Tuesday, June 26, 2007

VN: 12 heads of international drug trafficking gangs are hiding in Laos, Thailand and ... Cambodia

June 26, 2007
Difficult fight against drugs in Central Vietnam

By Tuan Anh

Nhan Dan- With thousands of kilometres of borderline and a long coastline, the north of Central Vietnam has become the hottest place for drug trafficking crimes. Over the past years, anti-illicit trafficking forces, with the support of people, have overcome difficulties to prevent trans-border drug trafficking cases.

It is hard for everybody to imagine how hard officers and men of PC17, Nghe An, tried when they fought to arrest drug traffickers on Hill C5 , Pu Lom mount, Luong Minh commune, Tuong Duong district, Nghe An province.

It took three hours travelling on boat along the Lam and Nam Lon rivers to reach Luong Minh commune from Tuong Duong district. The leaders of drug trafficking gangs could be found hiden on Pu Lom mount. Gangs are organised into groups, hiding in caves and shacks used for drug trafficking. They never stayed in the same place for a long time and used weapons to resist when being arrested. Therefore, it proved difficult to arrest them amidst the jungle.

When police arrested Lo Van Thong, head of a drug trafficking ring in Xop Mat village, they had to wait until Thong returned home to catch him.

The wave of heroin has destroyed many villages in upland areas and even peaceful villages in lowland areas. Many families have suffered from drug addiction. Nguyen Thi Tuu in Hung Long, Hung Nguyen, still has to work hard despite the age of 80 to support her grandchildren. Her son and daughter-in-law are now in jail for drug trafficking.

Nghe An province has become a hot spot for drug trafficking with around 4,000 addicts and 2,000 people involved in drug trafficking rings. Over the years, many drug trafficking rings have formed.

In the past, Central Vietnamese provinces of Quang Binh and Quang Tri were free from heroin. However, in two consecutive years, two transnational drug trafficking rings via the Cha Lo border gate in Quang Binh province and the Lao Bao border gate in Quang Tri were eliminated.

Despite not having as many drug retail places as Nghe An province, Ha Tinh province has also become known as a hot bed. Quick profits from drug trafficking, earning tens of millions of Vietnam dong from going cross the Cau Treo border gate for trafficking , has attracted many people to get involved in the crime.

In Thanh Hoa province, heroin is transported from Son La, Muong Lat and Quan Hoa, and from other border localities.

In this context, police in localities listed 136 wanted drug traffickers, including 12 heads of international gangs, who hide in Lao, Thailand and Cambodia.

After having overcome difficulties, the anti-drug trafficking force had arrested several numerous trafficking rings, including Tran Van Hoi, Nguyen Van Can and Nguyen Chien Thang.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Ho Xuan Hoa, head of PC17 Nghe An, said that even during the Tet (Lunar New Year) holidays, officers and men of PC17 Nghe An had to work hard to fight against the drug trafficking crimes. At 1pm, December 30 (lunar calendar) Ha Chi and Nhia Pao from Polykhamsay, Laos, were arrested while trafficking heroin.

The fight against drug trafficking has been identified as an urgent task. The steering board of the fight against drug trafficking crimes in Central Vietnam has provided consulting services for provincial Party Committees and People's Committees to promote the fight.

The standing committee of the Nghe An Party Committee issued a decree on promoting the fight against drugs.

The provincial police organised training courses for leaders of 27 border communes in six mountainous districts on the fight against cross-border drug trafficking.

Cut Xuan Ninh, chairman of the People's Committee of Luong Minh commune, said that education of the harm that drug addiction can cause should be easy for people to understand and help them improve their awareness. Mr Ninh said the number of drug addicts in his commune had reduced.

In response to the Action Month on Fighting Drugs, the People's Committee of Thanh Hoa province co-operated with the Ministry of Education and Training and the Ministry of Public Security to launch a programme on drug-free schools and universities.

Efforts made by authorised agencies have resulted in a change for the better in drug prevention in many localities.

Recently, the Government has adopted a project on stabilising the daily life of the Mong ethnic people in Muong Lat and Thanh Hoa. The project has set a priority in socio-economic development, and living standard improvement as a means to help people get rid of drug trafficking and addiction.

Many activities, including song and dance performance, have been organise to promote the education of people not to get involved in drug trafficking and addiction.

However, it is a great concern when the number of drug addicts remains high and drugs are still illegally trafficked cross the border.

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