Sunday, September 23, 2007

King Father Joined Coalition for Sake of Refugees

As the Extraordinary Chambers in the Courts of Cambodia begins it work of charging former senior leaders of the Khmer Rouge regime, it is of paramount importance that the historical record not be forgotten or altered for reasons of expediency.

In this regard, I draw to your attention that the graphic "Khmer Rouge regime," sourced to the US Central Intelligence Agency and the BBC, published on page 2 [of The Cambodia Daily] on Thursday, which is not accurate. In effect the said graphic states that in 1981 the "Khmer Rouge and Prince Sihanouk form exiled government."

The Coalition Government of Democratic Kampuchea, which had three components—the Party of Democratic Kampuchea led by Mr Khieu Samphan, the Khmer People's National liberation Front led by Samdech Son Sann, and Funcinpec led by HRH Samdech Norodom Sihanouk—was formed in Kuala Lumpur in June 1982, following strong pressure by Asean, China and the US.

Between February 1979 and June 1982, Samdech Sihanouk refused to join any government in exile with the Khmer Rouge. He agreed to join the CGDK only after it was made clear to him that the thousands of Sihanoukist refugees at the Thai Cambodia border would not get any assistance unless he joined such coalition. At the time, Funcinpec was the smaller component of the CGDK with few armed forces; while the PDK had the remnants of the Khmer Rouge army, and the KPNLF had established an army led by generals of the former Lon Nol regime who had survived the Khmer Rouge regime.

Ambassador Julio Jeldres,
Official Biographer
HM the King Father,


Anonymous said...

Ambassador Jedres,
There you go again on spinning mission for the defense of the treacherous and contemptible Sihanouk who has always used folks as his excuse either to kill or to save himself.No offense,you are too inteligent but have no clue what really like during that moment as a refugee.
That's ludicrous of you in keeping making argument poorly in behalf of the culprit of killing fields.
Thousands of refugee then wished to have nothing to do with Sihanouk or anyone else if it was not for Thai government holding them hostage.Sometimes Thai killed refugees who resisted orders for examples.
You shall rest your case and leave Sihanouk be judged by his crimes against humanity.

Anonymous said...

Do not forget bring Sihanouk to justic!

Anonymous said...

For refugees only? Why then did not discuss with Hun Sen's regime to send them back early? I never heard king said about saving refugees but instead war against invasion of Vietnam. which one is correct?

Anyway, You are ambassador of which country and to which country?

Anonymous said...

Rubber stamping Ambassador, may be?