Friday, July 13, 2007

ADB remained largest preferential loan provider for Cambodia in 2006 [and Khmer Children will be the largest debt payers in the world]

July 13, 2007

The Asia Development Bank (ADB) remained to be the largest provider of preferential loan for Cambodia in 2006, local media reported on Friday.

The amount of preferential loan that ADB provided to Cambodia averaged at 54.6 million U.S. dollars a year, the Chinese-language Commercial News quoted the government's efficiency report about the international aid in 2006 as saying.

The kingdom received altogether 136 million U.S. dollars of preferential loan in 2006, compared with 171 million U.S. dollars in 2005, said the report.

The decrease was not a surprise, as the international cooperative partners gave more donation and less loan, it said.

The transportation sector was the largest receiver of preferential loan in 2006, totaling 29.1 million U.S. dollars, it added.

Almost one third of the kingdom's 14 million population live in poverty. ADB, the World Bank and some countries' state-owned banks used to be major loan providers for the kingdom.

Source: Xinhua

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