Sunday, July 08, 2007

KI-Media will be back on Friday 13 July 2007

Dear KI-Media Readers,

We regret to inform you that between Sunday, July 8, 2007 and Thursday, July 12, 2007, KI-Media blog will not be updated as our team members have decided to a short sabbatical leave, as well as a short break from the 24/7 schedule (in fact our team members live in various time zones which allow us to more or less follow the news around the clock) they have kept up in order to maintain the blog. We will return back on Friday, July 13, 2007 (Cambodia time).

We deeply apologize to our readers for this inconvenience.

During our absence, may we suggest the sources of news on Cambodia below. Please click on each link to reach each of these news sources.

News in English:

News in Khmer:
We would also appreciate it very much if you would please provide us your suggestion(s) on how to improve KI-Media blog (either as a comment to this post, or by sending us an email to

Thank you very much! See you back on Friday!

KI-Media team


Anonymous said...

Dear KI Team,

Thank you so much for your invaluable contribution....I am gratefully learned from your good commitment to serve us.

Deepest regards.....and have a nice time.


Anonymous said...

I think KI-media can do more by forming a team in Cambodia to take pictures and perhaps a story or two. It would be nice to have pictures inside Cambodia posting on the site everyday. Picture of poor living condition, nature, people, places, government officials(so we know who they are), the rich/poor people, river, land, mountain,food, drinks, shopping plazas, criminal,etc. another word everything inside cambodia. You know what they say: picture speaks a thousand words.

Anonymous said...

Please come sooner. We cannot live without you people. I love you and your great work. Keeps it up, Sires/Madames.

from Germany

Anonymous said...

I love to visite this address every night .
That's importen to me . KI is the thrue comment, suguesion, from everwher under the whole word.

there are no KI , there is no clue
so, please be right back. i'm looking for ward to see you soon

From Australia

Anonymous said...

Ok have a great time. Thanks for the news. See you again soon.

California, USA

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much KI. you have been doing a great job for years to bring sensitive News inside and outside of Cambodia to the public, mostly Cambodian, around the world.

And you deserve a break like everybody else.

Enjoy and have fun...


Anonymous said...

Thank you.

Svay Rieng, Cambodia

Anonymous said...

Dearest KI,

You have done a great job for our Cambodian land and for our true Khmer people around the world.

We knew how Cambodia problems existed, but still the good, honest and loyal Khmers can not unite to form an alternative forces to serve our beloved motherland and our beloved true Khmer people, on behalf of YUON, VIETMINH, YUON SLAVE CPP and many of the Royal's crooks.

Do KI know somethings to solve these prolongs problems of ours???

Have a nice break and may God bless you always.

Anonymous said...

Thank you KI. Have a nice break.
California, USA

Anonymous said...

Yes. Very fine job. Keep it up. And enjoy the break!

Anonymous said...

Let's do it NOW!

Let's do it by joining Hun Sen to finish off those Khmers/Cambodians that survived the Killing Fields because they are those that have been and are currently suffering the most. Why prolonging the agony! Hun Sen cannot touch those so-called Viet-Cambodians that have been allowed to emigrate and settle in Cambodia during these last three decades and now making up the so-called majority in Cambodia that in turn help and vote for Hun Sen to stay in power again and again and as one has put it, for life! Never again Khmers can be the majority because they are either dying of AIDS or being quietly/discretly liquidated/eliminated by the so-called current Viet-Cambodian majority.

Let's do it by caving in and submitting all of us to our master Viet as do Sihanouk, Sihamony, Rannarith and the rest of the current monarchy whether it be Norodom or Sisowatt or otherwise. We all must respect and revere and kowtow our King Father for life - Norodom Sihanouk. Our King Father, Norodom Sihanouk loves the Viet, so must we.

Let's do it by continueing to baby and pamper our new national Viet-Cambodian for we may be called upon as being racist otherwise. Our supreme Samdech Hun Sen has chosen peace and stability so we can quickly Vietnamize Cambodia and welcome and embrace our new nation known as Federation of Indochina. Our Samdech Hun Sen has been working hard to get millions and millions of dollars each year to make our new national Viet-Cambodian model entrepreneurs land-grabbers and future model citizens of the Federation of Indochina.

Let's dot it together because we have got nothing to lose but those lazy, stupid, dump, and ignorant khmers left-over from the killing fields that we are now in the process of finishing them off under the supreme leadership of Somdech Hun Sen and King father's son Samdech Sihamony and the very watchful eyes of our supreme leaders Viet Hanoi!

Let's put an end to the sufferings of Khmer people and let's do it NOW!

What do we say?

Anonymous said...

I am grateful to KI-teamwork who has committed to bring live carpet of hot news from Cambodia. I wish you have a wonderful break time.

The effort of KI reflects the reality occurring in Cambodia that government is holding strong the national mass media not to allow broadcasting opposition's opinion. So KI has played important role to bring this biased practice of Hun Sen government to the world.

Hun Sen government corporates with Kiev Kannarith's personal institution, a notorious minister of Information Ministry have undertaking the mission of illiterate Cambodian people.

They don't want to give chance to Cambodian people to develop themselves to be an educated citizen through the comsumption of national mass media. They want Cambodia people to learn only from one side "government propaganda". Cambodian people will continue to stay weak and uneducated because they have learned only from one source through the national mass media.

In developed countries with their smart leadership, national mass media belongs to every party, every one and every institution. It uses the taxation of the people and it must be fairly distributed to all people to express their opinion. Importantly, when the people learn/hear/listen from all sides and all opinions, they will have a fair judgement and correct decision of how to destine the future of their nation.

One country to be survived doesn't depend on one or only few persons(elitists), but depend on the whole citizen who have learned from the very diverse sources of national mass media...not only one side opinion of Hun Sen government or Kiev Kannarith.

KI, with her genuine national patriot and tiredless effort has tried to bring us the unbiased media to the world. Though, there are less people who can be able to access to internet, KI has played its pure essence to provide direct education to Cambodian people and people around the world.

I personally don't see any good intention of Hun Sen government and Kiev Kannarith's information management to work for the sake of Cambodia and her nation...they are explicitly trying to dump Cambodian people to become the barbaric citizens through learning from only one source/side/opinion/party/media ; and those people will never see the bright light of their nation future.


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Fine job, 5:54PM, but flattering Hun Sen in writing won't do you any good! You will need to be in his inner circle to help him achieve his goal and ambition, which you have so graphically described here.

The Khmer people have survived for the past 6 centuries through colonisation and genocide by the two powerful neighbours: Thailand and Vietnam. Now, China also has a share of that little Khmer pie on the table. With those colluded monkeys in charge of Cambodia, the Khmer fate is sealed. The only question for the surviving Khmers is to which master should they be enslaved.

There were 13 comments earlier, so I've added another one to avoid the unlucky 13 when KI Media returns on Friday 13th! Have a good break, KI Media Team, and keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

12:08 PM,

Flattering Hun Sen? Superstition? Why can't you just participate?

Anonymous said...

Thank you very much KI-teamwork for your commitment with this blog.

I am looking forward to hear from you soon...

A Khmer from BC, Canada

Anonymous said...

Not sure what 12:18 AM is babbling about...