KI-Media correction: After checking the information one more time, it appears that the Prime Minister of North Korea is Kim Yong Il - not to be confused with Kim Jong Il, the de-facto leader of North Korea - as erroneously reported by Reuters in the article below. We apologize for this mixed up originated from Reuters.

North Korean PM to visit Cambodia in November
PHNOM PENH (Reuters) - Cambodia said on Tuesday that North Korean Prime Minister Kim Jong Il would pay an official visit at the start of next month, cementing Pyongyang's relationship with a rare friend in southeast Asia.
During his November 1 to November 4 trip, Kim will meet Prime Minister Hun Sen and former king Norodom Sihanouk, who formed a close personal relationship with North Korean founding father Kim Il-sung at the height of the Cold War.
Sihanouk, whose playboy reputation and royal credentials did not appear to clash with Kim's austere and rigidly communist outlook, still has a palace in Pyongyang and his personal bodyguards are all North Korean agents.
A Cambodian government statement gave few other details of Kim Yong Il's visit.
Vietnam said earlier this month he would visit Hanoi, but did not say when or why. In March, Hanoi hosted talks aimed at normalizing relations between communist North Korea and Japan.
During his November 1 to November 4 trip, Kim will meet Prime Minister Hun Sen and former king Norodom Sihanouk, who formed a close personal relationship with North Korean founding father Kim Il-sung at the height of the Cold War.
Sihanouk, whose playboy reputation and royal credentials did not appear to clash with Kim's austere and rigidly communist outlook, still has a palace in Pyongyang and his personal bodyguards are all North Korean agents.
A Cambodian government statement gave few other details of Kim Yong Il's visit.
Vietnam said earlier this month he would visit Hanoi, but did not say when or why. In March, Hanoi hosted talks aimed at normalizing relations between communist North Korea and Japan.
North Korean may not have enough to eat but they so can protect their border from the South Korean! Ahahhaha
You idiot, North Korean has three to four times more to eat than we do.
Anyhow, I feel sad for Korean to stay divided for so long, and I will continue to urge them to bilaterally try hard to find a mutual solution to reunified with each other again. It is not healthy to stay divided, and it is so unnatural. God help them.
Aside from that, we should give the excellency (Kim Jong II) the best receiption ever. I mean live band, red carpet, Apsara dancer, flower girl, lot of balloons and doves and the hole nine yards. And we should make this occasion a memorial one for both of us.
They will go to Hell together.
Enjoy the Hell and kill each other there .
Is that OK ?
11.41PM: whoever you're, you must be one of many ass-kissers.
Washington needs to review this impact. Hun Sen and his govt. often claims that they help America fighting terrorists, while in fact, he starts to show that his real intention means otherwise. I am very concerned that Cambodian relation with the North Korea will provide nothing, but a santuary for nuclear proliferation or an a state to help facilitating nuclear smuggling to global terrorists.
This is why I think Washington needs to help any Cambodian movement.
Give us weapons, and we will ensure that Cambodia will be a true friends to America.
Oh, you are over-reacting, 12:39. Korean people will never become a terrorist. They were just trying to balance their arm gears with the south so that they can negotiate their peaceful reunification. That is all.
As for Cambodia, the more weapon we have the sooner we will be extinct. Get it? Therefore, stay away from all "oil for weapon" program at all cost.
Darn, shut up, 12:27.
I believe the only reason KIM JONG IL pay a visit to Cambodia because he want to see Sihanouk that all.Sihanouk is like a figure father to him.
Yes, and Sihanouk is a fairly well respected leader in the entire East Asia, no joke.
Where did I said Tep Vong is not a monk, 2:25?
Bad manner ,it does not mean bad people.So give North Korean friend a warm welcome due to khmer custom.
We all know this fellow presumed to be bad guy,but he seriously does not sell his country to any other, and may be that we should learn from it.
And election is coming up, may be N. korea can be a good observer wether learning to corrupt from our government or proving not to corrupt is better.And an opportunity for funky Moha dr Hun to be a mediator for Korea's reconcilliation as he already did in Burma.
Let's praise and hope, shall we??
Neang SA
The king of Cambodia through backdoor dealing just promoted all the CPP leaders from Samdech to Samdech with extension of their titles so that the King-Father could invite the leader of N. Korea to Cambodia.
Whenever the gov't leader of Cambodia not happy with the royal family, especially king-father because of his historic relation with N. Korea, the gov't leader of Cambodia would invite business and other leaders from S. Korea to Cambodia to hurt and insult the royal family and especially the retired king.
Earlier the CPP leaders are happy to be elevated further with the ranks.
Shortly next month, the royal palace will be happy.
Business is usual in Cambodia. You rub my back, I rub yours.
If you are working with a friend who is a evil. You are also an evil.
In Buddhism, there are 12 factors which can cause all the destructions. One of them has said.
If you have declared that you were a good person and has always contributed to all good works for all people, but you are assiciated with a person whose is being considered as an evil, that is a cause of all destructions.
This is to reflect to Sihanouk who always said he was a good man, but all his association were all evils of the world. He has associated with-Kim I Song
Kim Jong Ill
Saddam Hussein
Ho Chi Minh
Khmer rouge
Hun Sen
etc.. and etc.. Areak Prey
Hey, what is evil is the people who block the Korean from reunification, just like they did in Vietnam, alright?
Dear 3.13 AM
Things you hear not always true.
Singer who sings a happy song, it does not mean he or she is happy.
Buddhism emphasises on individual focus on APPLYING moral codes(say 5 percepts) before accessing to better understanding of lives(self and others).Awareness is the key and fully excercise all six senses for better conclusion.
And Areak prey is not buddha's disciple.JUST JOKING1!!!!
Neang SA
Cambodia has become a trophy for the Vietcong victory and thank to King Sihanouk!
Hello Neang Sa,
Areak Prey is a spirit in the great forest. He has left alone by yummabal and ymmareach to have his independent place in the great forest. Areak Prey can see a lot of thing and will recite those things to human being to be awared off. True, Areak Prey is not a Buddha but he has learnt the teaching of the Buddha. He is a diciple of the Buddha too. He cannot be bullied by any monky but he can also inflict someone who trie to kick him around with deadly sickness. Areak Prey
Yes, yes, yes, your excellency Kim Jon Il, make sure your excellency tell his excellency Kim Il Jung to save my palace ok, When the Khmer's rouge on Trail, I have to run for your help. excellency save my life. I love North Korea #1
I have to give North Korean some credit here! Since the Vietcong invaded Cambodia and the North Korean never recognized the Vietcong government occupation in Cambodia!
King Sihanouk is a borne loser because he flips flop so many times and it is like a liar who continues to lie to put everybody around him in a very dangerous situation! Who would think that King Sihanuok would hand over Cambodia to the Vietminh right after Cambodia got her independent from France but in 2007 Cambodia is already belong to the Vietcong and thank in part with to King Sihanouk! If only Cambodia gave up neutrality and the Vietcong wouldn't dare even now! Now it is AH HUN SEN Vietcong slave turn that will carry the torch for King Sihanouk into the after life!
Shaking my head!
Yes, when he abdicated from KING to Prince and from Prince to the Chief of the Cambodian National Socialist Party. He was happy right there!
He hasn't known, When he Vietcong Communist movement already took form in certain parts of his country, he still doesn't care.
well, I've learned lots from him, just choose the winner.
Kaun Chau! Kaun Chau, He said.
Ex-player boy's son will meet the real play boy Cambodia.
2 vieux crocodiles,they eat their chidren!
We khmers,we need peace & independence!Cambodia belong to Khmers(Khmer Leu,Khmer Krom, Khmer kandal,Khmer surin,khmer Us,Khmer Fr,Khmer Canada,Khmer Australie..etc)WE LOVE EACH OTHER AS KHMERRRRRRRR!
THE REAL JUSTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
ONU liberate Khmer with Us.
Such body language would make non-communists country turn their heads and vomit.
Close Friend-Enemies: Uncle Ho, Le Tuan Phan Van Dong are/were they suceessful or not ????
PM Hun Sen who was always anti-SHN in 1980s and 1990s and up to now(indirectly) to gain power.. How was/is/will be he ??????
From-Excellency Dr. Prof. Phd. General 7 Diamond stars Oknha Achar Knoy- Phd in Banditism from Chea Chamreoun University,PP, Cambodge
(NB: Dear Compatriots, who produces the Titles uncountable
Samdach, Oknha, Excellencies, SahaChivins, Multi-ministers...Top General of Many stars(Gold Diamond Iron, wooden coal-Charcoal etc..????)I have no more Ideas about that Flip Flop Hero King..."
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