Sunday, July 15, 2007

UN Official: No official news about the disappearing Monk

14 July 2007
By Keo Nimol
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

There is still no official news on the whereabouts of Monk Tim Sakhorn, the abbot of Phnom Den North pagoda who disappeared since his defrocking.

A group of national and international human rights officials declared on 13 July that there are several rumors regarding the disappearance of Monk Tim Sakhorn. Some claimed to have seen him in Prek Russei in Vietnam, while others said they have seen him in Takeo province. “Until now, I only receive unconfirmed information, but I sent my officers to investigate this case,” a human rights official said.

Regarding the declaration made by Thach Ngoc Thach, the President of the Khmer Kampuchea-Krom Federation (KKF) in the world, which stated that Monk Tim Sakhorn is still alive and is currently jailed in Vietnam, there is no official confirmation about this information yet.

An anonymous human rights official said that the disappearance of Monk Tim Sakhorn after his defrocking can be considered as a kidnapping case because if he is accused of committing a religious mistake, after his defrocking, he becomes a simple citizen protected by the laws of Cambodia, and if he committed other mistakes, the authority can officially charge him according to the law, he should not be forced into a car which took him away without informing his own family.

The same human rights official added: “Such action seems to be fraught with extreme mystery, and for example, if he committed something wrong, he can only be defrocked, he cannot be deported and they cannot hide his whereabouts like this, it is not right.”

The group of human rights organizations representing the family of Monk Tim Sakhorn, sent a complaint to the Takeo provincial court on the kidnapping case, asking the court to help find Monk Tim Sakhorn.

Khieu Kanharith, the ministry of the information, and Khieu Sopheak, spokesman of the ministry of interior, could not be contacted to obtain further information on the current whereabouts of Monk Tim Sakhorn.

A source indicated that a KKF delegation plans to visit Cambodia and meet with leaders of the ministry of Interior to ask about the disappearance of Monk Tim Sakhorn.

Recently, former king Norodom Sihanouk forwarded to prime minister Hun Sen, a letter from Thach Setha, President of the Khmer Kampuchea Krom Community, regarding Monk Tim Sakhorn, asking Hun Sen to help clarify this case. So far, there is no response from Hun Sen.

Monk Tim Sakhorn was accused of creating a movement to break the solidarity between Cambodia and Vietnam and of participating in two demonstrations opposing Vietnam.

A letter issued by supreme patriarch Tep Vong dated 12 July, indicated that Monk Tim Sakhorn voluntarily returned to Vietnam after his defrocking, and there was no Cambodian authority which forced him to return to Vietnam at all.

However, the spokesman of the Vietnamese embassy in Cambodia told RFA that the issue of Monk Tim Sakhorn is an internal affair of Cambodia. Monk Tim Sakhorn was the abbot of the Phnom Den North pagoda, he was defrocked last 30 June 2007.


Anonymous said...

To SRP's KI,

If calling people who switched party "jumping monkey" or "political prostitute" then don't forget to include the newly recruit 4 people who just joined SRP (Khiu Rada, etc.) and others who have been long time political prostitute like Sonn Chhay, Mu Sochua, etc.

"Politics without Principle is a deadly sin", Gandhi.

Anonymous said...

You should go back the school to learn English to improve your comprehension. The article entitle"The political prostitute" does not mean changing a party is an act of prostitution.

Anonymous said...

First and foremost, I would like to proudly declare that I'm a true Buddhist; in fact, the tradition was customarily passed on to me (from my parents), therefore, I'm relatively and elatedly proud to practice Buddhism. Having said that, let me say this: I'm not afraid to curse at Tep Vong (this bastard does not deserve to be called “Patriarch” or “Supreme”). Further, I have two words for comrade Tep Vong: "Fuck you!" Your egregious and hideous complicity against "Khmer," particularly pregnable Khmer Khrom, is ignominiously and unacceptably disservice to our motherland. Moreover, remember, your days are numbered! You will be anathematized by our people.

Again, comrade Tep Vong, go fuck yourself. I have no respect for a monk like you.

You (Tep Vong), your demise is imminent, and when that occurs—I would like to spit on your grave on behalf of all Cambodian people!

May Buddha bless all Khmer people and its motherland!

Fuck you, Tep Vong

Anonymous said...

It is amazing that no high ranking stupid Cambodian officials in AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave government know anything when dealing with the disappearance of Cambodian people! This is the classic case of assassination done by AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave again to silent Cambodian people! I want to know much longer AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave continue to kill Cambodian people just to make them shut up? So much for the Cambodian concept of …Nation…Religion…King…..

AH HUN SEN will be AH SOK and he is a walking dead man!

Anonymous said...

My fellow reader, I feel the same feeling you all are ! Its good we are keeping intouch with information and all on the same level of what going on back home. further more, i suggest we all inform all khmer people, our friend, neighbor and the younger generation what going on with our history, present. And yes, the younger generation is the future " our future " . OUR HISTORY AND CULTURE IS SO VALUE-ABLE, THAT WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LAY BACK AND LET IT BE FORGOTTEN. PLEASE, I WILL DO MY PART, AND YOU , DO YOUR PART OKAY. ( WE CAN'T AFFORD TO LET EVIL AND IDOITS WIN ) WE DON'T WANT TO BE RULED BY ANY OF THEM EVEN TRAITOR.


Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Kwak Sen knows only $$$$$ that's all.

Anonymous said...

In BO VET {Cambodia Border),
One woman in her 50, told me... the Vietnamese extensed power line into Cambodia and arrogantly told the villagers that "wherever there is power line from Vietnam can go, there is vietnamese land, sometime they shot in the air to scare people off their land"

Our government do nothing, but to turn the blind eyes on. Is this government serving the best interest of it people?

Anonymous said...

Do mair ah saker ahn yeay leng leng vear yeay men men!

Anonymous said...

That is so funny for King N.Sihamony, He is a Khmer King but he did not know what's happen and where is Tim Sakhon at? It's seem he work for only Hun Sen Party Blood, not a khmer blood.comment by Prohok Khmer lived in Lynn Mass.