Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Unhappy to see what happen in the Kingdoom of Cambodia? This is how you could lodge your complaints

Respected KI-Media Readers,

Some of you have expressed concerns about various unacceptable events which took or are currently taking place in Cambodia, and would like to let the Royal Government of Cambodia know about your opinions. One direct mean to lodge your complaint is either to make a phone call or send an email to the Cambodian embassy in or nearest to the country you are living. For a complete list of Cambodian embassies in the world, including their phones and email addresses, please click here.

Alternatively, you can send your opinions to the Editors of various well-known newspapers in Cambodia, such as The Phnom Penh Post and The Cambodia Daily. Their email addresses are respectively: (for Micheal Hayes of The Phnom Penh Post) (for Kevin Doyle of The Cambodia Daily)

For those of you who now hold a citizenship in a third country, you may also want to write to your country's ambassador based in Cambodia, as well as your local country's parliament representatives and let them know about your concerns.

Thank you,

KI-Media Team


Anonymous said...

Thank for the KI-media team for the suggestion but I don't it will ever work because these are the same HUN SEN Vietcong slave officials who had been working in HUN SEN corrupted system of government for many years already and they will never give a fuck about anything except their position and a fat salary while dirt poor Cambodian people continue to face hardship!

These HUN SEN officials are to be used and they must play dumb and stupid to keep their job to feed their family!

What will become of Cambodia and Cambodian people when AH HUN SEN and all his officials refused to do the right thing!

I met a lot of dirt poor Cambodian people and they said that let everything go the way it is because nobody can stop it anyway! It is the law of nature that thing can never remain the same forever!

Anonymous said...

Because of that mentality that continue to perpetuate the problem of Cambodia. New crooks this mentality as opportunity for them to enter the government to make business and destroy our national interest.

If we as citizens voice out our concern don't think that it will go unheard, there will always be sympathisers out there and there will always be people who good but have not got the opportunity to act because no one is behind them to support. Well, we must let our representatives know that we are against their current actions and that those who are with us, have our supports.

Come one people, think like that. Don't oh I'm poor so there's no need for me to work anyway! Sic!

Anonymous said...

Because of that mentality that continue to perpetuate the problem of Cambodia. New crooks this mentality as opportunity for them to enter the government to make business and destroy our national interest.

If we as citizens voice out our concern don't think that it will go unheard, there will always be sympathisers out there and there will always be people who good but have not got the opportunity to act because no one is behind them to support. Well, we must let our representatives know that we are against their current actions and that those who are with us, have our supports.

Come one people, think like that. Don't oh I'm poor so there's no need for me to work anyway! Sic!

and Thank You Ki-Media, I will def. send out my moderate letters of reactions to our respected ambassadors.

Anonymous said...

It is important and relevant that we must voice our concern through proper channels, but I don't quite agree with some of the channels that KI Media suggested.

Cambodian Embassies? Forget it, those Cambodian ambassadors work their arses off to please Hor Nam Hong to stay in their jobs. It is highly likely that your concern letters will be nicely shredded and chucked into the bin.

Foreign Embassies of your adopted countries? Depending on which countries. The western embassies are more vocal in their pursuit for good governance in Cambodia. For the others, as the Khmer punch line goes: "Grow banana trees!".

As for those who are working inside the system, however admirable their patriotism may be they are going to hide it and follow the system half-heartedly. Has anyone in the system ever been spared (dead or alive) for speaking out?

The international media based in Cambodia is a good bet, unless they are going to suffer the same fate as Cambodge Soir. The least the Cambodian government can do is to ban the undesirable publication, as they did with the Global Witness Report.

Don't get me wrong, I advocate the freedom of expression and encourage people to speak out. However, look before you leap so you won't have to waste your courageous efforts, valuable time and papers through the channels that get you nowhere.

The best channel is the one that can provide a maximum exposure for your concern with a minimum risk to yourself. That will depend on where you are, and I'm sure you can work that out!