Monday, September 24, 2007

Cambodian forestry officials charged with intentional killing

Crowd looking at the car taking away the forestry officials (Photo: Thmor Keo, Koh Santepheap newspaper)

Forestry officials escorted to the court (Photo: Thmor Keo, Koh Santepheap newspaper)

Mon, 24 Sep 2007


Phnom Penh - Authorities have charged six Cambodian forestry officials with intentional killing after they fatally shot a man in a car they suspected of smuggling timber, a police official said Monday. Pursat provincial police chief Hem Vuthea said Kim Chantha, Chea Bunly, Pov Heang, Im Sophy and Horm Hoy were all in custody awaiting trial after being detained at the scene and a sixth man remained at large.

The six are accused of killing Nam Batheang, 29, on Saturday evening. Batheang was a back-seat passenger in a car the officials believed to be carrying illegally cut timber through the central province and they opened fire when the car refused to stop, Vuthea said.

[KI-Media warning: the remainder of the article contains a graphic photo of the victim which may not be suitable for sensitive readers]

"The driver and another passenger got away in the vehicle," Vuthea said by telephone.

If convicted, the men face 10 to 15 years in jail.

Timber smuggling is a serious problem in Cambodia, and authorities have warned that they do not have enough manpower to curb the trade, leading to frustration among some overworked officials.

Body of the vicitm (Photo: Thmor Keo, Koh Santepheap newspaper)


Anonymous said...

Damn if you do, and damn if you don't. I mean protecting the forest. Sounds like a circus, doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

What about those who killed people in the rubber plantation? They still haven't been apprehended yet. It seems a swift justice for some.

Anonymous said...

Noooop, it is another Peal Si Peal game...

These forestry officials shot at the car because it did not stop to pay their fee... And police and court officials teach those forestry officials a lesson for Si Dach for a long time.


Anonymous said...

To 6:13 PM, you are bullshit. Who is a person on your side, trader, forest protectionist or court person? You should learn to be positive. this is why Cambodia lost land in the past during 16-18 centuries.

Anonymous said...

Just smuggling timber in a trunk of tourist car, and you guys killed your own people.
Stop being so cruel to Cambodian.
I believed these six people should be in jail for the rest of their lives.
dam stupid forestry gangsters.

Anonymous said...

that horrible. Why if the people who goes by the forest and do massive damage they don't all get shot at? But this time, some car pass by just suspicion they killed the passenger?

It is great justice to see they are put to trial so quickly. But, why is this when we see others killed mercilessly by rubber gaurds, the illegal loggers killing forestry protection people- those people never get arrested? Maybe these guys shot at the wrong guy, maybe this guy was the illegal big time logger the govt. were protecting and these forestry people made a mistake of shooting the bad guy for the first time!

Anyway, whoever dies, people should not go around shooting. But the case should be investigated carefully for fairness.

Anonymous said...

I don't know who are who shooting I know one thing Hun Sen's wife is a Madame Foresty. She is the Madame MAFIA.

Tell me is Nam Batheang Khmer or Yuon then I can give you my opinions; otherwise no.

Anonymous said...

You are a fuckup person,10:01pm
Go ask your mother if she can read?

Anonymous said...

I don't see a good reason why 10:40pm blast 10:01pm.
I just don't get it. Really coarse language.
Why insulting someoone mother, when in reality, you don't have any opinions at all.
Maybe you're a puppet of CPP.
So many rumors in Pursat. Especially for Yuons people. They have so many Yuons living in the mountain Cardamone. And one thing is sure that Bun Rany Hun Sen (the fat lady) controlled with Keo Kim Yan & Yay Pou the forestry of Pursat. And Yuons have so many powers in Pursat. For example, in the district Krokor (commune sampaoev Laun),they controlled the fisheries. No Cambodians can get in.
And in district Kravanh, the chief of this district is involving in illegal timber. Before He is a member of FUNCINPEC, but Fun can't kick him out. I guess He's with the CPP now. Like the family of LY Tuch (suy sem, ministry of industry, suy sann, brother of Ly Tuch.), they are involving in so many illegal activities.

Anonymous said...

It seems a typical language trademark of the CPP boys at 10:49PM. Just could not work out how 10:49PM response provides an answer to 10:01PM statement. Imagine, we have so many of such CPP weirdos in charge of this country.

Just read and weep the statements made by some of them concerning the human rights situation in Cambodia. They think they make an intelligent statement, but it's just so crude and unsophisticated that any educated person would shake his/her head in disbelief and feel sorry for Cambodia.

Because the Cambodian courts are so corrupt, any independent observers would conclude that their actions are more to do with business than justice.

Anonymous said...

Nobody knows what is in the trunk of the car and it could be hardcore drug, contraband, very expensive timber...I feel that if any career criminals refuse to obey Cambodian authorities and they deserve to shot on the spot! If you are a law abiding Cambodian citizen there is no reason to fear Cambodian authorities!

If Cambodian society keep persecuting Cambodian authorities for killing criminal and soon criminals will be taking over Cambodia!

Anonymous said...

Amen, bro!