Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Experts call for South-East Asian indoor smoking ban [-Hun Sen wouldn't allow such ban in Cambodia]

Chain-smoking Hun Sen (Photo: AP)

Wed, 04 Jul 2007


Bangkok - Anti-tobacco lobbyists called Wednesday on the governments of South-East Asia - home to 10 per cent of the world's 1.25 billion cigarette smokers - to ban smoking in all indoor workplaces. The South-East Asia Tobacco Control Alliance used an international conference in Bangkok of members to the UN Framework Convention on Tobacco Control to urge the governments of the Association of South-East Asian Nations (ASEAN) to ban smoking in the workplace.

"In this group of 10 countries, 1 million people die from smoking-related diseases every year," alliance coordinator Bungon Ritthiphakdee told the conference, referring to ASEAN members Brunei, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Myanmar, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand and Vietnam.

Nations attending the Bangkok conference on Tuesday unanimously endorsed a global health standard urging governments to adopt laws requiring smoke-free workplaces and public places.

The proposal was expected to be officially approved by the full conference before it concludes Friday.

Once adopted, member governments would be urged to pass laws banning smoking in the workplace.

The conference is also mulling new treaties that would tighten rules on the illicit trade in tobacco products and ban intra-regional advertisements of cigarettes.


Anonymous said...

While the world try to do good thing to our human like banning the cigarettes from
bars,clubs,working area,school and recently some countries at homes.
Mr.Cambodian Prime minister he shows the illiterate and ignorance human being,but you know here is my comment with my personal experiences ,while I was trying to persuade my friend from smoking,he backed fire on me a lot,unfortunate he died painfully ,his lungs intestines and back bone the cancer took control until they breaks some parts and parts a way. It turn to mr. Prime minister
Hun Shit this kind of habit will defeat him it self, Hun Sen you are so damn sexy
like cigarette commercial on the board, if Cambodian can't kill you, your weapon in your fingers will.
Thank lord Buddha

Anonymous said...

this all guys are chkaer kannchass
Cambodia mass destuction.

Anonymous said...

Just hope this guy will die from smoking soon.

Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Sen + Chain smoking = Go to Hell 2008

Anonymous said...

Khmer Rouge Faces is become a Millionairs.