Monday, July 16, 2007

Pen Sovann joins the HRP

Monday, July 16, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Pen Sovann, president of the National Sustaining Party of Cambodia and the former short lived prime minister of the People’s Republic of Kampuchea, has decided to join Kem Sokha’s Human Rights Party. Pen Sovann said that the reason he joins the HRP is because the goals of this party are in agreement with what the people want in terms of human rights. He claimed that he will lead his more than 70,000 party followers to join the HRP also. Kem Sokha, the interim HRP president, told the Koh Santepheap newspaper over the phone on Sunday that Pen Sovann joined his party on Sunday. However, Kem Sokha said that regarding the position and function of Pen Sovann (within the HRP) are still unknown. Pen Sovann said that he knew Kem Sokha long ago, and when Kem Sokha formed the HRP that the people want, and the political goals of this party please him, he then decided to join Kem Sokha and that there will be no change (to this decision?).


Anonymous said...

Congratulations to Pen Sovann and Kem Sokha! I wish for the best success to them, five buddha blessings, and glad they have joined my party!


Anonymous said...

This is very interesting for HRP to play their game of democracy hits democracy...and the winner is CPP...

This is normal for CPP who has potential of playing tricks and mechanisms to overcome its opponents...

- Pen Sovan is former communist leader
- Khem Sokha is former communist member

But I am sad with Son Sobert who is also jumbing into this trickery and dangerious net...

Let see how many other games and tricks that CPP has arranged to overcome and eliminate its opponents...???

Notes: Funcipec is already recently eliminated by CPP

Khmer Boy

Anonymous said...

Those politicians, except Kem Sokkha, HAD their times. I would spend the rest of my time on something else more useful to the society, instead, and let the young or younger to have a chance. Theirs may be better them those old politicians. I recognise the right of the old and young alike to do politics, though.

LAO Mong Hay,

Anonymous said...

Hard to understand you point 1:04PM? first time I read your unclear statement!

Anonymous said...

It is so weird that their name is LAO Mong Hay, but his English structure is not familiar as his...

Let see how far HRP can climb...may be no hope I think


Anonymous said...

Stay anonymous do no use some others name, respect your our linage and parents, you are less than shit!

Study more to be closed to Dr.
Lao! Ever went to real school dude?

Anonymous said...

That is a good move for Opposition Party to win in 2008,We realy need to kick Hun Sen ass out of Cambodia.Lynn Mass.

Anonymous said...

I think Mr.Kem Sokha is not stupid to join with CPP Party.comment by Prohok Khmer lived in Lynn Mass.

Anonymous said...

Hun Sen is very happy that Kem Sokha makes new party to steal votes from Sam Rainsy.

Because Kem Sokha cannot steal from IRI anymore, he must get money from CPP.

Anonymous said...

Good ideas 4:08 Kem Sokha don't have any votes of SRP to steal because the whole country votes are not belong to SR.SR can't win alone on 2008.No way Rose.You guys stop barking Kem Sokha and starting working on the line of Democracy.

Anonymous said...

Pen Sovann is a Steu Pleung
politician (maybe youn servant)

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