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Hun Sen government is trying to do something useless now, especially their evil deed cannot be closed through the good people eyes.
Their recent commanding to ban and confiscate the publication of Family Trees is only intensifying their evil worse and worse.
I think Hun Sen government should have some smarter resolutions than that.
Of course, this is not too late to change to be good by suspend, arrest or fine those mentioned logging individuals in the report. Doing so, Hun Sen government will be gaining some more reputation in the international community stage.
That's so true when they only see the sky is as big as the mouth of a well.
Hun Sen government is trying to do something useless now, especially their evil deed cannot be closed through the good people eyes.
Their recent commanding to ban and confiscate the publication of Family Trees is only intensifying their evil worse and worse.
I think Hun Sen government should have some smarter resolutions than that.
Of course, this is not too late to change to be good by suspend, arrest or fine those mentioned logging individuals in the report. Doing so, Hun Sen government will be gaining some more reputation in the international community stage.
I just don't see how AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave can be charged with corruption because there are no laws to charge him with!
Is there anyway to pass anti-corruption law?
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