17 July 2007
By Veha
Sralanh Khmer newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy
With a financial and material (incense sticks, candles, flowers) assistance from Mr San Sang, Buddhist members (including both monks and laypersons) organized a prayer ceremony for Monk Tim Sakhorn so that he can be released soon from prison and he can be re-ordained back to help save the people. During the occasion of this ceremony, a source claimed that Monk Tim Sakhorn is still being jailed in the Takeo province prison. Monk Tim Sakhorn is handcuffed and his legs are chained for 5 days already (since Thursday of last week).
The prayer ceremony asking for the wellbeing of Monk Tim Sakhorn, was organized in front of the large Buddha statue located inside the pagoda next to the Phnom Den mountain foothill. This statue and the facility protecting it were built by the pagoda members under the leadership of Monk Tim Sakhorn in the past. During the ceremony, the villagers invoked the spirits of the genies protecting the forest and mountain, and all protecting objects to disgrace all the criminals who defamed and tortured Monk Tim Sakhorn.
San Sang, chairman of the SRP support group in Koh Andet and Kirivong districts, and deputy chairman of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community in Cambodia, provided financial and material (incense sticks, candles, flowers) supports to be used for the Buddhist ceremony which was held on 15 July 2007. 15 Monks and several members of the Phnom Den North pagoda held a somber and sad ceremony praying for Monk Tim Sakhorn not to meet danger that could take away his life, and they also prayed for him to be released from jail soon so he can be re-ordained again.
During the ceremony, a source told Sralanh Khmer that Monk Tim Sakhorn was handcuffed and had both of his legs chained in the Takeo provincial jail on Sunday.
The source claimed that he/she saw the monk in the hospital on Thursday when the authority took him out of the hospital and sent him to jail. The source indicated that he/she followed and observed the event by motor doop. He/she confirmed that Monk Tim Sakhorn was handcuffed in a room where he cannot see the number because of the darkness of the night.
The source indicated that he/she was a hospitalized in the Takeo hospital also when Monk Tim Sakhorn was taken in to receive a shot in the hospital. A rumor indicated that Monk Tim Sakhorn was held by the Vietnamese army region 9 on Thursday.
However, a number of local newspapers reported that international human rights officials in Cambodia said that up to now, no one knows the whereabouts of Monk Tim Sakhorn yet. However, a number of national human rights officials also said that it is a fact that Monk Tim Sakhorn was sent back by the Viets, but that the Cambodian authority sent him to jail and hid his whereabouts so that no one can confirm about his case.
An old member of the pagoda who was present during the ceremony on Sunday, told Sralanh Khmer over the phone that the black Buddha statue in Phnom Den North pagoda is very powerful. He is certain that after the prayer, and with the help of all human rights officials, Monk Tim Sakhorn would be released from his imprisonment in the very near future. The old man said that those people who want to do bad things on Monk Tim Sakhorn will vanish and they will be punished not only in their next lives, but also during their present lives as well.
The prayer ceremony asking for the wellbeing of Monk Tim Sakhorn, was organized in front of the large Buddha statue located inside the pagoda next to the Phnom Den mountain foothill. This statue and the facility protecting it were built by the pagoda members under the leadership of Monk Tim Sakhorn in the past. During the ceremony, the villagers invoked the spirits of the genies protecting the forest and mountain, and all protecting objects to disgrace all the criminals who defamed and tortured Monk Tim Sakhorn.
San Sang, chairman of the SRP support group in Koh Andet and Kirivong districts, and deputy chairman of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community in Cambodia, provided financial and material (incense sticks, candles, flowers) supports to be used for the Buddhist ceremony which was held on 15 July 2007. 15 Monks and several members of the Phnom Den North pagoda held a somber and sad ceremony praying for Monk Tim Sakhorn not to meet danger that could take away his life, and they also prayed for him to be released from jail soon so he can be re-ordained again.
During the ceremony, a source told Sralanh Khmer that Monk Tim Sakhorn was handcuffed and had both of his legs chained in the Takeo provincial jail on Sunday.
The source claimed that he/she saw the monk in the hospital on Thursday when the authority took him out of the hospital and sent him to jail. The source indicated that he/she followed and observed the event by motor doop. He/she confirmed that Monk Tim Sakhorn was handcuffed in a room where he cannot see the number because of the darkness of the night.
The source indicated that he/she was a hospitalized in the Takeo hospital also when Monk Tim Sakhorn was taken in to receive a shot in the hospital. A rumor indicated that Monk Tim Sakhorn was held by the Vietnamese army region 9 on Thursday.
However, a number of local newspapers reported that international human rights officials in Cambodia said that up to now, no one knows the whereabouts of Monk Tim Sakhorn yet. However, a number of national human rights officials also said that it is a fact that Monk Tim Sakhorn was sent back by the Viets, but that the Cambodian authority sent him to jail and hid his whereabouts so that no one can confirm about his case.
An old member of the pagoda who was present during the ceremony on Sunday, told Sralanh Khmer over the phone that the black Buddha statue in Phnom Den North pagoda is very powerful. He is certain that after the prayer, and with the help of all human rights officials, Monk Tim Sakhorn would be released from his imprisonment in the very near future. The old man said that those people who want to do bad things on Monk Tim Sakhorn will vanish and they will be punished not only in their next lives, but also during their present lives as well.
Well, it's alright to praise, but it will never work, only drastic measure will.
United Nation is so cheaper and cheaper they can not do anything to Hun Sen Government, May be they afraid China and North Korea.PHK live in lynn Mass.
Mr Tep Vong and Mr Nong Ngeth are the disgrace enemies of Khmer Krom People. They lied and lied. They are Parachika. They are deserving to be respected as a monk anymore. we call Parachika monk.
Is UN cheap? UN is not cheap. They are a rich but coward world clan. They collect Billion and Trillions of dollars from all member nations which in turn came from all tax payers in the world, like you and me. They spend money like crazy, on screwed up so called "projects" to make people think they are doing something better for the world. Which nation pay the most will have his way, forget about justice and fair play. Who gets the dominant power will receive UN recognition. Did they do anything when Khmer Rouge kill us by the millions? In fact, they recognized Khmer Rouge and offer the membership. Do they really do anything to help us now? They claim they are the world police so why don't they kick Ah Hus Sen ass and his cronnies, and restore order in Cambodia? Why don't they develop Cambodia, eliminating poverty, into something after spending millions and billions by way of UNDP? What I heard the most are small projects here and there contributed by generous indiviuals or small controbution groups. I worked for the UN and I no longer believe what they say (good policy, unsound practice and bad habit). Do not wait for them to lead but lead them. Use them as the backer not the leader. I salute Khmer Krom for their courage but they cannot do it alone. Khmer Kandal must support and help.
I 100% agreed with 2:03PM. It is true that UN is pretty useless at this time.
If you have a chance working with the UN agencies, you cannot believe how useless they are. I feel ashamed for UN to hire those bastard staffs just go to work for collecting money because they cannot find a job in other countries. They dont have a good heart to work for people that why they join UN. NOT AT ALL.
If you have a chance read the a report of UNDP in Vietnam. You will be shock because the report describe how good they have done to help the Vietnamese. Those are totally Bullshits. I am pretty sure that the report is written by the Vietnamese Communist people, not by the UNDP workers. The works of UNDP in Vietnam or Cambodia go there just for vacation. They dont do shit. this is why you never see any sucessful projects that are actually done by the UN.
When the UN workers come to Vietnam or Cambodia, the first thing the government do is to send some prostitute to sleep with them if they are men. If they are wowen, they send women who work for government pretending to be friends with UN workers and then they bribe UN workers. We all know that UN workers dont have a high salary, so they need to get money from other sources to support their money. This is why the freaking UN system get corruption from in-side-out.
It is time for us, Khmer helping Khmer. If not, we will be in a darkness time again after the Vietnam totally controlled our Cambodia country. If you look at Laos now, it is totally dead.... Dont let the current Cambodia to be Champa, Kampuchea Krom, and Laos......
The Vietcong black heart will be exposed of their dirty trick to confuse the world on the issue of the Khmer Krom people! By God command, Khmer Krom people will be freed!!!
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