Saturday, July 14, 2007

Khmer Intelligence News - 14 July 2007

Khmer Rouge Tribunal will not really start before the death of Nuon Chea (2)

The ruling Cambodian People's Party (CPP) will continue to use different tricks to block the newly-formed Khmer Rouge Tribunal, which could start to effectively and significantly move forward only after the death of Nuon Chea, who is now 82-year-old and seriously ill. Known also as "Brother number 2", Nuon Chea could reveal facts showing the involvement of some high-ranking officials of the current government in the mass killings perpetrated under the Pol Pot regime.

A possible but not credible president for the Anti Corruption Commission (2)

Bin Chhin, former president of the Constitutional Council and a member of the CPP Permanent Committee, could be appointed president of the to-be-formed National Anti Corruption Commission, pending the adoption by the National Assembly of the long-awaited Anti Corruption Law.

Second step in the disenfranchisement of non-CPP voters (2)

To secure landslide election victories before voting day, the ruling CPP is implementing a two-step strategy based on manipulation of voter list:

1- Preventing non-CPP supporters from casting their ballots:

At the 1 April 2007 commune council election, with the full support of the National Election Committee (NEC) and the Interior Ministry that controls all the village chiefs, the CPP succeeded in preventing some 2 million "suspicious" potential voters (25 percent of the electorate) from casting their ballots. The techniques used against those perceived as non-CPP supporters included confiscation or retention of voter identification documents, administrative harassment, withholding of accurate/relevant information and dissemination of false/misleading information, intimidating and/or paying people not to go to vote.

2- Deleting the names of non-CPP supporters from the voter list:

For the upcoming 27 July 2008 national election, the CPP is trying to delete from the voter list the names of citizens identified by CPP-affiliated village chiefs as non-CPP supporters. In every commune, starting 12 July 2007, the voter list is going through a "cleaning" process whereby the commune authorities are supposed to delete the names of people who are "dead", "unknown", "cannot be found", "have already been registered", "have moved out of the commune", or are "foreigners with no voting right." Actually and more importantly, by using the pretexts "unknown", "cannot be found", and "have moved" put forward by village chiefs, the commune authorities are deleting the names of those perceived as non-CPP supporters. Therefore, through this "cleaning" process, the CPP and the NEC are legalizing and making permanent the political exclusion of those who were not able to vote on 1 April 2007 for artificial reasons (see point 1 above).

Read protest letter and suggestions in English from the parliamentary opposition to the UNDP by clicking here.

Salaries suspended for VOD employees (2)

According to a July 5 statement by the Truth Committee founded by former employees of the embattled Cambodian Center for Human Rights (CCHR), employees of Voice of Democracy (VOD) -- a radio program run for a long time by the CCHR -- have not been paid for two months (May and June). The financial trouble is reportedly due to corruption and embezzlement when the CCHR was led by Kem Sokha, who now leads the Human Rights Party (HRP). Kem Sokha was summoned by the Court on June 28 but has asked to appear before the Court only after a HRP congress on July 22.

Read statement by the Truth Committee in Khmer by clicking here.

Read related press article in Khmer by clicking here.



Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is a thief like his boss Ah Sen.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha only cares about his fame - that why he steals the money from NGO to make political party for Ah Sen.

Anonymous said...

If you guys take the "truth commission" of former CCHR's staffs that seriously, you are crazy! SRP, stop this bullshit. You know the corrupted people in truth commission who all were fired from CCHR.

Member of the truth commission also sue many other people for defamation--they are obviously a true lover of democracy and free speech.

When Kem Sokha said "they have political reasons" for suing him, the so-called truth commission sued him for defamation. Look at all the many untrue statement issued by them?

Oh by the way, Chhim Pavarun, used to run an NGO name the German-Cambodian Association who lose all its funding because of corruption and would not allow auditor to audit. Now he is the masterminded because he is an advisor of CPP's tycoon Ang Bun Uv of the AZ company that taking the tolls for national road 4?

Nhem Vanthorn, who sued other for defamation as well, used to run an NGO called "coalition for transparency" and lost all of its little funding it got because he is corrupted and slow (mentally slow as well)

Where's your principle SRP? If this is the road you want to take, then You want to hear about the SRP? The corrupted Sonn Chhay who switched party all the time? Calling people who switched party monkey, then isn't Sonn Chhay one? What about Mu Sochua who after failing to get seat in Funcipec switched party? What kind of monkey is that?

Corruption? Sonn Chhay admitted to corruption and claimed he is innocent because he "thought the $10,000" was a gift from the CPP without "conditions".

Want to talk about Eng Chhay Eang, the former secretary general? He admitted to gambling addiction but don't tell me you guys don't know he is still gambling and burying himself from debt to the CPP? Don't tell me the National authority is not effective since he is the vice president also?

Don't tell me about the NEC not independent and you have two guys (Som Chandina and Phirith) as member of the NEC and also as corrupted.

Want to talk about the clean Sam Rainsy who received money all the time from Kit Meng who is the rich advisor to Hun Sen?

This is exactly what Hun Sen wants, the fighting between SRP and Kem Sokha. But yet it is the SRP who is the fool because of the arrogance and stubborn.

Anonymous said...

citing the article written by SRP (Maneakseka Khmer is SRP's)is unintelligent and show how little people in cambodia pay attention and believe this. It is now showing how SRP really works, making all accusations regardless of the truth to destroy others.

Anonymous said...

This truth commission is nothing and Nhem Vanthorn, its president is nobody. I used to meet him and could observe the way he talked and acted. Nothing like that of an interlectual.

That`s true he used to run an organization without sucess.

I don`t like corruption and don`t like the fact that Khem Sokha turned from NGO president to a party president. But at least, I apreciated what he had done.

He had convinced USAID and IRI to fund him some million dollar which created hundreds of position for the unemployed Cambodians. How many Cambodians were able to do like what he has done?

I also appreciated what Nhem Vanthorn has done in terms of fighting corruption. But look at the results, so many people lost the jobs. And in the forseable future people will not able to listen to VOD which always bring them a reliable information. Can Nhem Vanthorn be an alternative for what is lost?

I guess Nhem Vanthorn and his cliques is happy with the result, no CCHR, no VOD, unemployment...

Phnom Penh

Anonymous said...

THANK YOU 5:56 PM....your comment speaks thousand words.

Rainsy, you better stop attacking KS. A few months ago you met KS in Phnom Penh and promissed not to attack each other anymore. Look! what have you done now? You are a broke your promiss.

You always use a few of your newspapers and KI to put down or attack KS. Then when KS returns it to you, you again use your media to scream to the world.

Rainsy, when KS wanted to join you, you turned him down. Do you think that no one knew about this? You are wrong. A lot of your top leaders still remember how you treated KS and they learned this unforgetable lesson from you.

Now KS is building his own road and you try every ways to block it and defame KS. You are a smart ass.

I don't like KS forming a new party either but it is better than doing nothing and joining a stupid ass like you.

Anonymous said...

Kem Sokha is a liar and a thief (JAO!). He said he would not run for political party and later he did. He said he would only run for political party if Sam Raingsy did not come back to Cambodia, but lied and started his own party after SR returns.

He steals the money from NGO, so now IRI gives no more money to them, and now there is not more VOD.

Kem Sokha is a liar and theif, he does corruption to hire his own family for his old NGO (no family members were fired) and he is POISON for Cambodia.