Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Thomico: Union of royalists depends on Prince Ranariddh

25 June 2007
By Khim Sarang
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

The delegate-general of the Sangkum Jatiniyum Front Party (SJFP), a man who played a role in mediating disputes among political parties that call themselves royalist parties, said that the main obstacle to the union of the royalist groups is Prince Norodom Ranariddh.

Prince Sisowath Thomico, who fulfilled his role based on his personal consciousness, told RFA yesterday that the union of royalists depend entirely on Prince Ranariddh.

Prince Thomico said: “The only obstacle left is the agreement from Prince Norodom Ranariddh as to whether he will return back to lead the royalist movement and the royalist party again. This is the only point left, beside that there is no disagreement on anything else.”

On Friday, Prince Ranariddh said that he will not return back to Cambodia to lead the royalist group if he is forced to accept the 18 October 2006 event which he considers as a party coup to remove him from his position (as Funcinpec party president).

Prince Ranariddh said: “I am confirming that if they forced me to accept the decision made on 18 October (Funcinpec congress), I cannot accept it, and if I have to live in exile all my lifelong abroad, I will accept it, because it is my goal. I will (let go) of Funcinpec which I see that it will disappear or it will not receive any vote, just like the Ung Huot Party. Furthermore, with my absence (from Cambodia), let there be only Prime Minister Hun Sen and H.E. Sam Rainsy who will reach a stage, so-called: two tigers fighting for a mountain, because I don’t know what else to do when I am forced to accept goals that I cannot accept. However, we can use another new formula as our first step, and we must labor hard to find it (new formula).”

Prince Thomico recalled some of the events which led to the return of King-Father Norodom Sihanouk back to Cambodia after the fall of the Lon Nol regime on 17 April 1975, as well as his return back to Cambodia after 1979. The prince said that if true unification were to be achieved, new development should be examined, and one should not be stopped by an obstacle.

Prince Thomico added: “Sometimes, there is a forward evolution, we must pay attention to the evolution of the situation, of the position, and we must decide on a plan for a new situation. We cannot stand on an obstacle because, currently, Funcinpec does not raise the 18 October 2006 issue again, it does not. When we want a unification, we must find common points that we can discuss on, we cannot put points of dissension on the (negotiation) table. This point would distinguish those who want to see a unification from those who don’t.”


Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hearing RunRot will be self-exiled...
No more hooligan will disturb society.....BUT I do not Beleive he like Power for Srey Sra Dollars Very much when being abrod it find difficult for him to find Ladies he needs more ladies....

Another hand is If someone thinks that Hun Sen destroyed our Nation Let those new Guys from Abroad like Run Rot Chakaping and his Clan/Clique be better than him/hun Sen...
Do not follow what you think that worth than .. BUT Really tose hooligans are worth than present Local Leaders...they came from abrod to Cambodia mostly to collect Money Srey Sra Dollars...which for them were so difficult to earn there...They just like poli-business in Campuchea to earn fast
Ranaraith Enjoy your Phalla abroad!
You are not needed any more by Cambodians!
Do not Cheat us any more!
Go Go to KaraOKay with Phall
Also Those so-called Royalists.. Nationalists= Srey-ist/Srayist=Dollar-ist
You all are useless.. no needs
Ha Ha Preah Ang Machas Cha
Cha Cha Oh ya Oh Ya...
Mcha On Cha
Mcha Bang Cha Like 3rd Gender

Anonymous said...

We are so glad to hearing RunRot will be self-exiled...
No more hooligan will disturb society.....BUT I do not Beleive he like Power for Srey Sra Dollars Very much when being abrod it find difficult for him to find Ladies he needs more ladies....

Another hand is If someone thinks that Hun Sen destroyed our Nation Let those new Guys from Abroad like Run Rot Chakaping and his Clan/Clique be better than him/hun Sen...
Do not follow what you think that worth than .. BUT Really tose hooligans are worth than present Local Leaders...they came from abrod to Cambodia mostly to collect Money Srey Sra Dollars...which for them were so difficult to earn there...They just like poli-business in Campuchea to earn fast
Ranaraith Enjoy your Phalla abroad!
You are not needed any more by Cambodians!
Do not Cheat us any more!
Go Go to KaraOKay with Phalla
Also Those so-called Royalists.. Nationalists= Srey-ist/Srayist=Dollar-ist
You all are useless.. no needs
Ha Ha Preah Ang Machas Cha
Cha Cha Oh ya Oh Ya...
Mcha On Cha
Mcha Bang Cha Like 3rd Gender

Anonymous said...

Only the dumbass will still support Ranariddh.

Anonymous said...

There are still some limited lowly educated people of remote ares are supporting Law Prof. Royalist Ranaridth, because as prince he spoiled rural khmer people using Sihanouk name and other...as CPP spoiled him and his so-called Royalist/Nationalis clique by using some Dollars srey Sra Karaokay....
I am so boring with guys the so-called Royalists...those so-called Roytalists have destroyed our Royal Image and Dignity...
They show clearly their Dirtiness...

Anonymous said...

Is thomico stabing ranarith too?

Anonymous said...

Thomico"... Royalist is based on Ranarith.."But Ranarith is not Royalist.. he destroyed Royal Image HE IS ROYAL SHIT...
Fece Thomico-- when will you be nominated as Samdach...??? you should be Samdach Shit= as your clique Krom Press.. Krom Khun Mokvesser....Reah Ream etc...
Boring with all of you...

Anonymous said...

The Royalists funcipear and ranarith Parties are /have been fleeing to other parties for living... e.g Kong Vibol and later remain only Party Presidents...

Anonymous said...

Kong Vibol implies the Nature/morals of his Funcinpec and Noruk Dam Ranarith Parties...