Wednesday, October 03, 2007

Amb. Sichan Siv arranges for Dr. Kol Pheng to visit Troy, Alabama

Cambodian education minister to visit Troy

Tuesday October 2, 2007
By Matt Clower,
The Messenger (Troy, Alabama, USA)

A minister of education for the government of Cambodia will be meeting with officials at Troy University on campus Wednesday.

Dr. Kol Pheng is the Cambodian Senior Minister and Minister of Education, Youth and Sports. He also serves as chairman of the board of Trustees for Pannasastra University of Cambodia.

University officials report that Kol is the highest-ranking foreign education official to visit the Troy campus.

Dr. Jack Hawkins Jr., chancellor of Troy University, said the meeting with Kol was arranged through the university's relationship with former United Nations Ambassador Sichan Siv, who spoke at Troy's spring commencement in May.

Siv is a native of Cambodia who escaped forced labor camps in 1976.

"We have developed a close relationship with Ambassador Sichan Siv, who spoke at a recent commencement on our campus, and Ambassador Siv has strongly encouraged the Cambodian leadership to get to know us," Hawkins said. "We are encouraged by this visit from Dr. Kol and are encouraged by the outreach for Troy University."

While on the Troy Campus, Kol will meet with Hawkins, tour the campus and be briefed by senior academic leadership. He will also attend a luncheon with the faculty council.

In a statement released to the media on Monday, the University did not reveal what would be discussed with Kol during his meetings with school officials.

Following the luncheon, Kol will visit the Montgomery campus, where he will meet with Alabama Development Office Director Neal Wade, State Superintendent of Education Joe Morton, Sen. Wendell Mitchell and Rep. Alan Boothe.


Anonymous said...

Dr. Kol Pheng is from U.S. He holds U.S. residency.

What has he done to reform the education in Cambodia in his capacity as education minister?

Cambodian history is printed in textbooks and being taught in Cambodia's classrooms up to the French colonial eras. Not much mention Khmer independence.

No mentions of eras after that, Khmer Republic, Khmer Rouge, PRK (Vietnamese invaded and occupied Cambodia), UNTAC and current regimes of Hun Sen and Norodom Ranariddh.

Anonymous said...

"No mentions of eras after that, Khmer Republic, Khmer Rouge, PRK (Vietnamese invaded and occupied Cambodia), UNTAC and current regimes of Hun Sen and Norodom Ranariddh."

Well, that could be because it is no considered as history yet. I believe you have to wait for those events to be about 45-50 years old before it's qualified to be in history.

Anonymous said...

What and how did he get his Ph.D? or this guy just another kiss ass cambodian who enjoy being the elite and treated like he someone of importance doing good for the people of Cambodia. Also, what claim to fame this Sichan Siva have on Cambodia beside furthering his own career and marrying bush's cousin?

Anonymous said...

He should not part of University if he hold position as minister of education. This cause corruption.

Anonymous said...

Kol Penh is from the U.S., state of Texas and is a US citizen. He was educated in the U.S. with a Ph.D in Economics after having come over as a refugee as many others have.
Actually, there are many US citizen-Camboidans in the RGC who hold high positions-he is just one of many. It would be interesting to know just how many are U.S. citizens or LPR who are in the RGC, but I would estimate at least 8-10.

Anonymous said...

How many Viet citizens are in RGC?

Anonymous said...

Well, in during Sihanouk, 1 in 10 people is Yuon, and during LonNol, 1-100 is Yuon because they expelled a lot of Yuons out of Cambodia. Accordingly, I don't think there is any Yuon in RGC.

Anonymous said...

Well, Did he has prove of his Ph.D degree or did he just named himself with that title? Ph.D title in Cambodia means nothing as long as you have money you can buy any title you want..... But I wish people don't ruin whose really earn the title.....

Anonymous said...

very good Ph.D Kol Pheng, I really support your managerment in cambodia. I note that now education sector in Cambodia is very improve and has alot of cambodian student are gone to chanlleng with an other country such as USA, Singapor, France ...... and all of them get a good result (gold medal)for cambodia country and they families and has alot of cambodian students(even of poor student) has apportunity to share experience with anther country.Now Education sector in cambodia is changed with a good result because of your strong menagement.

On behalf of Cambodian students, I really support you and I hope that our country will be developped and have alot human resources to manage our poor country in the future soon.

Please continue your support Ph.D Kol Pheng. Our country really need the person like you, you are the best resource for Cambodian, you are the best symbol of young generation in Cambodia.

Good luck and success in your work for every.