Saturday, July 07, 2007

KKF appeals to international governments and agencies to end human rights abuses against KK in Cambodia and Vietnam


June 30, 2007

To Whom It May Concern:

On behalf of the Khmers Kampuchea-Krom Federation (KKF) representing the indigenous Khmer-Krom people of the Mekong Delta (South Vietnam) and the Khmer-Krom diasporas around the world, I would like to seek your immediate attention and support to end the Khmer-Krom prosecution of Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks by Vietnamese Communist (VC) government and Cambodian government.

Since a peaceful demonstration partaking with two hundred Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks on 8th February 2007 to request for a religious freedom, the Vietnamese government have arrested, intimidated, defrocked, and imprisoned nineteen Khmer Krom Buddhist monks. Five defrocked Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks are currently being imprisoned for 2 to 4 years in Khleang (renamed Soc Trang) province for allegedly organizing the demonstration.

In response to the injustice, the Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks living in Cambodia organized a peaceful demonstration in front of the Vietnamese Embassy in Phnom Penh capital on 27 February 2007. Venerable Eang Sok Thoeun, 32 years old, was found with his throat slit while residing in a temple in the Kandal province, Cambodia. He was murdered just hours after participating in a peaceful demonstration to demand Vietnam release his fellow Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks in Khleang province.

The Cambodia authority prohibited the investigation of Venerable Eang Sok Theoun’s case. His body was immediately buried at 3AM by the Cambodia local authority. The Cambodia authority even prohibited Venerable Eang Sok Thoeun’s family and his fellow Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks in Cambodia to organize a formal Buddhist funeral service for him.

On April 20, 2007, the Cambodia authority used a violent group of Cambodian monks who served for the Cambodia authority to beat up Khmer Krom monks conducting a peaceful demonstration in front of the Vietnamese Embassy. Venerable Lim Yuth, 23 years old, was injured when a rock was thrown by the opposing monk and hit his left eyebrow.

On June 30, 2007, Venerable Tim Sa Khorn, Abbot of North Phnom-Denh temple in Phnom-Denh village, Karivong District, Takeo province, Cambodia, was summoned to meet the Head Monk of the Takeo province at Takeo city. After the meeting, the Cambodia authority and the Head Monk accused Venerable Tim Sa Khorn of using his temple as a place “to propagate activities that divide the relationship between Cambodia and Vietnam” The Cambodian police then ordered the Head Monk to defrock Venerable Tim Sa Khorn. At this time, the whereabouts and the fate of Venerable Tim Sa Khorn remains unknown.

What is more disturbing is the fact that the letter to defrock Venerable Tim Sa Khorn was secretly approved on February 17, 2007 by Venerable Tep Vong who is the “King” of Cambodian Buddhist monks in Cambodia, but the people in Cambodia did not know about it until today. That approved letter was translated from Khmer to Vietnamese and the VC government distributed and posted the letter across all Khmer-Krom Buddhist temples in South Vietnam. It is a clear act of intimidation to suppress further human rights activities and movement by Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks who want to standup for their religious rights.

In this regards, I would like to urgently appeal for your assistance to:
  • To intervene by urging the Cambodia government, Prime Minister Hun Sen, to release and re-ordain Venerable Tim Sa Khorn without any condition.
  • Urge the Cambodian King to help protect Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks in Cambodia, who are facing severe punishment for using human rights tools to express their concerns.
  • Urge UNHCR in Cambodia to help protect the Khmer-Krom Buddhist monks currently vulnerable to attacks by both Cambodian authorities and Vietnamese secret agents.
  • Pressure the Vietnam government and Cambodia government to oblige in accordance to their constitution and United Nations treaties, in particular to the International Freedom of Religion Act.
  • Ask that Vietnam be reinstated in the list of the Countries of Particular Concern.
As an indigenous organization representing the Khmer Krom people, we are particular concern with the unfold events in Cambodia and Vietnam. The issue isn’t just about religious freedom; it is about their right to basic fundamental freedoms and rights. Peaceful Buddhist monks using human rights instruments are being severely punished by the Cambodian government without any help from external organization or government. We call on your intervention to stop such abuses and help to work with the Cambodian and Vietnamese government promote the movement of human rights and democracy.

Respectfully Yours,

Thach Ngoc Thach


Anonymous said...

Mr. Thach Ngoc Thach, I am really support you fight for freedom to our KHMER KROM or Khmers included. With all kind of oppressions to our people we should address all matters to the UN UNPO and real Cambodian people. We have been suffered too much. When is the world will give us our right back? Look at East Timor, they have less than KHMER KROM population. We have almost the same amount of population as the Khmer Kandal (Kingdom of Cambodia) and East Timor only have 800,000 or less than a million but they really fortunate to have thier independent. Cry, what about us? Come on KOUN KHMER stand up! HUN SEN Stop this human rights abuse. For so many generation we always know the suffering. End this KHMER killing KHMER. If KHMER united we will be strong. Talk more later. May lord Buddha bless all KHMERS.

Anonymous said...

Dear Homy, while the world peeling the eyes watching Cambodian situations ,Hun Shit,Tep Vong, Non Nget ,khiev Kanarith start showing their dirty gut and show the world that the fascist,Pol Pot,Mao Se Tung,Ho Chiminh,Hitler and Lenine still living in the twenty first century in Cambodia our home land.
They are forgetting we can contact the world in the seconds,I hope thing goes around comes around remember 1978 and 1979 before POL POT regime go to hell? It the same what Hun Sen is doing bad thing to us right now, Hun goes up now Time for Hun to go down, we have to hang them like Iraqi People did that to Saddam Hussein or Saddam Hun Sen.

Long Live Cambodian PPL!
Go to hell Hun Sen and his regime!!!!

Anonymous said...

Lok Poo (Uncle), please keep up the good work. Only you that KHMER KROM or KHMERs depend on. At least you soudn more intelligent than those Pretend to be KHMER in Phnom Penh. I am proud of you. Bravo to all KHMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

dear ,Mr. Thach Ngoc Thach..!
You are khmer Hero...!
you are better off than all dogs serve yuon in srok khmer.
remember you are not alone,you dare to fight with youn communist.
unlike Pouk Ah dogs serve youn and Pouk dogs Tep vong ngoun nhet.
khmer kandal 1975

Anonymous said...

I am really impressed with all the works made by KKF for the destiny of KK. Please carry on your noble mission to liberate KK. Do not connect your work with Khmer King and Royal family at all. They are mostly useless. They are looking for their own interest only. They cannot help for this cause at all. Sihanouk has brought Cambodia into a nearly completed desastrous in 1970-1975 by working with KR and is now working with Hun Sen who is also one of the most obstruction to KK liberation and freedom. Bravo KK.

Anonymous said...

KKF isn't looking for a liberation free separate state. I think we all know that is impossible now. If you read about KKF's stance, its freedom of religion, expression, and political association etc. Basically your basic rights. Most importantly it is Freedom of Self-Determination. Self-Determination does not necessarily mean secceeding state. It means that you are able to choose your own destiny, future, you plan your own development base on your social belief and cultural practices and follow your own political party and association.

Basically it comes down to the protection and rights of indigenous people to self-govern themselves according to their own custom and laws without national government interfrence. Vietnam can barely guanrantee basic rights right now. The Khmer people's work in South Vietnam has a long road. I admire their committement and aspirations. It is time Vietnam give voice and representation to our people and the NGOS that represent them.