Saturday, June 16, 2007

Illegal border with Vietnam installed in Kampot

June 16, 2007
Marker installed on Vietnam-Cambodia border

VNA (Hanoi)

A marker used to demarcate the border shared by Vietnam and Cambodia was officially installed at the Xa Xia international checkpoint that lays on southern Kien Giang province and Cambodia's Kampot province, on June 15.

It is the second marker installed on Vietnam's southern borderline with Cambodia. The first was erected at Moc Bai in southern Tay Ninh province.

Following the event, the two countries are to enter into negotiations on the planting of the third marker at the Giang Thanh checkpoint in Kien Giang's Kien Luong district as well as other minor markers on their border.


Anonymous said...

Fucken Vietcong always up to some shit when our beloved Samdech HUN SEN is tied up with the world tour!

King Sihanouk fails to deal with the Vietcong!

Mr.Pol Pot fails to deal with the Vietcong!

Samdech HUN SEN fails to deal with the Vietcong! (The Vietcong said to Samdech HUN SEN that don't fuck with the Vietcong and we know your tricks!)

The only way to deal with these fucken Vietcong is not to deal with them! From now on the fucken Vietcong can kiss my ass, the fucken Vietcong can talk to Cambodian people at the United Nations, the World Court, and all the world institutions! This is how not to fail when dealing with the Vietcong!

Anonymous said...

Achar ta thes !
How do you "fuck" them, these fucken Vietcongs ?
Now we're up to our neck !