Thursday, September 27, 2007

Kem Sokha’s party almost out of funds during mid-course

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

A source indicated the Kem Sokha’s fledgling Human Rights Party (HRP) is heading towards a lack of funds during mid-course. An anonymous source from the SRP told a local newspaper that the HRP is facing financial problems because those who promised to fund the party from overseas, did not provide the funds, but that they only made the verbal promises. The same source indicated that if this party still continues to face financial problems like right now, it is tantamount to car with a flat tire along the road. However, Pen Sovann, first HRP vice-president, rejected the information about his party lacking funds. Pen Sovann said that his HRP has a well defined goal, and its finance cannot be easily bankrupt during mid-course as claimed. Pen Sovann added that the criticisms leveled against the HRP, which is progressing better than any other parties, were done because others want to attack his party for their own gain.


Anonymous said...

There go again. The SRP always cheating by spreading false roomers about other parties.

STAY OUT OF OTHER PEOPLE BUSINESS, you Super Retarted People (SRP). Whether the HRP is financially sufficient to support themselves is strictly their own business, not yours. You got that, loser (SRP)?

Anonymous said...

Is it true that Pen Sovann has youn wife?

Anonymous said...

We don't give a damn about that. We just want people who willing to help create jobs, jobs, jobs.

Anonymous said...

The CPP observed that this party,HRP, not be able to attract the support of democrates. So this party can't help the CPP to win the general election in 2008. Then The CPP cannot provide the financial support to this party any longer. So it must be face financial crisis.

Anonymous said...

When Pen Sovann was send to jail in Hanoi ....He was living comfortable with his family not in jail but a cosy apartment .Not even house arrest.
A khmer Medecine student had told me that.

Sovann had a yuon wife and one of his daughter was married to Youn pilot.
But one thing he always given good advice to those khmer students to study hard and defend Cambodia.
He added that Yuon-Hanoi is always like to swallow Khmerland...Beware of yuon..learn more of yuon & its mentalities.

During the war against Khmer Republic,1970-1975, Pen Sovann had worked as a team in Khmer Rouge radio broadcasting.His guerilla name was :" Mith Sip ".
Mme Ieng Thirith was in charge there.The both had affair together in the jungle while Mith Ieng Sary wasn't there..cuz he was too busy for Angkar in Hanoi & Beijing .

Anonymous said...

Hmm ... I am must have a chat with Sovann soon. I need his expertise advice on pickup Yuon chicks. Sounds like he's talented in this area.

Anonymous said...

We don't care if Pen Savann like yuon or not. Camdodians want an independant leader who works only for his country and his compatriots. We are not racists but we don't trust anymore politicians who have vietnamese wifes ( they can be a viet cong) . The country need to be protected otherwise , we wiil die again like the past.

Anonymous said...

By the way check will be mailed after DC's October 20-21 convening.

Anonymous said...

Hmm..... You need to understand how HRP was created? It is easy to answer this question.

You all should first think why Kem Sokha complaints the SRP not CPP? It is because he may get benefit from it, he is bought by CPP. He can be Hun Sen's puppet. I can tell you one proof I got since Kem Sokha first served as human rights activist. One day his friend told us about Mr. Kem's goals. He has attempted to work as human rights activist in order to get to know more about our ordinary citizens or vice versa for creating a party like just now.

My opinion is to keep his former career other than present.


Anonymous said...

"The country need to be protected otherwise , we wiil die again like the past."

Well, if you want to protect the country, just don't come near it because everywhere you go, destruction will soon to follow, and that is how it was destroyed in the past, remember? And now that you no longer here, everything is great, not just in Cambodia but the entire IndoChina region.

Anonymous said...

Penn Sovann have has a yuon's wife. I think it's the daughter of Thanh Van Dong.
Well this doesn't mean that he don't like cambodian's people.
He's the first to do againt vietnamese in the beginning of the 80s. He had command to burn all garnments (clothers) that VN sent to him, because it's not the original garnments that the germany has sent to cambodia. That's why VN has take him out.

Anonymous said...

Well, if you want to fight Vietnamese, do it oversea, not here

If you can win, then we might give it shot. Hey, we can't afford to lose any more land with same stupid ideas like yours, alright?

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why you people are arguing about this. HRP just like and other newly formed party, struggle in the beginning, financially etc.... The only exception is the CPPP, they had support and influences from China and Vietnam. Because majoriety of them are Chinese or vietnamese by birth or marriage. When the popular vote sway toward the popular party, of course you will have resentment,frictions, and bitterness. Through out Khmer history, Cambodian men have taken wives of other nationalality. Look at the oldest "fart" in the kingdom as an example. This is where khmer people looses their heritage. All you need to do is look at the king who took on a Siem wife. Look what happen to the land. History is repeating itself.

Anonymous said...

HRP people, please open your eyes and examine your brains. Leap as high as you can from the center of Cambodia and look through the magnifying glass,focus into a close range all over your country to see how many Vietnamese are. If you don't help your true fellow Cambodian(SRP) to win the election in 2008, Cambodia in the next 15 years might as well become the far south Vietnam. Remember the illegal immigrants flow from Vietnam in tens of thousands of Vietnamese into Cambodia daily. Their goal is to colonize Khmer people. As you can see, high ranking officials in Cambodian government are Vietnamese. Sooner, there will be no Khmers to hold government offices. That's when your voices are trashed.

Anonymous said...

"Remember the illegal immigrants flow from Vietnam in tens of thousands of Vietnamese into Cambodia daily."

You idiot, do the math. If 10,000 viets come in everyday, in 100 days or three month we'll have a million of them in Cambodia. This, in turn, equate to over 3 millions annually.
Now if what you said is true, we will have 30 millions Viet came in just the last decade, and only 50 millions viets left in vietnam. WTF?

Anonymous said...

To 10.28 HOW CAN WE FIGHT WITH VN. NO WAY MATE! THEY ARE 90 MILLONS AND WE ARE 15 MILLIONS(few % are vietnam). VN has equipped with all kinds of gears(troop, spirit, weapons, cash$$$$$). and Cambodia(no troop, no spirit(hate each other), no weapons(destoyed for peace), no cash$). We always ask VN to help since 16 centuries.

If we want to win in war we need to be like Israel, learn how to fight and get a junk of help(missile, nuclear bomb, cash, army obligation). Who want that??? No way!

Anonymous said...

You should think befor you do something, I don't think you win any seat.comment by Doung Chanda...

Anonymous said...

HRP is heading toward crash landing!

Anonymous said...


First of all, let me just say that I am a Vietnamese living in America. I know you probably don't like me because I am Vietnamese, and I can understand why. But we Vietnamese don't hate Cambodians like Cambodians hate us.

I think Vietnam and Cambodia can work together toward a bright future for both of our countries. We can cooperate and have economic prosperity like the U.S. and Canada or the European Union.

However, I think Cambodians are too brainwashed by the West. White people like to treat Asians like Chess pieces. They like to divide and conquer. They see us as subhumans. Millions of us (Vietnamese, Cambodians, Loatians) have died as result. It's a matter of life and death to us, but it's all a game to them.

I bet those Westerners working in Cambodia are more interested in screwing your women and children than helping Cambodia recover. Having fought against the Americans I think we know them better your people.

All I have to say is, just be careful. The Americans killed a million of your people through carpet bombing and most people in the world don't know about it.

I think it's big mistake to up to white people. We're your neighbors. Whether you like us or not, you have to deal with us. I think it's better for both countries if we are friends rather than enemies.

Anonymous said...

Not true, 3:48, in general, we don't hate you or Vietnamese, but this is one of the Anti-Hun Sen and Anti-Sihanouk website. It contained some extremists, but there are some bright and rational people too.

So welcome to KI Media. I was waiting for someone like you to drop in to help clear thing out. And I hope you can stay a while if you don't mind.

Anonymous said...

Hey, Hanoi authorities stop terrorizing Khmer Kampuchea Krom people. They are humans, not animals.
Give back what their belongings,OK!

Anonymous said...

TO 3:48 PM.
HI man.I don't hate you, but only traitors (Sihanouk), corrupted and killers (Hun Sen) can believe you.
We want freedom , justice and jobs for our compatriots.The US and The European union can help us to achieve this goal but Vietnam and China want to help our government members to be rich, to destroy their own country and to terrorize their fellow men.

Anonymous said...