Thursday, July 19, 2007

NRP Sao Rany sues Sralanh Khmer

Wednesday, July 18, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Sao Rany, NRP deputy secretary-general, sent a complaint to the Phnom Penh municipal court suing Sralanh Khmer newspaper (SLK) for defamation after SLK published an article titled “Sao Rany’s daughter warned Samdech Krom Preah (Ranariddh) that if he does not listen to Papa (Sao Rany), she will reveal their secret love affair.” The article dated 17 July sent Sao Rany into a rage and he immediately sent a complaint to the court. Sao Rany told the Kampuchea Thmei newspaper that he does not want to sue a reporter, however he can’t take it anymore because SLK published this issue again and again with the aim of defaming his family. He said that even if he is a politician, he never considers any reporter as his enemy, even if these newspapers published political articles cursing him, however, he said the SLK article is envious of his personal family. Sao Rany said that he told his lawyer to send the complaint to the court and he does not want any monetary compensation or apologies, he said that this decision should be made by judges who will provide justice.


Anonymous said...

SRP's Sralahn Khmer went to far. They deserve this.

Anonymous said...

Yeh...Yeh...Yeh...If it is true why not publish the article again and again and I don't what the different! I mean the story is already out there and people already know about it and I don't understand why Soa Rany is all pissed!

Sometime when newspaper writers ran out of stuff to write and they resort to recycle old materials for the newspaper! I read it all the time but sometime I just read the headline and throw it away!

Anonymous said...

This is the Root of Funcinpecc and NRP we already are well aware about this which also revealed the Royal Dirtiness of Runrot who shall not be respected by our innocent people.
Dear Copatriots, please wake up....
Fece, worth than ox fece.............
Not only Soa Rany but many other high Ranking Funcinpec/NRP have done similarly...
They invested by dedicating their wives, daughters to Krom Preass and Krom Khuy Khun................

Anonymous said...

True is the true, if krom preah or Sao Rany did the shit thing they have to face with the medida that all democrat country does stupid Sao Rany. And my personal opinion Srolanh Khmer should not scare of that thing,remember in the United States they did to Clinton while he had affair with Monica Lowinsky, common Sao Rany,don't be totalitarian and ditator to the media, Cambodia goes to close to the death valley now stupid.

koun khmer pheas kloun

Anonymous said...

You are the Only one REAL ROYALIST !!! You are affraid of Royalist/Royal famliy to be dissapeared SO THAT You try hard to PRODUCE A LOT OF ROYAL FAMILY MEMBERS including N. Sothearidth(with Phalla) and Royal one with Sao Rany's daughter..........

Ha ha The real Royalist

Anonymous said...

NOT Samdach Kromre Kre, better
" Samdach Krome Kantuy Kben "

Anonymous said...

That`s true in democratic society, the media is very powerful. But not that of Srolanh Khmer. Srolanh Khmer has nothing about professionalism.

Look at its article there is no reliable sources. I`m sure that the reason that SK can publish untill now because it is a means to show the international that Cambodia has a freedom of speech. But that kind of publication doesn`t help Camboidia at all.

Anonymous said...

Nasty ah Sao Rany!!

Ah Sao Rany thauk teap nas loak kon srey deum bey phkay leu sma !!!

kaun rbos Sao Rany smauk krauk nas tov yok ah Ranarith kanh jas 65 years old

Anonymous said...

mean te ah Sao Rany mouy kot del tveu baeb nih

prous vea ot teub yok kaun ouy tov jaul mseat baeb nih


Anonymous said...

I don't think Sao Rany can sue Sralanh Khmer because the story was accurated and true. Sralanh Khmer has no agenda to defame Sao rany because he is not a politician. But because Rannarith is a politician, Cambodian people all over the country have their right to know this guy. Sralanh Khmer has served Cambodian interest by publishing the true story. If I am a judge, I will tell Sao Rany to go aways. You have no case to make this law suite to waste judge time.

Anonymous said...


Am a Srolanh khmer observer,I do not think that news company stupid enough to let Sao Rainy to fool Srolanh Khmer front of the judge. Hey folks remember, when this news issued The queen Monique is Yuon blood? Now it calm down, yeah because it true ,please go back to Lon Nol time, every one had Known for a whole of Cambodia right?
Here is my answer to one of the observer above ,that is bad for Cambodia?
No it is not the leaders of Cambodian suppose to has one wife and one husband,do not take Cambodia to play around with, that. The United States has done this rule long time ago. President Kennedy got assassinated because he has an affair with the movie star,Clinton got impeached while he has an affairs too. How about Cambodia the little country ,with ending less suffer,should we keep that corrupt leader to lead our country???????This RANORITH =parasite,nothing good for Cambodian,too many mistresses , affairs,and wife took away Cambodian trust.
We voted for him because we want our country to be the democratic country but he is just a piece of the shit let Hun Sen one eye man beat the crap out of him let Cambodia in to the corrupt & very poor country, So because of power they are taking wives &daughter to bride the leaders they both have to face with the media
for a better Cambodian leaders in the future because that is NO No.
Koun Khmer Pheaskloun

Anonymous said...

I would like to congratulate Rannaridh that despite his old age, he can still do the job. Is he using the wonder Viagra?

Anonymous said...

Up until today, those of you who believed that SK reporting is true about Sao Rany's daughter involvement with Prince Ranaridh, where is the proof and who are the sources? With Former US President Clinton and his Intern Monika there was evidence of a stain on a dress, etc., but what about this matter? Are Cambodians better at hiding evidence or do we have too many unqualified journalist? Yes, this post came a bit late but it's a relevant question.