Friday, June 15, 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
“Cambodia can be considered as one of the countries that has a good human rights record when compared to a number of other countries” - Joseph Mussomeli, US Ambassador to CambodiaJoseph Mussomeli, US Ambassador to Cambodia, said that he supports the Global Witness report regarding illegal logging and corruption which cause several problems (in Cambodia), however, he does not support the political attitude taken to accuse each individual without sufficient evidence.
During a visit to Peace Corps volunteers who are currently teaching English at the Hun Sen Svay Chrum high school on 13 June, Amb Mussomeli declared in an interview with reporters that he shares the concerns expressed by Global Witness regarding illegal logging and corruption which cause a lot of problems, however, he criticizes the entire Global Witness report for accusing each individual without providing sufficient evidence to back up the accusations made against these individuals.
Mussomeli said: “We do not support the accusations made by Global Witness against each individual because it does not contain sufficient evidence.”
“In the future, I am confident that Global Witness and the Royal Government of Cambodia will hold a constructive dialogue because Global Witness has a lot of issues to raise to the government, and the government also has a lot of explaining to do on the issues raised by Global Witness,” Mussomeli added.
Regarding Mr Yash Ghai, the UN Special Envoy for Human Rights in Cambodia, Amb Mussomeli said: “It’s a fact that Mr Yash Ghai and human rights organizations has an important role in advancing human rights issues, and I hope that the relationship between Mr Yash Ghai and the Royal Government of Cambodia will improve in the future, and that they both will hold a dialogue to discuss on a number of issues that they need to accomplish.”
Nevertheless, Amb Mussomeli said that “Cambodia can be considered as one of the countries that has a good human rights record when compared to a number of other countries.”
When questioned about the impact of Yash Ghai’s human rights report and the Global Witness report on the upcoming Consultative Group (CG) aid forum to Cambodia, to be held between the Cambodian government and the aid providers, Amb Mussomeli provided his opinion by saying: “At the upcoming CG meeting, donor countries will not have major problems (that will force them) to cut aid to Cambodia, even though Global Witness asked for donor countries to apply pressures on Cambodia regarding illegal logging.”
He provides this opinion based on two factors: (1) government officials and other officials are actively working to fight against illegal logging, and (2) donor countries are coming to Cambodia to provide aid to the Cambodian people on AIDS issue, on healthcare issue, on lack of food for children issue, therefore, what can Global Witness do to reduce this kind of aid? I believe that it (GW) cannot do it.”
Mussomeli is the guy who arranged for Hok Lundy to get his US visa.
Hold your horse!
The fact that this is a translation from article written by a pro-cpp newspaper, Rasmey Kampuchea, should be read with caution. Wordings can be twisted to help improve the image of the CPP. If this is done by independent media then I would give it more credibility.
Son of Farmer said,
Well, we patiently have to wait to see the outcome of GW's reports are no longer barking toward Samdech Hun Sen's cycle gansgters,
otherwise he will be unhumanly mocked the GW once again.
the aid to Cambodia must go on to support the country and the peoples but most of the money go to the government corrupters. Why don't the donners think and provide guidance. Hun Sen has no idea. He is surrounded with individual who hise the evidence
The buttomline is US and Cambodia government are at peace and having good corperation.
Wait until Hun Sen trashes US or China, or VN then extraordinary things will be happened. But he is smart enough to see the soft spots.
Goddamn! The damn world is turning upside down again! Uncle SAM is taking our beloved Samdech HUN SEN under his wing? How could Uncle SAM tolerate a mafia state like Cambodia?
Something is not right here!
"How could Uncle SAM tolerate a mafia state like Cambodia?"
US had tolerated many worst characters than Hun Sen. Look at the history in Latin America and other places.
Also, Cambodian oil, other natural resources and Cambodian market for US multinationals and not lease US polical interest in South East Asia are all important to US. US cannot just let China do what it wants.
I have said before, never trust anyone else to resolve Cambodian problem. Each nation think what is best of them and their people.
It's the individuals that committed the crimes not the Royal Goverment. Stupid!
To 1:o7AM
Yes! It is individual like our beloved Samdech HUN SEN himself!
If our beloved Samdech HUN SEN pass anti-corruption right now and he would be the first one to go to jail and now you know why anti-corruption will never pass as long as our beloved Samdech HUN SEN is in power!
Mr US Ambassador:
In fact it's the notorious individuals close to the Strong Man who have made Rain and Good weather. Who don't know Hun To, Hun Choch, Soeun Phen Dey? Who don't know that many high CPP officials are corrupt?
You are looking for evidence? CPP officials asked the same question when they are accused of corruption.
Evidence? The reason of the powerful is always the best. Too much evidence: Villas, luxurious cars including Hammer.....dollars in the bank....ca tape l'oeil du peuple.
In the US all these things are sufficient to bring those people to the Court.
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