Thursday, July 19, 2007

Plan to open a night market for Phnom Penh city

Thursday, July 19 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

As a strategy to attract tourist to stay in Phnom Penh city for many days, the ministry of tourism and the Phnom Penh municipality held a meeting on Monday to discuss a plan to open a night market in Phnom Penh city. Kep Chuktema, Phnom Penh governor, showed three possible locations to set such nighttime market: (1) along the street parallel to the river from Phsar Chas to the north side of the royal palace; (2) on the street in front of the old National Assembly building until the east of the Monument of Independence; and (3) all around Phar Thmei, in this case the market will be allowed to operate between 6:00 PM to midnight also. The night market will be authorized to sell art objects such as painting and sculptures, and restaurants only. Thong Khun, the sinister of tourism, said that, based on experience in neighboring countries, night markets are opened near large tourist center, and most of the merchandises sold are locally made, and have some cultural values.


Anonymous said...

What the governor of Phnom Penh should suggest is providing accessible trash cans all over the city. Phnom Penh is literally a "garbage city". there is no where to dispose of waste. The people there have a nasty habit of throwing trash on the street, or where they are eating. Another great concern would be proper sewage treatment. If there are 2 straight days of rain, Phnom Penh would literally be sunk under water. Sewage water are mixed with rain, forming a very unhealthy environment to live in. These two basic factors should be of grave concern to tourist. I've stayed for 3 and half month in PHnom Penh. I love the city, but after "living there", trash and flooding are the top concerns I have, in terms of improvement and development.

Anonymous said...

That big project dude, where is the money?

Anonymous said...

Use some of those "corrupt" stolen money, and you'll solve the problem. The harder question is cultural habit. Cambodians have a nasty habit of throwing trash right under their feet.