Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Vietnamese embassy officials refuse to talk about Monk Tim Sakhorn case

11 September 2007
By Kim Pov Sottan
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Heng Soy

Officials from the Vietnamese embassy in Phnom Penh refused to talk about the case of former Monk Tim Sakhorn during a meeting with Cambodian Members of Parliament on Monday afternoon. This refusal comes at a time when the situation regarding the arrest of Monk Tim Sakhorn is becoming untenable and keeps pushing forward.

Son Chhay, Chairman of the National Assembly Committee No 5, said that he talked about the exchange of National Assembly delegation visits between the two countries. Nevertheless, Son Chhay qualified his meeting with the Vietnamese consul as an opening towards a diplomatic negotiation about former Monk Tim Sakhorn.

Son Chhay said: “The (Vietnamese) request not to make additional comments on this issue in order to allow the Vietnamese side to resolve this issue normally, and they will provide additional information in the future. I must accept this request. What’s important is that I will use the maximum of my ability, and my diplomatic ability to provide a positive result in the near future.”

The meeting between Son Chhay’s Committee No. 5 and Vietnamese embassy officials concluded at 5:00 PM, after Committee No. 5 requested for an official visit to Vietnam in order to help resolve the issues involving Khmer Krom people who are currently living in Kampuchea Krom (South Vietnam), as well as seeking the release of former Monk Tim Sakhorn.

The meeting led to an agreement for a visit of a Cambodian delegation to Vietnam by the end of next month.

Trinh Ba Cam, the mouthpiece of Hanoi’s embassy in Phnom Penh, said: “Regarding the issue of the release (of Monk Tim Sakhorn) etc… if the Vietnamese authority finds out about his faults, the degree of (his sentence) depends on the tribunal.”

The meeting between Vietnamese embassy officials and Cambodian MPs took place today after several Khmer Krom organizations demanded for clarification and for the release of Monk Tim Sakhorn a few days ago.

Ang Chanrith, Director of the Khmer Krom Human Rights Defense Organization, indicated that the Vietnamese embassy refused to resolve this issue with Khmer Krom groups. Nevertheless, Ang Chanrith said that Khmer Krom people will continue to maintain their demands.

It is almost 4 months that Monk Tim Sakhorn, the former abbot of Phnom Den Pagoda in Takeo province, was defrocked by the Cambodian authority and deported to South Vietnam to be jailed there.

The Free Trade Union of Workers and Khmer Krom organizations plan to organize a mass demonstration in front of the Vietnamese next month to demand the release of Monk Tim Sakhorn back to Cambodia.


Anonymous said...

Dont believe whatever YOUN promised with you, Mr. Son Chhay. Now, YOUN is in a deep shit, that is why they have to say that they will let Cambodian delegation to visit Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom.

Khmer Krom issues now spread around the world. YOUN cannot hide it. YOUN used to say that, there is no Khmer Krom in Vietnam. Now, Khmer Krom lets the world know that there are millions of Khmer Krom in Vietnam who are serious facing the threatening and living in poverty.

What YOUN will show to Cambodian delegation when they are in Kampuchea Krom??? Do you think Cambodia delegation can find out all the truths when they have YOUN walk side-by-side with them? When the Cambodian delegation arrived Vietnam, the first thing they do, invite the delegation stay at nice hotels. At night, they bring their hookers to sleep with Cambodian delegation. Then, they video tape it. If Cambodian delegation wont listen to them, they will show the video tape... That is what Vietnam did to the UN employees at Vietnam. Of course, there are some good UN workers dont do that, but 90% of them felt into that trap, so YOU Better watch out Mr. Son Chhay. Shihanouk was a victim of that trick. I can bet my life on it with Shihanouk if he did not fall into that Trick when he first made a first trip visit North Vietnam during the Vietnam War.

YOUN has been publising articles blasing the Khmer Krom oversea for supporting Ven. Tim Sakhorn to do anti-Vietnamese activities. If YOUN treats Khmer Krom as the Cambodian treat YOUN in Cambodia, of course, Khmer Krom wont stand up to against them. YOUN built schools to teach their language in Cambodia, but YOUN never let Khmer Krom to build their own school teaching Khmer. Is this equal rights that the YOUN gives to Khmer Krom..... Khmer Krom study Khmer in their temples, but the YOUN send their spies to threaten the teaching monks for not saying anything about Khmer Krom history.

American took Indian-American lands and the American history book does mention that. What is wrong with the Vietnamese who took someone's lands and scare to let the world know about it.....

Wake up KHMER.... The YOUN is encroaching on our land, send their peoples to screw up our Cambodia's economy. Now, they started oppressing our religion by ordering their puppet slave, Tep Vong, to defrock our monk and deport to Vietnam. That is ashamed for our Khmer. Let make a National Protest and let the World know that Cambodian is not Independence now. Vietnam is violating our Cambodia's sovernity.

Anonymous said...

Oh well! The fucken Vietcong chose to play dumb, deaf, and mute on the issue of Vietcong oppression on Khmer Krom people and they know that the international community is watching them!

I swear to God that the fucken Vietcong will never get away for what they had done to the Khmer Krom people and especially Monk Tim Sakhorn!

For the fucken Vietcong to come to Cambodia and kidnapping Cambodian people to put in their fucken jail is the highest violation of human right!

The very reason why these fucken Vietcong chose to be silent about the whole issue of Khmer Krom people because they are in a rabbit hole! I remembered during the Vietname War when American GI found the Vietcong in the rabbit hole and they have to kill these fucken Vietcong to get them out!

Anonymous said...

The Vietnamese are too paranoid with the Khmer Krom Exile Government, and they will do every possible to kill them all.
The minute I saw Khmer Krom Exile Governemnt came out I said to myself "Lord what these people are doing? They are in the USA but thet put those innocence Khmer Krom who live in South Vietnam and in Cambodia like this Monk's life in danger." The Khmer Krom people should demand for equal right, such as education and job opportunity, etc.. Step by step.

Khmer Krom at outside like in the USA should be condemned for making this trouble to those innocence who are living under the regime of thugs.

Anonymous said...

How many thousand Khmer Krom in Kampuchea Krom have been dragged to be killed by Viet Cong that we don't know about?

More Viet Cong moving from North to South to oust Khmer Krom and day by day our people being killed.

Anonymous said...

To 12:11PM!

You have no right to blame the Khmer Krom Exile Government who is also a victim of the Vietcong oppression! What is so wrong to fight for freedom to live like any human being on Earth? If you are such a chicken shit and you don't want to fight the Vietcong that is okay and I suggest that you need to shut the fuck up!

The Khmer Krom people had been so peaceful in their demand so far by any standard of peaceful activism but the fucken Vietcong continue to act in an arrogance and thuggish manner because they think that they the military power to put down any Khmer Krom people demand anytime!

The fucken Vietcong are begging for arm conflict! It is time to arm the Khmer Krom people to protect themselves before these fucken Vietcong do more killing on the Khmer Krom people! This is called for guerrilla warfare!