Wednesday, July 04, 2007

F’pec “royal” soap opera redux: Ranariddh asked to return back as F’pec party president

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

One day after Prince Thomico decided to join the Funcinpec, on Thuesday, this party called on Prince Norodom Ranariddh, its former president, to return back to his former position. The Cambodia Daily reported that vice-prime minister Lu Laysreng, Funcinpec party first vice-president, will convene a congress to accept Prince Ranariddh back as its president, but that the prince must first accept his title as party historical president. Lu Laysreng told The Cambodia Daily by phone that all Funcinpec party members want the prince to be the party president. He went on to compare the rupture of Funcinpec and the prince to a divorce between a husband and wife, but that such divorce can be reconciled. Keo Puth Rasmey, current Funcinpec president, said that the party’s door is open for the prince. Muth Chantha, NRP spokesman, said that his party does not accept a dishonorable resolution, but if there is a good resolution, the prince will think about it.


Anonymous said...

FUNCINPEC is really hopeless. It has turned out to be a completely useless party. It's time for it to die! Let's hope that the Cambodian voters become a little bit smarter and put a final blow to FUNCINPEC in the 2008 election.

Anonymous said...

Very ashamed for ah Sdech Krom Pret

ah Sdech Krom Pret, don't forget return four millions $ back to Funcipec headquarter and stay in jail after return back the money if you want to come back

Anonymous said...