Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Hun Sen campaigning way ahead of authorized election campaign period, will the NEC ignore it again?

Hun Sen Makes First Appeal to Voters Ahead of National Elections

Mony, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh

Prime Minister Hun Sen made his first appeal to the populace Tuesday to vote for his Cambodian People's Party in the 2008 National Elections, while taking a small dig at the party of his old rival, Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

In a commencement ceremony speech broadcast nationwide, Hun Sen reminded students—and TV viewers—that his wife, Bun Rany, had donated 24 ambulances to the provincial and military police in Bantey Meanchey.

The prime minister sarcastically said that no matter what he said, there would be criticism, so he would go ahead and urge people now to vote for the CPP.

"Now, I might want to give additional aid today, they say to draw the votes. So, hey, they can say whatever they want to," Hun Sen said.

"Please vote for me in 2008, vote for the CPP, because [people] will say something anyway," Hun Sen said.

He also said a member of the Norodom Ranariddh Party who pulled a gun on another this week should be "handcuffed."

Opponents to Hun Sen and his party continually complain they have a disadvantage, because such broadcast speeches, slights and handouts by the CPP take place well outside legal election laws.

"According to the election law, his words are irresponsible," said opposition party legislator Kem Sophearith. "But, he has the right, because he is a prime minister, and he can do whatever he wants to."


Anonymous said...

Haha vindictiveness is haunting Hun Sen?
The world is round ,not too long Hun Sen
will powerless, now his master Yuon told
him Hun Sen not staying in the power for his
life ,you hear that Hun?
His master told him also,no matter who are they
that commit the corruption crime has to go to jail
you hear that Hun? Are you to scare to put your families and you
in jail? The Cambodian PPL will.
You see Sadam Hussein ?

Your master(yuon) stop back you up because of your
human trafficking, leader state of mafia and corruption
famous around the world they leave you a lone.
2008 with your iron claws,fascist,corruption are you sure
you gonna win the election.

Hun Sen can hope as you want,your forecast is disgust!!!

Return all money that you stole from Khmer back and exile your
like Noranorit Cambodia do not need that CRAPPY leader

Anonymous said...

Only Ah Youn can delete Ah Hun Shit Kwev from this planet.