Friday, July 20, 2007

Laos agrees for Cambodia to build the Dong Kralor road [-Why does Cambodia need to ask Laos what to do in Cambodia?]

Thursday, July 19 2007
Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

The Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper reported that Laos agreed for Cambodia to rebuild the road section linking Dong Kralor to Laos National Road 13 following a dispute that lasted more than one year. The agreement was signed the Cambodian minister of public works and transportation, and the Chinese and Lao ambassadors in Cambodia, at the ministry of public works on 18 July 2007. The Lao ambassador said that the signing ceremony ends all obstacles to the construction of the 6 kilometers road section. Sun Chanthol, the minister of public works, said the road section is part of the National Road No. 7 rebuilt by the Chinese Shanghai company, which is almost completed. The Chinese company will joint the road section to the Laos National Road 13, the $2.5 million cost of the construction was covered by a grant from the Chinese government. It will take at least another 6 months before this road section will be completed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Bunches of dumb fuck that is! How stupid can these Vietcong slaves get just to build a road in their own country and they need to have an agreement from other country! This is so ridiculous! Give me a shovel and I like to hit his head with it!

Dam stupid mother fucker!