also signed by him), called on all monks in the entire country not to participate in non-violent demonstrations because they could create disorder. The Cambodia Daily quoted Non Nget as saying: “We do not allow monks to march for peace because Cambodia is already at peace.” Dr Pung Chiv Kek, Licadho President, said that, according to the Constitution, monks have the same rights to protest as any other laymen. Thach Setha, President of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom community, said that this directive is most likely issued to prevent Khmer Krom monks from participating in demonstrations to demand for human rights respect for Khmer Krom people currently living in Vietnam. Heng Samrin said that this ban is proper because the government want to avoid disorder in the society. He added that his statement is directed towards all monks, and not just towards Khmer Krom monks only.


Anonymous said...

Heng Samrin is truely serve the interest of VIET big time. Why the hell on earth he would accept and recognize the 40th years of friendship>? In return the VIET never recognize or respect our borders (sea/land), our servereignty..etc. you name them..There are much more. Why? Khmer leaders come on. Smart up!

Anonymous said...

Mr. Heng Samrin and your clan we all know clearly
that you prevent the Khmer Krom from participating in demonstration,
because you are the slave of yuon (viet nam) you scare of your master
take your out from the job that you are knowing nothing about.
To keep your master happy so you have no shame to do that.
do you know you are destroying Cambodia?
you are very old anyway go and get retire and shut the fuck up
Or Cambodian have never for giving to your family when your
regime felling apart in the future.
Go to hell puk ah communist

Anonymous said...

Not only Heng Samrin now that Yuan can brainwash, though Cambodian monk leader, Non Gnet misuderstood that Cambodia has peace and doesn't think of how suffered Khmer Kampuchea Krom people especially Buddhist monks.

Yuan now is not only taking advantages in commanding Hun Sen government to help eliminating Khmer Krom people...but also plan to control Cambodia absolutely.

Anonymous said...

we khmer need to study history and past it on to the next generation. Because history and current event is not being taught ! We need to come together and do it even individually.

Anonymous said...

Have you guys seen the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu of Romania and Ferdinand Marcos of Philipines? A bunch of all these perpetrators will follow their footsteps. After they died all their wealth and properties must return to their country. The same as our Khmer bloodsucker and murderer. You know how our beloved and the guy all Khmers or some neighborings country (LAOS, Thailand, Burma) died? The VIETnamese infiltration got their hands to lent Sihanouk to involved. Oh God! now even Tep Vong said they can't demstration for peace!!!!!!!!! Whats going with our religious leader? Are they real Khmer or YOUN??? Wake Up Khmer leaders!!!!!!!!!!We Khmer(s) and we never will forget our brother Khmer Krom and Khmer Surin and such...Look out Khmer Empire will rise again..Bravo to all Khmers.

Anonymous said...

Eh! mr. Heng Sarim to keep a good order in the society people should keep out from demonstration and talking against gorverment and gorverment's top official just like before 1992 UUTAC election!

Viva Communist brain!!!

Fuck you Heng Sarim and Ah Hun Xen!