Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Demonstrators are holding vigil in front of the Burmese embassy for peace in Burma

Tuesday, October 02, 2007
Rasmei Kampuchea newspaper
Translated from Khmer by Socheata

Under the rainy sky in the afternoon of 01 October, a group of about 30 demonstrators have expressed their opinions. They came from the Cambodian Human Rights Action Committee (CHRAC), along with Burmese people, the demonstrators are converging to the Burmese embassy in Cambodia one more time. The demonstrators are making the same demand: they ask that the military Burmese government immediately stops using violence against Burmese monks and people who are making their demands peacefully.

Along with the expression of their opinions, the demonstrators also showed their 5-day demonstration program which will last between Monday to Friday of this week, each day a 2-hour vigil will be held between 1:00 to 3:00 PM. Today, no SRP representatives were seen, unlike the first day.

Last 28 September, members of the 23 organizations forming CHRAC have demonstrated once already in front of the Burmese embassy in Cambodia. However, no Burmese embassy officials came out to discuss with the demonstrators.

In the afternoon of 01 October, the demonstrators held banners and posters showing the violence perpetrated by the Burmese military junta against Burmese monks and people. A large banner reads “PEACE VIGIL FOR BURMA.” Even though it was raining, the demonstrators expressed their opinions without backing down while standing in front of the Burmese embassy starting from 1:00 PM. At 2:00 PM the demonstrators started to leave the location. Local police was on hand to protect the order.

Just like on 28 September, the demonstrators expressed their sadness and their condolences to Burmese monks and people who died violence during the demands made by Buddhist monks mainly. The demonstrators also condemn the Burmese military junta which resorted to violence to shoot and kill Burmese demonstrators, causing several deaths and injuries. The demonstrators are demanding that the International community and the UN Security Council act urgently, by taking appropriate measure on the political, economical, and diplomatic levels with the Burmese government to resolve the human rights and democracy issues for the Burmese people, and to provide freedom of expression to the Burmese people.

The situation in Burma is getting worse in the last few days. Soldiers of the military junta have used violence against the demonstrators, causing many deaths. Lately, 9 monks and laypersons were killed, and among those who died was a Japanese journalist who died from shooting.

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