Friday, July 13, 2007

China's fifth column in Cambodia: The "crooks" are honored as "lords" by the king and named "senators" by the king adopted son's party

Cambodia Awards Ethnic Chinese With Respect, Trust

PHNOM PENH, July 13 (Bernama) -- The Cambodian government and people always respect and trust the ethnic Chinese living in the kingdom, as they have contributed a lot to the economic and social development, Kong Triv, one of Cambodia's four ethnic Chinese senators, told China's news agency, Xinhua, recently.

"The ethnic Chinese in Cambodia can stick to the tradition of working hard, remaining faithful and kind-hearted, and seeking harmony with other peoples, and this is the main reason that makes the mainstream society accept them as one part within," said Triv, president of the KT Pacific Group Limited, a top syndicate of the kingdom of timber, steel, cigarette and beverage production, real estate development and airport management.

After they make some money, they not only have it to themselves, but back-feed the society through helping the poor and donating to charities, which in effect earn them wide recognition, said the tycoon, who spends tens of thousands of U.S. dollars each year for education and social welfares.

"With business success and social contribution, the elite get promoted into the government and the parliament to help govern the country in deputy of the people, which is the top prize the kingdom gives to all the ethnic Chinese," he added.

Besides, the Cambodian government adheres to the policy of national reconciliation and attaches much importance to the role of the ethnic Chinese in the economic and social developments, said Triv.

Meanwhile, China is becoming stronger and more developed, thus providing a powerful lever for the overseas Chinese to perform their contributions to the countries where they stay, he added.

During his term at the Senate starting in January 2006, Triv said, he became one of the witnesses of the country's determination to have China as its trustworthy partner and the ethnic Chinese as one of its major constructive forces.

"We can see that a lot of strategic bridges, roads and power stations were and still are being built by Chinese contractors, which embodies the Cambodian government's trust in them," he said.

"Whatever difficulties Cambodia faces, China is always there to help us," he said, adding that his company also joined hands with China's mainland developers to process agricultural products and conduct real estate project in the kingdom.

Triv, who started out selling bicycles and trading various wares before war ravaged the country, now own or has shares in the country's pivotal industries.

"I do business like the ants and swallows, which can only harvest a little at time but will always keep moving on," he said.

Due to his exemplary role, King Norodom Sihanouk in 1994 entitled him as Lord, a supreme title for Cambodian civilians.

"As a senator and businessman, I will continue living up to my duty of participating in politics, contributing suggestions to the government, serving the ethnic Chinese full-heartedly, and promoting the development of the Cambodian-Chinese friendship and the bilateral economic and trade exchanges," vowed Triv, one of some 700,000 ethnic Chinese in Cambodia, which account for around five percent of the kingdom's total population.


Anonymous said...

As a Cambodian of Chinese descent, I'm glad to hear Oknha Kong Triv say: "Whatever difficulties Cambodia faces, China is always there to help us,". But this claim has not been borne out by facts. Where was China when the pro-Chinese Khmer Rouge were killing and starving my relatives and my other fellow Cambodians? The Chinese were helping those murderers! And not a word of regret, let alone an apology, from the Chinese. And which country has obstructed the creation of an international tribunal to try those murderers? Answer: CHINA.

Why our August King Sihanouk allow the Vietcong and the North Vietnamse armies to build their sanctuaries in the Cambodian border region and use Cambodia as a supply route in the 1960s during the Vietnam War which latter spread to Cambodia? The Chinese were helping those Vietnamese armies and exerted influence on him for those Vietnamse.

In fact the rootcause of our suffering from 1970 onwards is precisely our August King Sihanouk's closeness with the Chinese and his ensuing deviation from Cambodia's declared policy of neutrality. Because of that Cambodia had a foot in the Vietnam War with all the consequences we all know very well. And the presence of those Vietnamse armies in Cambodian territory gave ammunition to General Lon Nol to topple him in 1970 and a reason many Cambodians support Lon Nol and join his army.

Even now, where are the Chinese to help those fellow Cambodians who are at times brutally forced out of their homes and their lands for the like of Oknha Kong Triv.

Khmer sage Krom Ngoy was right when he said in verse that the Chinese take note in their head but don't talk much, the Khmers are careless and ruin themselves.

So far the Chinese of the like of Oknha Kong Triv, like their elders in the past, have created little wealth for the Khmer nation. They are basically merchants making quick profit and wealth squanderers, not wealth creators, not entrepreneurs, not producers, not exporters. What have they made so far to export? Garment factories, amjor source of cambodia's exports, are mostly, if not all, foreign owned.

They are practicing a Chinese concept of quanxi or the dynamic of personalised networks of influence that generates cronysm and corruption. They support the powerful and use this connection to enrich themselves. They don't care about human rights or democracy. These people are obstructing the development of the rule of law and democracy in Cambodia and elswhere.

The ethnic Chinese are better off and are doing well in commerce. Has any Cambodian government ever tried to encourage the ethnic Khmers to do business? Has there been any programme to help them? Answers to both questions: NO, NONE.

In Malaysia, former Prime Minister Mahathir, when young did not believe that his ethnic Malays could become businesmen and entrerpreneurs like the ethnic Chinese. But after some 30 years of the Mlaysian government's continued programmes, (bumiputra (indigenous people) policy) to help them including scholarships, special training programmes, various loans and business projects for them,the Malays have become as enterprising as the ethnic Chinese and run businesses like them. Some years before stepping down, Mahathir admitted that he made an error of judgment about his ethnic Malays fellows.

I have developed a training programme for Cambodians of darker skin (ethic Khmers) to help them become enterpreneurs or businessmen. I have named it Khmer Entrepreneurship Enhancement Programme or KEEP. I was given a grant to run that programme as a pilot project. Unfortunately, I was so tied up the leadership and management of an organisation that I did not have time to run that programme. It has since been put on hold. Maybe I'll revive it when I definitely retire.

I wish to add what has not been noticed so far: The ehtnic Khmers are no longer running their country (Cambodia belongs to them in the first place. Their country is actually run by Cambodians of Khmer descent, Chinese descent, Vietnamse descent, Cham descent, Thai descent, and indignenous people's(Khmer Loeu)descent. The ethnic Khmers are disappearing. Sad, isn't it?

LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong

Anonymous said...

I just like to say that in country with rules of laws, you cannot be at the same time "Public servant and businessman ". It is fully conflict of interest. To check through if Kong Triv is a con or a good citizen, check his company tax return. I was told that he was a cowboy when he has opened a bank and was closed down and didn't paid a cent to his depositors because he knew how to bribe Hun sen to keep every quiet. I was also been told that he has amassed his first fortune from Mr Hap who has fled Sihanouk ville in the 80". He robbed Mr Hap not only his stocks but Mr Hap'wife as well. He paid hundred of thousand of dollars to Hun Sen to bear the name of Oknha to be able to steal more from public assets like Cigarets factorie.

Anonymous said...

My dear readers,

Whatever Lao Mong Hay was trying to convey was only his own personal point of view, I emphasize the word "personal". Please do not take it so seriously as it is not factual and it is not a matter of historical debate.
The Cambodian Chinese that I know are very unique and resilient. They have been abused, victimised knocked down and yet they got up and chose to stay in Cambodia when they had a choice to go and live in countries like USA and France and so on...
Who in this world can make the best "Kouy Teav Phnom Penh", "Cafe Au Lait", "Pate Chaud" & " Croissants".
The Chinese of Cambodia ought to be admired by their tolerance and hard work, even though they could be seen at times as cowards as they have never been involved in Cambodian politics.
In the seventies, many of the Chinese properties have been destroyed by the ransacking rage of students. Many have lost everything. Yet, they have never complained nor taken revenge nor asked for any compensation which could never be duly rewarded..
They also shared the same sufferings like many other Cambodians in the dark years of Pol Pot terror...
And now, what we see are only a few survivors of the ethnic Chinese who try to go on with their normal life.
Please think that the Chinese in Cambodia are not China and China is not these Chinese who are in a way, adopted brothers and sisters of Khmers.
Let there be love...

Anonymous said...

This guy make me sick! I am so outrage right now. I wish somebody assinate this bastard this minute. The bastards that let chinese people hold Cambodia's high office and working for chinese whole heartedly, let them die with most painful death. This arrogant son of bitch has the nerve to show his face to the reporters and sounded proud of his speech. This is why we need to fight fire with fire; using words will not go through their heads. We can't be civilized with these people. If I have my way, the 4 chinese sinators will not see china again. Also, the thai and the vietnamese sinators will only see their family in hell.

Anonymous said...

"Chinese who try to go on with their normal life.
Please think that the Chinese in Cambodia are not China and China is not these Chinese who are in a way, adopted brothers and sisters of Khmers.
Let there be love..."

I support your wise view and compassion.. Slowdown your hate that lead to killing. Stop thinking like KR (Kill without Rest).

Anonymous said...



Anonymous said...

Decades before Sihanouk joined the communist camp, many chinese in cambodia learned to assimilate, love and put cambodia in their heart as their own country. Since Sihanouk became a communist, the then new chinese no longer need to learn to be khmers. They are becoming master of khmer race through favoritism and power granted to them by Sihanouk. Children born to those chinese did not need to partake the cambodian education and acculturate the cambodian culture.

Today, it is worse. Chinese and vietnamese who come to live in Cambodia are only economic immigrants and colonizing force. They all owe allegiance to their respective native countries. They do not identify themselve with cambodians. They have no concern that khmers as a nation, her cultural heritage, tradition and most of all her national sovereignty, territorial integrity are irreversibly disappearing.

They, Vietnamese and chinese, are competing to anihilate and colonize khmer nation since the Khmer rouge era until now. The two nation are the mastermind of the massacre of more than 2 millions khmers. Today they are devouring the carcases of the dead khmer saul.

Today, chineses who adhere and pledge alligiance to china are easily distinguished.

Decendants of chinese immigrants who are born in Cambodia and who have no attachment to the china must decide their own identity.

If khmer is to survive as a nation, she must count everyone who identify themselves as khmer, regardless of his/her ethinic origin, paid allegiance to khmer nation and fight for her sovereignty, integrity territorial, equal justice etc...

Those who serve the interest of their native country are not khmers and should be treated as such in accordance to international rule of law for illigal immigrants. These people should not be accorded citizenship right, ownership right much less right to hold senate seat or any governmental position.

The cases of Kong Triv and the like stand to demonstrate the loss of national identity and sovereignty on the part of the khmer nation today.

For those who consider themselves khmers and want to be part of an independant and sovereign nation, with right to pursuit happiness without interfering from foreign powers, regardless of your ethnic origin, you should stand up to be counted as khmers.

Anonymous said...

147pm wrote like he/she is either a member of the Ku Klux Klan or Jean Marie Le Pen.
Such a nonsensical piece of writing...