Thursday, September 27, 2007

CSLHRC's Dr Heang Rithy: Dr Lao Mong Hay made a very serious mistake by criticizing the Hero-King w/o sufficient proof of his past KR association

Dr Heang Rithy (pointing arrow) of the CSLHRC during an audience with King Sihamoni (Photo: CNRO)

CSLHRC opposes Dr Lao Mong Hay who blamed King-Father

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Koh Santepheap newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

The Committee Strict Law Enforcement for Human Rights in Cambodia (CSLHRC) issued a statement to oppose Dr. Lao Mong Hay, a researcher at the Asian Human Rights Commission, who wrote an editorial published by a local newspaper, in which he stated that Samdech Norodom Sihanouk, the Hero-King of Cambodia, should share the responsability with the former Khmer Rouge leaders, because the then-prince Sihanouk was involved with the (Khmer Rouge) regime also.

In his statement, CSLHRC’s Dr. Heang Rithy explained that on this issue, Dr. Lao Mong Hay should have sufficient solid legal evidence. Regarding another statement (by Dr. Lao Mong Hay) published by the Cambodian paper saying: “He (King-Father) should be stripped of immunity so that he could appear in court,” CSLHRC explained that, legally, the lifting of the Hero-King’s immunity is the jurisdiction of the court if there is sufficient legal evidence.

The CSLHRC statement said that this is the legal measure of the national and international laws. Nobody can talk like in the demand made by Dr. Lao Mong Hay by using a right that is not based on the law at all, in spite of the fact that he is (part of) a human rights organization. A talk or a demand made without evidence can cause confusions among Cambodian people, and lead them to hate the Hero-King.

According to the national and international law, and in particular, the Universal Declaration of Human Rights which stipulates in its Article 19 that “Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers,” but it should not infringe on the rights of others.

Article 41 of the Cambodian Constitution stipulates that: “Khmer citizens shall have freedom of expression, press, publication and assembly. No one shall exercise this right to infringe upon the rights of others, to affect the good traditions of the society, to violate public law and order and national security.” Therefore, the expression of opinion of each individual must not infringe upon the rights of others, nor upon the dignity and honor of others.

In conclusion, the expression of opinion or the demands made that the Hero-King should share responsibility with the Khmer rouge leaders is a very serious mistake, because there is no document to prove that he (King-Father) participated (with the Khmer Rouge regime. Dr. Heang Rithy also called, in the name of CSLHRC, that all human rights organizations, before they criticize anybody, they should have sufficient proof, in particular, they should review the legal aspect of the law, etc…


Anonymous said...

A bunch of jerkwater law craps [Dr.] Heang Rithy got here. He is so baseless about his legal crabs but full of rubberstamping to get his limelight.

Whining about legal jurisdiction, insufficient legal evidence, freedom of speech and the press . . blah . blah . blah! What more evidence do we need to proof that your Hero King Father was not involved with KR, China, and Yuon? Here to start:

How about he incited/encouraged innocent Khmer people to join the KR in the jungle?

Tam Teh Lit Kwed Ah Pouch Chom Kout Aos Ning!!

**Hey, Moi28, come back!

Anonymous said...

"How about he incited/encouraged innocent Khmer people to join the KR in the jungle?"

Hey, there is no law against that? People have the freedom of choice to follow him or not. Did he twisted anyone arm to join KR? Plus, if you idiots backstabbers hadn't couped him, he would had not reason to call for people to join KR to restore him. Am I wrong?

Anonymous said...

Hello! Dr.Heng Rithy
#1 were you in Cambodia from 75 to 79 ?
#2 have you ever heard Seihaknouk called us to join
Khmer rouge in Marki ( Jungle)
#3 Have you ever see Seihaknouk allowed Yiekcong
to use Cambodia territory to fight with US?
#4 Have you ever seen the black uniform with the cotton scarf around their neck and chinese made green cap on the head? those soldiers and people that killed us,starved us,forced us to work very hard
, deprived all our right treated us like animal THOSE UNIFORM THAT SEIHAKNOUK USED AND THE TIME THAT Cambodian genocide happened have you seen that?
The criminal are supporting criminal?
Long live Dr, Lo Mong Hay!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Hey, can we stick to things that are relevant to the tribunal, please?
What is giving land to Vietcong to use to reunified their country ... have anything to with it?

We all know people make mistake once in a while. What is the big deal here? I know I am due for mistake soon. So, suit me.

Anonymous said...

Of course there is no law whatsoever for anything in Cambodia! The corrupted-rich individuals and the powerfuls are all above the law.

Just remember! It happened to dinosaurs and it will definitely happen to THEM!

I have never heard, seen, or read any literature about so-called [leader] that presumably has earned a title as Hero, Great King, King Father, Valorous leader that is so "Kum Sak Nhi" when it comes to stand up to fight against the injustice for innocent Khmer people and the country and to honor the deads.

It had already happened and I personally don't think the general Khmer people (inside and abroad) are asking too much from HIM.

" . . . innocent until proven guilty in the court of law," in accordance with the international judicial standard.

He is so afraid that if he is going to reveal anything about the atrocities and war, he will definitely incriminating himself and his wife. No doubt, there are plethora of evidence, which implicate your father to the river of Khmer blood.

Unless you prove otherwise, but I see the planet earth is round not flat like the way you see your father's ass!

I vow to find justice for my innocent Khmer people and for the Khmer Kampuchea Krom!

Anonymous said...

At least our Hero King knows something about theroot of KR because he joint them.... 1970s via Pekin Radio he shouted as of his Great son Run Rot shoot from France ,ML... as Remote controlled Leader...
Alot of Evidences... we still hjave photographes(Many) wich Hero King took with all KR Leaders... What did he do then,,, what did he talk with Hu Nim Hu Yum Khieu Samphan.. PPot, Noun Chea then KRT must ask him now....

Therefore, Preah Ang Should enter the KRT....

Excellency General Minister, samdach, Excellency Advisor,Top-General 7 Diamond Stars Ohnha Achar Knoy- Phd , Docteur es Bandit, Multi-Doctor/Poli- Phd. from Chea Chamroeurn University, PP, Campuchea

Anonymous said...

At least our Hero King knows something about theroot of KR because he joint them.... 1970s via Pekin Radio he shouted as of his Great son Run Rot shoot from France ,ML... as Remote controlled Leader...
Alot of Evidences... we still hjave photographes(Many) wich Hero King took with all KR Leaders... What did he do then,,, what did he talk with Hu Nim Hu Yum Khieu Samphan.. PPot, Noun Chea then KRT must ask him now....

Therefore, Preah Ang Should enter the KRT....

Excellency General Minister, samdach, Excellency Advisor,Top-General 7 Diamond Stars Ohnha Achar Knoy- Phd , Docteur es Bandit, Multi-Doctor/Poli- Phd. from Chea Chamroeurn University, PP, Campuchea

Anonymous said...

If the old man Sihanouk thinks he is inocent, he shouldn't be worried at all. He can just appear in court and tell cambodian people the truth.

Anonymous said...

WT? Are you going to prosecute everyone who greet KR members with handshake, embrace,..., or kisses?

If that's so, why don't you start to round up a bunch of corrupted diplomats from the UN ...

Anonymous said...

I support Dr Lao mong Hay 100%. He is a person with integrity and his statement is alway fully reliable and very credible. He wrote and spoke out from his conscience and from his heart.
In these days, there is very few people of his charactere. Most people are speaking out from their eyes looking for gold. Therefore, their statements are not credible. I wish we have many people who dare to speak out like Dr Lao Mong Hay. Meng Ly

Anonymous said...

There go another fool.

Don't you know Sweet-and-Charming rarely mixed with the truth?

Anonymous said...

Chea Sim-Hun Sen pact can't wait to reverse Cambodia to republic but let's fool Siahnouk to get 2008 victory,

Son Soubert an archaelogist good for nothing,

Ke Kim Se a such up for job in palce,

SRP half way suck up and can't make decision,

Julio Jedres Marqui ambassador rien frontiere,

Sisowath Thomico-swaa baan daung,

Dr.Rithy a latest sucker who hungered for noteriety,

FYI,Dr.Lao Mong Hay is just a minscule of opinions that got printed,by at large there so many Khmers who agree with him that Sihanouk is two faces Hanuman who humped Sida then handed her over to Rama later.
Dr.Rithy please stop blaming the man for his straight talk with own halfhearted belief.You want to do it too but too coward to express.

Anonymous said...

Dr.Heang Rithy,
I'm apologize with my ignorance languages,if it offend you. Do your P h d from Viet or Soviet? I do not understand ,why only you doesn't know any thing,how could you get your PHD? if you have a common senses like us you will find out easy,but if you just want to be in the media it doesn't look good on you,you gonna look like a bullshitter ,you can ask the kids from the primary school ,they will tell you the same that this former king he is not the hero ,he just opportunist ,a spoil little brat that he can be everything you can name it like pimp king,singer,trumpet player ,song writer ,actor, playboy( what he said) movie composer ,judge ,Cambodian treasury strainer,king of communist ,the king who brought the enemy to burn down Cambodia and the king of killing his own people,so please don't make him getting worst he already in the big trouble,if Doctor do not wanted to save his asz please just do not add any ugly looking more on him.
Thanks you Cambodian refugee USA

Anonymous said...

Dr Lao mong Hay , we love you: you are the real courageous hero.
Sihanouk is just a monkey who loves girls, cinema, beautiful palace.He ( Sihanouk) never want to protect the citizens. Since 1966, he pushed Cambodia to communist and help the Vietcong to fight the US that's why the US helped Lon Nol to do the Coup d'Etat.
He loves Mao and Pol Pot , a name given by Mao for Political Potential ,is maybe one of his man.
He used Pol Pot to kill every people he hates and the people in Phnom Phen who did not support him.
Just look at this interview :

If it is wrong, we want him to explain in the KRT.
No one die with money in his pocket but the history remains for eternity.

From a khmer in France.

Anonymous said...

"Sihanouk is just a monkey who loves girls, cinema, beautiful palace... ."

That is what Kings and successful people supposed to do, you idiot.

Anonymous said...

Heang Rithy!!!

Where did you get your PhD degree from? Why are you so stupid to call Sihanouk your Hero King?

To Cambodian people HE IS NOT A HERO; HE IS A TRAITOR INCLUDING HIS SON, SIHAKMONY. He signed the land to Youn recently. He is the whole responsible person about KR geonocide. Don't ever say "He is not". If people say that and Sihanouk refuses to answer in front of court, he insulted the Khmer people who he killed during KR regime.

Who let the Youn use Ho Chi Minh trail in Cambodia territory?

Who supplies the Youn with weapons during the war through Cambodia?

Who called up the Khmer people to join KR resistance?

Who made the war in Cambodia at the beginning?

Who joined the Communist China, Vietnam, and Norht Korea?

The answer is Sihanouk did all these things.


Anonymous said...


We should abolish and banish from Cambodia:
-Lay Mong Hay
-Anti-monarchy khmer overseas, vilain anarchists

Golden Star

Anonymous said...

4:10 PM, are you playing or being dumb? Sihanouk and Khmer Rouge relationship was a base and the beginning of the killing field. Now, don't give me the bull crap about how the US-Vietnam war was all to blame. The Khmer Rouge and the current Ho-leaning government were there long before B52s started coming to Cambodia; and or Sihanouk, it did not matter if the US, or China, or anyone else was there, he had to revenge Lon Nol because how dare those people to criticize, let alone tople him in a coup? It was death or nothing.

Also, if it was you who said there is no law against kings behaving mischievously, there are moral and respect factors that can be used to judge a leafder/king's character - and he is being fairly judged now; warts and all.

Anonymous said...

Golden star,
Overseas Khmers are already out of Cambodia.They are anti criminal Sihanouk and Sihanoukism that endangered Khmer nation for the last 66 years, not necessary the monarchy.

Anonymous said...

9:13, let me make the whole thing short for you. After Vietnam defeated the French, they were going to democratically voted to let the North or the South to control the entire country, but the US step in and fuck up everything, no bullshit. Hadn't that happened, we would not have been in such a mess. You needn't take my word for it. Do your own research. Ask your local professors ... .

Anonymous said...

the guy and his organization are ass-kissers.

he has no idea what he is doing. what an idiot. calling himself a leader in a human rights organization. he doesn't even know what "conflict of interest" or "impartiality" is.

now go jump off a bridge cuz the king said so... idiot.

Anonymous said...

918pm or Golden star,
The topic is off the radar now.
We are discussing about Rithy, a sucker who wants to jump on band wagon in defending a criminal, Sihanouk.

Are you Rithy element?

Anonymous said...

Who the fuck is HEANG RITHY? this Dr from yuon university is a complete idiot who seem to know nothing about the traitor Sihanouk.Just look at some pictures or listen to the tapes motherfucker and you'll understood.One more pictures don't lie you idiot. What a stupid ass.

Anonymous said...

Please refrain from using vulgarity and profanity,it does make the users look ridiculous and pathetic in vocabualries.

Be firm and assertive but not incivil.

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk did more than embraced and kissed the Khmer Rouge leaders. He went to bed with them.LOL Why are you so ignorant? Go and some research.

Anonymous said...

I have no doubt about this PhD Heang Thirith who is looking to support Sihanouk. He has just completed his PhD from all means ( $US 200 to buy one). Now he is looking for a gold mine with Sihanouk. A good PhD will not do like him. They have their full integrity.

Anonymous said...

PhD could be bought at 700 us year (4 years session).. You have to register and wait for the PhD at Chea Chamroeun School.
And I don't believe that all PhD have their full integrity. For example, I have see one man responsible for IMF in search of women at TA TA restaurant. He is a caucasian. PhD don't bring us loyal and integrity. It's come from our education and family, and where we live...not with level of education. I have see many high educate (master, PhD) persons so liar and not full integrity.

Anonymous said...

There are online for sale of degree from Universities from outerspace for US$ 200 for master degree, PhD degree etc.. and etc... In reality there are very few of people getting these degrees from their studies. But now we saw many people have shown that they have these degrees and have approached Hun sen, Heng Samrin, and Sihanouk for gold mine. These kind of behavious have made Cambodia shame to the world.

Anonymous said...

BLA BLA BLA no proof ma azzzzzzz come to this site what proof you want PHD monkey?
making donut with out powder?

Anonymous said...

King may be King, but his subject? heard them. Didn't seem like King had earned any real respect from most of his people. Oh boy!

Anonymous said...

People grow rice,corn they harvest rice and corn,but people who committed the crime(but try to avoid pay ing the crime) that call cheater not the KING.