Friday, June 22, 2007

Income must be good for the Huns couple: Hun Sen and Bun Rany donated 24 ambulance trucks not to hospitals, but to Military Police

Friday, June 22, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A military police official from Banteay Meanchey province said that Prime Minister Hun Sen and Chumteav Bun Rany Hun Sen, president of the Cambodia Red Cross, donated 24 ambulance trucks to military police in all provinces and municipalities in Cambodia, during a ceremony held in Banteay Meanchey province. Rath Sreang, the provincial military police commander, told The Cambodia Daily on Thursday that: “Samdech Prime Minister Hun Sen and his Chumteav personally donated Korean-made ambulance trucks to the military police to help save poor people.” Banteay Meanchey SRP MP Kim Suor Phearith said that he was surprised the ambulances were donated to the military police force when, actually, hospitals are in great need of them. Kim Suor Phearith said that it is strange that the ambulances were donated to people who are not involved in healthcare.


Anonymous said...

It's really funny, mean that they both are really not educated couple...

Anonymous said...

Congratulation the beggar leader, HUN SEN.

Do it what you want to do.
You can sell what you want:
territory, Forest, Your own head.
You do the thing right for your own. You are a strange leader in the wold. Maybe you think, you are the best. Actually you are the worst.

Anonymous said...

Are the ambulances meant to transport the dead or wounded people shot by the military police in the upcoming election?

There is no war now that would require ambulances to transport the dead or wounded military police. The ambulances will be left in the parking lot as there is no need for them and there is no petrol for them. What about the maintenance?

What a waste of important resources!

Anonymous said...

This whole world bank aid is just intended to get khmer people into debt. While right now hun sen and his govt get the money. People after his time will be in debt. That mean, the debt collector will control khmer people. Its no different with people and credit card. I just pray that the vietname's govt go to hell

Anonymous said...

I'm sure each one cost over $20K to buy, that mean 24 is about $500K. Did Hun Sen buy them and donate them, or did he get them free from Korea? I just can't believe he would spend that much for ambulances, when he wouldn't even spend $$ to drill wells for the poor.

Anonymous said...

8:04pm ever heart about transport the victimes to here you never heard of them again?

And the donor will say Hun Sen Goverment is a civilized tug!

From now on after they beat you up or kill you they will never left you lie on the street for picture, every thing clean by Militairy Police.

kille with style!!!!

Khmer Young said...

How Hun Sen and Rany get the money to donate such very huge money of those trucks?

They have no shame at all to say those trucks are their donation while he is prime shameful and ignorant leader....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Do Mer Ah Ma Cho Kdab Ah Hun Sen and Mee Bunary.