Monday, September 24, 2007

Publication of Alain Peyrefitte's article published by the French Paris Match magazine attracts the ire of the Royal Cabinet

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Royal Cabinet of Preah Karuna Preah Vorreach-Beyda
Preah Bat Samdech Norodom Sihanouk


Recently, a small group of Cambodians who really regret the Khmer Republic regime which fell down and vanished on 17 April 1975, have tried hard to (publicize) propaganda to deceive the national and international opinion, with the aim of defaming the honor, the good name of Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, by publishing that Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, scorned his mother and had a plan to create the exodus of the population from Phnom Penh city, etc…

Regarding this cheap propaganda and this goal of degrade the honor, the good name of Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, I have the honor to clarify the national and international opinion (as provided) below, and I am rejecting altogether the lies, the shameless cheating by a small handful of cheap people who have only one desire, that is to destroy the honor, the good names of Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, who in his life had dedicated his strength, body, and intelligence to serve the Cambodian nation, homeland, people, (who had) struggled under all circumstances to defend the national independence, territorial integrity and sovereignty of Cambodia. History had recorded on its golden pages (the following):
  • The royal crusade for independence from colonial France, and the achievement of the complete victory on 09 November 1953.
  • The construction and edification of the country, and the development in all fields during the Sangkum Reastr Niyum era, and the world named “Cambodia” as “The Island of Peace (Koh Santepheap).”
  • The national reconciliation in 1991 which provided to the Cambodian people and homeland, peace and progress.
1- Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, respected and extremely loved Samdech Preah Moha Ksatriyani Preah Sisowath Kosamak Neariroth, his mother. Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, who is a Buddhist follower, is adhering closely to the teaching of Lord Buddha, our Supreme teacher, to respect and love the living Buddha, that is the “Mother and Father” who gave us life. Since the day that the gang of Lon Nol, Sirik Matak, etc…, undertook the coup d’état (18 march 1970), Samdech Preah Moha Ksatriyani Preah Sisowath Kosamak Neariroth endured hardships and was scorned by the coup d’état gang. Samdech Preah Moha Ksatriyani Preah Sisowath Kosamak Neariroth secretly wrote a letter to provide her total support to the reasonable struggle (led) by Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation.

I am asking the national and international opinion to reflect and to provide justice to Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, to whom this small group of people published the information that he scorned his mother.

2- Regarding the exodus of the people from Phnom Penh City: Following 17 April 1975, Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, insisted on demanding to the Khmer Rouge Angkar, on many occasions, to return back to live with his people, however the Khmer Rouge Angkar always rejected (his demand) under the pretext that there is no safety, etc…, therefore, when he returned back to Cambodia, everything was already done according the Khmer Rouge Angkar plan. The Khmer Rouge Angkar did not ask the opinion of Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, regarding the exodus of the people from Phnom Penh City, and a number of VIPs who are still alive, can attest as a witness to this issue. The fiction (used) to accuse Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, that he has a plan to create an exodus of the people from Phnom Penh city is a scorn on our national history, and it is a black and dirty goal to create a pretext to accuse Preah Karuna, the father of the Khmer Nation, who was a victim of the Khmer Rouge regime with the aim of taking revenge for the complete defeat of the Khmer Republic regime which was a puppet who sold out completely to the foreigners.

I am deeply thanking you.

(Signed) Ké Kimsè
Director of the Royal Cabinet

Phnom Penh 21 September, 2007


Anonymous said...

Shit this is others insects living under Seihaknouk's dust feet ,why don't Cambodian people get the bugs killer let this insect go away, this is 21 th_ century,it still have the profiteer exist? sad give inaccurate Doc.

Anonymous said...

Lok Ke Kim Se,
Listen to who's talking?
People of diffenent views from lowly Sihanoukists are not all Khmer Republic elements but Khmers who saw clearly that Sihanouk is the ultimate cause of the nation downfall and people suffering.

Again Sihanouk is no Buddhist but a communist pawn who would not think twice to have own people killed because of his own egotistical and narcissistic nature.

He,Sihanouk, is quick to judge and condemn anyone who saw difference in his self destructive policies.before Khmer Republic,Sihanouk killed thousands of landowner in Battambang because of his inept government officials and profiteers in collusion to steal their lands.

Khmer Republic was the schematic and consequence of Sihanouk political entrapment after he had allowed Viet Cong to use Khmer land for their war mongering agendas. Sihanouk is clearly a monkey that play with matches on the roof of its master house.When all happened where was the monkey then? It was far above Beijing Plum tree.Because of that foolishness,he had no choice but to kow tow to Khmer Rouge.Becaue of that he agitated people to fight Khmer Republic government efforts to restore national integrity and sovereignty.
Sihanouk,is no one else, who had burned the house,plundered treasury and neglected own national defense.
Sihanouk is a stooge who disgraces true Khmer nation in allowing enemies to advance their agendas at Khmer expenses,not once but repeatedly.Sihanouk is the violator of Geneva conference and UN agreement.Sihanouk cowardly abandonned Khmer Krom land and inhabitants without uttered a protest to French as Cambodia king.

Other hand Sihanoukists are categorically enemies accomplices then and now like yourself who insulted folks of different views but yet spinelessly laid beneath the unscrupulous Sihanouk feet.
Shame on them.

Anonymous said...

2;38PM Thanks,you in advance your comments are awesome, Cambodian need people like you. mine are on the top of your and I'm sorry that I have pasted three of your with out your permission.
Thank you

Anonymous said...

2:38PM , I agree with you wholeheartly.It was sihanouk who had create all kind of problems that we have today.The fucking prince who was so cozy with the communist rather than with the free world.The stupid head of state who sold his head to CHINA and Vietnam.The dumb prince who helped the yuon to become one.The stupid ass who allow vietcong or north vietnamese sanctuaries in our land to fight a souvereign nation etc....I believe when he died he will be burn in hell for good for all the sin that he did to innocent khmers.He was a khmer rouge accomplice.

Anonymous said...

sofa he amost excusable but he still not see what happend to Cambodian now! He is a shelfish son of a bitch! That why his mother hated him!

Anonymous said...

Some of our beloved Khmers here do not agree with my ideas, that is OK, because I am only the rice farmer's son, but I would like every true patriot’s Khmer who lives around the world to carve my words onto their hearts and remember them for ever. At the end of the day you all will see whether the rice farmer's son (have never been a Khmer Rouge or Khmer Rouge supporter, and never have been a YUON’s slave)words are full of meaning or just useless hated sentences.

May almighty God and America, Canada, Finland, Australia, EU, UN, NATO help to rescue our beloved country Cambodia from YUON'S(Vietnam, Vietcong, Vietminh)occupation and China's communist influences.

All true Khmer compatriots, ladies and gentlemen,

Cambodia has cancers that were embedded into her by China+YUONS+Vietminh-CPP-Hun Sen+all royal crooks through traitor Sihanouk's flesh and blood, also through his YUON wife Monique and Sihanouk’s clique.

To have true and lasting peace for Cambodia these cancers have to be removed once and for all, either by the law of ECCC-KRT or by any means, as long as the majority of true Khmers agree with it.

If these cancers remain inside Cambodia, without proper treatment, YUONS will continue to swallow us bit by bit every day and China will gobble the whole region without mercy toward Cambodian land and all Khmer people. They will achieve this with the continued assistance of NORODOM SIHANOUK and HUN SEN.

(the rice farmer's son)