Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Royal price gouging for foreign visitors?

Entrance fee increase for foreigners visiting Royal Palace

Wednesday, July 4, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The Cambodia Daily reported that the Royal Palace Ministry has increased the entrance fee for foreign visitors to the royal palace. Chum S-ngoeun, the secretary of state at the Royal Palace Ministry said that starting 01 July, the flat entrance fee for foreign visitors will be $6.25 per person as compared to $3 before. However, in the old fee rate, foreign visitors with a camera are charged an additional $3, and those with video cameras are charged $5 extra. This fee increase only affects foreign visitors, and the entrance fee for Cambodians still remain at $0.25. The fee increased was criticized by the Cambodian Association of Travel Agents (CATA) as being too high. Ho Vandy, CATA president, said that this fee is too high and it does not encourage foreigners to visit the royal palace. Ho Vandy said that CATA asked that this fee be reduced to $4.50 for all visitors.


Anonymous said...

I agreed $4.50 is reasonable. It is not all about money. Generally we want all tourist coming to Cambodia to have good experience. This will have it long lasting effect when they return and share this good experience with their friends and families back home. But most importantly is to spread the Cambodian culture abroad.

Of course we can charge them with any price but at what price is reasonable for everyone?

Anonymous said...

$6.25 isn't that bad, especially since these foreigners are willing to pay $4.50 a bottle of beer at one of the Western-owned place at the Riverside. For just $20 more, they can fuck any of the young Khmer girls who work there.

Perhaps if we charge them $6.50 to go see the Royal Palace, they'll have less money to spread AIDS to our women and children.

Anonymous said...

Let make it $10, so we save from AID!