Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Kem Sokha will not change his party name

26 June 2007
By Sam Borin
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

Kem Sokha said that the request made for him to change his party name is nothing but a demand made by a small number of NGOs, and that he already provided all the necessary explanations to that effect.

Recently, a coalition of 22 NGOs known as “Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee” (CHRAC) issued a statement on 12 June, demanding that Kem Sokha changes his party name from “Human Rights Party” to another one, in order to avoid confusion between the activities performed by a political party and those by NGOs who are independently and truly providing human rights works to serve the interest of the general public.

Kem Sokha said that there is no need for his party to change its name, because it is not against the country’s law. “We believe that the law does not prevent us from naming our party as ‘Human Rights Party,’ there is no such law preventing this. Secondly, it’s not only just in Cambodia, in several other countries, the name of Human Rights Party is also used, and based on our research, we found three such countries. Even for the name of democratic party, organizations are also democratic, and they (political parties) can use it just like the organizations (NGOs) can too, for example: the Democratic Freedom Party, and the Democratic NGO. Furthermore, I believe that this request is made by a small number of NGOs only, and we already explained to them, and we think that what we are doing is not against the law, this is the most important (point),” Kem Sokha declared.
KI-Media note: CHRAC is composed of a “small” number of 22 “major” human rights NGOs in Cambodia, including: LICADHO, ADHOC, Legal Aid Cambodia (LAC), CCPCR, CDP, CHHRA, CKIMHRDA, CWCC, GENEROUS, IDA, KKKHRA, KID, KKHRDA, KSA, KYA, OUTREACH, TASK FORCE, VIGILANCE. Most of which worked actively for the release of Mr Kem Sokha from jail during the late 2006 and early 2007.


Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is the puppet of CPP?
How about Keo Remy?

Which party or politician is the real one and loyal to the nation?

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is a bulshit politician. While he was a head of Human Rights Organization he used to criticise Hun Sen regarding the reaction on NGOs. Hun Sen used to say " This is just the opinion by a small number of NGOs and there are more than 2000 NGOs in Cambodia." Now, Kem Sokha is following Hun Sen's track regarding NGOs suggestions or opinion, especially the human rights NGOs that asked him not to use the word "Human Rights" to name his newly-established party.

Anonymous said...

Bravo Kem Sokha Bravo HRP.Human Rights Party is so beautiful and lucky name and better than Sam Rainsy Party name.No one can force you to change your name.Sam Rainsy is a dictator.He used SRP as a family business,owned,rule,boss and one man band.He is not the one and only one who can lead this country alone.Tell your group to stop attack Kem Sokha.Some day you will need KS to help you.You never know.If you said KS is Hun Sen puppet,you should stop asking KS to join a democratic coalition.SRP group used the same philosophy as Pol Pot.If you are not on my side, you are my enemy.

Anonymous said...

If Kem Sokha is not CPP puppet he should join with SRP or other democrates not form his own political party. If KS is willing to save our country, to establish a state of law he should join SRP otherwise he will break the votes and give the win chance to CPP against.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is a threat for the Cambodian democratic movement.

Anonymous said...

From a preacher for Human right and Democracy, Kem Sokha became a stupid politician. For sure, he will lose the next Election.

Anonymous said...

What are the democratic parties in Cambodia? Can you name one of them? And please don't say SRP because only the name itself shows how this is operated. Sam Rainsy's Party = the party that belongs to Sam Rainsy. Why the hell would anyone join a party that belongs to a person? I would join a party that belongs human rights supporters.

And please... just because you're stupid enough to support SRP, do not ask Kem Sokha to be stupid like you.