Thursday, September 27, 2007

Veng Sereyvuth occupies his position as Minister of Culture

Thursday, September 27, 2007
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

On Wednesday morning, Veng Sereivuth (the former husband of Uk Phalla, before she left him for Prince Ranariddh) officially occupied his position as minister of Culture, replacing Prince Sisowath Pana Sereyvuth who is ill and is currently hospitalized abroad for several years already. The inauguration of Veng Sereivuth to his new position was presided by Keo Puth Rasmey, vice-prime minister and Funcinpec president. In his new position, Veng Sereivuth said that he is determined to participate with the ministry leadership, as well as government officials at the ministry, and artists, to continue the cultural policy, and to continuously growing it further, with the aim of safeguarding and developing culture according to the government rectangular policy.


Anonymous said...

This dude is a real patriot who shared former wife with Siahnouk kid to gain noteriety.

Sihanouk used to do that to his minsters wife or daughters thne bribing hus band with laissez faire high juicy positions.

Anonymous said...

Hey, that came with the job of being king. Is that a crime or something?
I have not heard any complaint about that in those days.

Anonymous said...

Listening skill is good for selective-hearing people.
How often you 've been around the block?
May be that's the pronlem.

Anonymous said...

Well, I don't claimed to have a perfect hearing, but to the best of my knowledge, there is no complaint about the Ex-King's love life. Most people know he's married 4 or 5 times, and dated possibly 6 to 8 times, and no one disapproved of what he's doing.

However, if I missed a complaint or two, why don't you tell me about it, who, where, when, and how?

Anonymous said...

Who dared to complaint about that fucking-feast playboy dictator sihanuk who killed and imprisoned anyone who spoke against him. Now he is afraid that he will not be in the heaven after hi death. But if there is heaven and hell and God, sihanuk will definitely go to hell because God knows what sihanuk has done and is doing.

Anonymous said...

Veng Sereyvuddh had killed his adopted brother from NZ,Theang,who
was well known in Wellington among Khmer community.
Theang had taugh & looked after Sereyvuddh since he arrived in NZ as a kid.
When he became the Minister of Tourism ,he called Theang to work with him as Treasurer in Tourism Dept.

Theang was poisoned in a restaurant and brough him to Calmette Hospital.He died as an animal in the hall way.Veng Sereyvuddh wasn't presented at Theang's funeral. After Theang died,it said the money was secret missing with amount of $700,000.00 dollars in Dept of tourism.

The Greed had lead this Evil monkey to kill his adopted brother,Theang.

In Brisbane,Australia, Veng Sereyvuddh's mother would like everyone calls her :" Chumteov Mer ".

Anonymous said...

Please be my guest to ask the stud himself for best sources.
Contact his cabinet website.

Anonymous said...

Guys, as I said all along, living in the west for so long has made your view difference from ours. We are not critical of polygamy here, despite there are law against it now. I know you were trained that polygamy is bad shit. But is it as bad as gay and lesbian that you approved of? What is the truth here? The way I see it is polygamy is natural; that is the strong get to breed with most of the female in order to make the clan strong and alive, and that is strictly done by mother nature. On the other hand, gay and lesbian are a defective gene, and it must be repaired, not accepted. Do you know what I mean?

Anonymous said...

Say it all as an individual point of views on laws.

Imagine this one replicates elsewhere.Too much for one scoop

Anonymous said...

7:51 PM Thanks for your news information.
Even I disapproved the union between Ranariddh and Uk Phalla, I knew that this Veng Sereyvudh is a women beater. He beat so many times Uk Phalla, that's why She had decided to divorce. He had married Uk Phalla to get higher position like Keo Puth Raksmey. He never allowed her to see her 2 sons. So now he's officially is the ministry of culture, this evil will bring a new culture to the society, BEAT WOMEN WILL BECOME THE NEW CULTURE. Jesus, Sam Rainsy have beaten his wife (2006) infront of the council of minister, witness by Keo Remy, now we have a women's beater as the ministry of culture. CAMBODIA WILL NEVER CHANGE!

Anonymous said...

Hey, domestic violent happened everywhere, not just in Cambodia.
Plus, keep in mind that the people you referred to in your post are not real khmer, but Westerner trained khmer just like you. I myself noticed that there is some compatibility issues among those trained in the west who married to an ordinary khmer women. Somehow those macho idiots seem to be a bit harsh with the real khmer women. I believe thing would be better (but not perfect) if those idiots just married to westerner trained women.

Anyway this is a rather complex problem around the globe. I can't explain it all here. Do you really want to get into it?

Anonymous said...

hey i heard that guy sereyvudh is GAY. He once married then he has boy friend on the side.

Anonymous said...

Sereyvuth is not the only gay man in Cambodia, I don't want to expose them in the public.
Many gay in Cambodia this day. A lot of guys I knew about are gay and they pretended to get married but then they have boy friends.
Women too, many are Loak srey Chumtet Chumteav who sleep with their pretty mads when husbands not around.

Anonymous said...

That's serious implication on both Rainsy and Remy.

Sam Rainsy has beaten his wife in front of minister council in 2006???
How low this gossip goes?Mme.Saumura got beatten up by her love in life husband,no???
Rainsy a wife beater? No way...

Anonymous said...

Mates! wife swap is personal issue. Western countries do it openly.

Sereyvuth dated with Ranarith wife, that is why Ranarith revenged by taking Sereyvuth wife. You can ask top rank Funcipec.

But this is very normal for Rayal Family, Sic! Some animals are better than that, ha ha!

Anonymous said...

Funny to hear that Sereyvuth dated with Ranarith wife. I did not say that it's true or false.. first time i hear that. I am supposed with the supposed top rank of Fun too. I will try to find the true.
For the gossip that Sam Rainsy had beaten his wife. Well, I have heard that's too. And that's why 2 or 3 days later, Keo Remy annnounced that he will stop doing politic in 2008. Well Keo Remy did not stop politic actually. And He's not a member of SRP either.
One thing is sure that at the time when Sam Rainsy supposed to come to the thailand border to fight the VN occupation. In fact, He spent a lots of time to justify to his wife why he had slept with another woman at the border and why that woman is pregnant... etc...

Anonymous said...

True, but AU and NZ are swamped with westerner of UK origin, just like the US.

Anonymous said...

Do you think the ex-king is the strong kind (in the sense of Darwinism)? Do you think he had bred strong clan/off-springs?

On polygamy, it is true that the male species tend to have natural tendency toward "spreading seeds" around. But to help prevent disorder in a society, there must be a line to separate us from the animals. Child molesters and adulterers have to be controlled. You would not want your wife to be a polygamist to go around with many other guys, nor would you want a rich and powerful 50 year old pervert sexually exploiting your 15 year-old daughter just because your family is poor and powerless.

Anonymous said...