Thursday, July 19, 2007

U.S. supports Cambodia's bid to list Preah Vihear Temple as world heritage site

PHNOM PENH, July 19 (Xinhua) -- The United States has expressed support for Cambodia's bid to officially register the Preah VihearTemple as world heritage site and will provide aid for its development and management plans, local media reported on Thursday.

U.S. Ambassador Joseph A. Mussomeli here on Wednesday told Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of the Council of Ministers Sok An that the temple has to be officially registered as world heritage site even if there is opposition from the third side, press official for the Council of Ministers Phan Sithan was quoted by English-language newspaper Cambodian Daily as saying.

The United States will send a group of experts to Cambodia to help organize the development and management plans for the temple's official registration as world heritage site and also provide grant aid to support the plans, he said.

Recently, Long Visalo, deputy minister of foreign affairs and international cooperation, told reporters that the world heritage committee of the United Nation's Education, Science and Culture Organization (UNESCO) asked Cambodia to organize the development and management plans for the Preah Vihear Temple after receiving the kingdom's request to list it as world heritage site.

The committee promised to decide whether the temple can be registered as world heritage site in early 2008.

The Preah Vihear Temple was built from the 11th to the 12th century on top of the Dorng Rek Mountain in the northern part of Cambodia next to Thailand. Cambodia secured its ownership of the temple in 1962, out of fierce competition with Thailand.


Anonymous said...

Thanks God, finally someone is taking position about Preah Vihea.

God bless!

Anonymous said...

Listen up, Kuon Khmer, after we acquire our Preah Vihear temple (via diplomatically or militarily); further, immediately followed by acquisition of our (now 'dilapidated') Angkor Wat back.

In retrospect, our actress was right about our cultural icon (Angkor Wat)--it was and is ‘still’ our Angkor Wat. This culture icon should belong to the rightful owner.

Again, it would be entirely and historically inaccurate to say “Angkor Wat” belongs to Khmer people.

Anonymous said...

This is the very first time that Uncle SAM threw some support for Cambodia sovereignty and I hope it won't be the last! And a special request to Uncle SAM not to forget to supply Cambodia with some of the more modern weaponry such as the Stinger, Patriot, Tunguska, SA-10, SA-11, and SA-12...

Anonymous said...

it was uncle sam's richard nixon admin. that started the down fall of cambodia. And its about time that they taking accurate step to assisted us cambodian.. pol pot wouldn't have came to power if it wasn't for the u s admin that time.
and khmer wouldn't have killed khmer if it wasn't for vietcong.

no justice , no peace

Anonymous said...


You're totally wrong, Thaicong. Go to US library to check your map. Bangkok and extend to North should be claimed back to Khmer. Khmer empire extends up to Burma, Thaicong. Not just Preah Vihear even Sorin province is belonging to Khmer.

for 3:03AM US administration is not to blame because US just wants to get rid of Communist regime controlling IndoChina like vietnam, but Who is to blame?Sihanouk is the one who create this mess. Why Sihanouk let Vietcong use Khmer land for Hochiminh trail? Now Hochi minh grabbed for land from us. That's why US invaded and bombed Cambodia and toppled Sihanouk. Sihanouk is the master of Communist of Khmer people. He sold our land to Vietnam and Thai without saying a word. He is a traitor. He doesn't protect our land and people. He just wants his own power like ah Hun Kwak.


Anonymous said...

Here is my argument: The Khmer Empire was weak, and consequently due to this weakness, the vast majority of lands were lost to your neighbors (e.g., Vietnam, Thailand); whereas, for instance, the Native Americans (American Indians) lost their lands to the Americans for the same mistake as your Khmer Empire. You have no one else to blame but your poor judgment. Historically, you people are weak to learn from your (past) mistake--of course, the history will repeat itself.

Further, you think the China can help you--perhaps after your country became a newly Chinese province.

Oh! Please don't let us take those cell phone towels down.

Anonymous said...

To 4:04Am
You are very ignorant. YOu need to study or reeducate yourself about Khmer history. I bet you will be a fool of yourself if you ask all scholars around the world about Ankgor Wat that saying Angkor Wat belong to the THAI. Yes, exactly go to the US library almost every old map stated that KHMER EMPIRE were the only empire in SOUTHEAST ASIA. Thai will be destroyed from the within among themself. BRAVO KHMER ETERNITY! KHMER of ALL will last forever.

Anonymous said...

USA will always be on Cambodian side. Thanks to UNCLE to help build their own embassy in Cambodia to be as ears and eyes for Cambodian. THAI will be regretted if the Muslim and KHMER in THAILAND uprise. GO KHMER GO!!!!

Anonymous said...

To 4:04AM and 1:51AM! Thaicong and Vietcong in disguise!

Here is my counter argument: The reason the Khmer Empire became weak because in those day it is the man power that determine the outcome of the war and Khmer empire didn't have much population back then when comparing to China and even China with such huge population was still under control of the Mongol horde! ahahahh The Chinese should thank the Mongol for the invasion that is why the Chinese people know how to built the GREAT WALL OF CHINA and even with the great wall and it couldn't stop the Mongol from ruling over the Chinese!

Now let turn a very simple question on you! Can you tell me where the Thaicong and the Vietcong people come from? Of course you know dumb fuck! The Thaicong and the Vietcong came down from China! Now when these Vietcong and Thaicong people made massive migration in the million and million of people to Khmer empire and this large influx of these strange new comer can overwhelm the Khmer empire and dilute the Khmer population to extend and these massive migration of the Thaicong and the Vietcong people can be compare to what we called illegal immigrant today and in the 21st century, there are laws governed the illegal immigrant and they can be deported back to their homeland! Oh well! Too late for that!

What you had said is true that Khmer weakness will repeat itself again and again to accomodate the Thaicong and the Vietcong population! Now you know why the Thaicong and the Vietcong continue to reproduce like rabbit to kill off the Khmer race and to steal more of the Khmer land! ahahahhah! Not so fast! Even the Thaicong and the Vietcong continue to reproduce like rabbit and the Khmer people still stand and have a nation among the world community! The proof is that I am talking to you right now! So to those Thaicong and the Vietcong people who want to steal Cambodian land and culture such as Preah Vihea or Angkor Wat is to deny where they came from and where they came from is in China and China don't have Preah Vihea or Angkor Wat!!!aahahah It is such a shame to deny your root! ahahhaha!

What China wants to deal or do with Cambodia is up to the Chinese people ! If King Sihanuok hadn't done shit for China and do you think the Chinese will give a fuck about Cambodia? When the Soviet use Vietname and when Uncle SAM use the ASEAN to encircle China and who is China best friend? The Khmer Rouge of course (Cambodia)! ahahhah!

For your information, China never wants to take land from Cambodian people and it is the Thaicong and the Vietcong who want to steal land and culture from Cambodian people! Now you know why there are million and million of Khmer people still living in Thailane and Vietname which used to be part of Khmer empire!!

By the way, the telephone towers in Cambodia that you are talking about are built by Nokia Finnish Company! Nokia cell phone is the best selling brand in Cambodia!!
No Cambodian people invited the Chinese, the Thaicong, and the Vietcong to Cambodia and they came on their own and if they don't like it and they can go back home!
It is unfortunate that Cambodian people just emerged from the four major wars 1) waged by the Uncle SAM aginst the Vietcong in Cambodia, 2) waged by the Khmer Rouge against the Lon Nol regime in Cambodiain in the 1975 3) waged by the Vietcong against the Khmer Rouge in Cambodia in the 1979 4) waged by the resistance Khmer fighters against the Vietcong and their slave called AH HUN SEN along Cambodian-Thaicong border in the 1980!

Right now, the Thaicong and the Vietcong are having a head start and they are bragging about their economy success, their jet fighters, their brave soldiers who dare to cross Cambodian borders...For now Cambodian people are too busy building up the core of the country with the help of Uncle SAM and Europe! I don't want to mention China because they always support the Khmer Rouge killers and the corrupted Cambodian Vietcong slave leaders like AH HUN SEN!

I know for a fact that the Thaicong and the Vietcong still hang on to the concept of man power in the time of war to defeat the enemy but this concept is already out of date! I feel that one day all Khmer people in the former Khmer empire in Vietname, in Thailane will be united and only then Cambodia can take on the Thaicong and the Vietcong any time!
At the same time, Cambodia must proceed discretely with weapon building program with the aim to possess the A-BOMB! Cambodia people have every right to exist on this planet like any other people including coexist with the Thaicong and the Vietcong people!

So fuck all the Thaicong and the Vietcong leaders who are trying to stop Cambodian people from enjoying beautiful life and their achievement on this planet we called Earth!

Anonymous said...

Bravo, 1:26 PM! I'm speechless with admiration. Keep up your patriotic spirit!