Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Kampong Thom Villagers Protest Land Grab

Seng Ratana, VOA Khmer
Original report from Phnom Penh

About 70 representatives from families in nine Kampong Thom villages met this week to protest an alleged land theft by a former ruling party commune chief.

The former chief, Nuon Daok, from Cralorng commune, has begun growing beans and building fences on public land that should serve the community's interest, villagers alleged.

The new chief, Phat Bunphiep, who belongs to the opposition Sam Rainsy Party, told VOA Khmer the people want their land back.

Villager Kha Luy said the old chief was using the land for himself but called the land "a public asset, not private property."

"Please do whatever can be done to take back this ball field and make it a place to continue to serve the public," villager Huth Samy said.

Nuon Daok, who is now the commune's second clerk, said he listed the land at the office of titles in 1995 and has grown crops there ever since.

When the new chief came into power, he began inciting people, Nuon Daok said, adding that he himself had filed a complaint in the courts.

"It depends on the law," he said. "If the law says that I should return the land to be state land, then I will return it."


Anonymous said...

Read ah Hun Sen and his family corruptions:

Anonymous said...

The more you protest the more reason they have to take your land. YOU can change all of that with one vote.

Vote for change
Vote for HRP
Vote for SRP

Please just vote.

Anonymous said...

Yes vote for change.
If you vote for CPP, they can only give you Sarong, Mee, Soy souce for just a week.
But if you vote for SRP or other, they will give your rights for life and give you democrocy forever.
Please vote to change.