Wednesday, July 04, 2007

Walking Backward

Tuesday, July 3, 2007
By Jayakhmer
Op-Ed posted online

"Khmers are the gentle people." For the most part, I think, we are, but that quality is hard to trace nowadays. The impending Khmer Rouge trial reminds us that being gentle is a thing of the past. The Khmer Rouge era also reminds us that if we are not careful our gentle quality can be diminished and we can become very brutal.

It is unfortunate and shameful that I have to make such a gross generalization about my own people when I say "we." Of course, I do know that not all of us are Khmer Rouge, and I also know that brutality usually is exercised by those who are in power. For example, Khmer Rouge who was in power from 1975- 1979 committed the worse brutality in our recent history.

In the present time, if we look around us, we are not quite out of the woods yet. Journalists who tried to perform their due diligence as reporters are being threatened. Government critics are being warned. I think we are reduced to our lowest common denominator, when Buddhist monks are being used to act against other monks just to please our international neighbor. The fact that Vietnam is a friend of Cambodia does not mean that everything it does is right and just.

The argument that monks should not be involved in politics or international affairs, I agree wholeheartedly. However, if you blame our monks, you are missing the big picture. The question is how did it get to this point?

If democracy is the system we are striving for, is it wrong that people are struggling for freedom? When Khmers are being oppressed everywhere, it impacts Khmer everywhere. All Khmers should care, be vigilant, and condemn any violent acts against any Khmers.

An argument that a monk can ruin a good relationship between two nations and therefore he must be oppressed is ludicrous. When is the Cambodian government going to understand that we, Khmers, do not trust the Vietnamese government? If the Vietnamese government is a true friend, ask them to give Kampuchea Krom back to the Khmer people. If they can do that, then and only then can trust be restored. Otherwise, we are not going to understand the Vietnamese government the way the Cambodian government does.

If the Cambodian government does not understand this point, it is out of touch with its people.

Am I advocating that we should fight with our big and strong neighbor? Not at all, all that I am saying is that we, Khmers, love the have peace with our neighbors. Perhaps, asking for Kampuchea Krom back from the Vietnamese government is too extreme, we simply ask that the Vietnamese government behave as good friend should behave; that is, the Vietnamese government respects the Khmer people who rightfully live in their land that belong to their ancestors. If the Cambodian government is truly a friend on equal ground with the Vietnamese government, do advocate for all the Khmer in Kampuchea Krom; otherwise, the Cambodian government will always be viewed as a servant to its counterpart.

The fact that a monk is missing, it is safe to assume that the culture of fear is being perpetually fostered. There are those who love to please. If the leader or a boss says, "jump," they say, "how high?" They would go to any length to threat or even kill just to make their leader or boss happy. Ethical and morality have no place in their psyches.

If this kind of activity is allowed to continue, we are taking one step forward and ten steps backward. While the country seems to move forward economically, in humanity, we are getting further and further away from the rule of law society and going back toward our recent dark history. Walking backward should be a great concern to everyone.

KI-Media note: We apologize to the author of this Op-Ed for taking the liberty to make some minor typographic changes.


Anonymous said...

Who knows with Khmer Rough era there probably 60% KHMER Viet brain. Thats why when POL POT had reformed his government and got paranoid had brought so many life to hell enemies and innocent Khmer. But for what i believe a lot of Viet agent in his government. He tried to clean them up but the Viet out smart him by killing KHMERs and blame it on him also. The pouk kbath (the betrayal) is CPP or formers Khmer Rough is still kill us nowaday. Better watch out.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with anon. @4:54 AM. Don't believe? Just assess the current situation - the Viet ring leaders are there.

Anonymous said...

Thank you author for writing such thoughtful article. I been thinking the same thing. I hope more Khmer will wake up to the reality one day. People need to write these articles for others to think on. People need to get angry about what their own government is doing to their own people. No one should have to stand this. Its wrong.