Thursday, July 19, 2007

Cambodia not against Russia in WTO


Russia and Cambodia have agreed to conclude an agreement saying the RF can join the World Trade Organization. The document will be signed in the nearest time, the representative of the Russian Ministry of Economic Development and Trade said.

To join the WTO Russia needs Saudi Arabia and Georgia to approve its membership. Saudi Arabia is ready to hold negotiations 23 July in Geneva, while Georgia stands its ground and doesn’t seem to be eager to meet the wishes of the neighboring country.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How could Cambodia go against the Russian in WTO when Cambodia under AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave dictatorship make Cambodia owed the Russian more than 3 billion dollars during the cold war!!!!! The communist countries such as the Russia and the Vietname were smart enough to realize that AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave must win politically and militarily at all cost and only then AH HUN SEN can honor the debt to the communist countries! Good luck to those stupid Cambodian people for wanting AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave to win and now Cambodia is sitting on some of the biggest debt in the world and who is going to pay back all those debt?

From now on all those stupid Cambodian people and leaders who help AH HUN SEN dictatorship to stay in power can kiss the ground the Russian walk on because from now no and your children, grand children, and great grand children will spend their life time paying back those debt, then the generation after that, and after, and after...

AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave dictatorship deserve nothing more than an firing squad for committing treasons against Cambodia!!!!