Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Hun Sen talks about lack of schools and teachers

30 September 2007
By San Suwith
Radio Free Asia

Translated from Khmer by Socheata

During the ceremony marking the start of the new school year on 01 October, and the upcoming celebration of the Teacher Day on 05 October, prime minister Hun Sen was mum on the plan to improve the living condition of teachers.

He recognized that the lack of schools and teachers prevent children from being able to attend schools.

Regarding human resources which must necessarily be as of good quality as those in other countries, since the membership of Cambodia to the ASEAN group and to the World Trade Organization (WTO), Hun Sen stated that school institutions must guarantee the quality of their diplomas.

Hun Sen said: “For this, all school institutions, both public and private, are required to guarantee their diplomas, so that they bear true quality which are recognized and can be used in the job market inside the country or in the region, This is no different from good-producing factories, if the quality of the products is good, then they can find a market for them.”

In addition, Hun Sen also called on all countries to help Cambodia support schools and develop its education system, in particular, he called on these countries to provide help to provinces and municipalities which are facing shortage of schools and teachers.

Hun Sen added: “With this, we must recognize that in order to raise the quality of education, we must improve the various necessary conditions pertaining to teaching and learning. In order to expand the extent of education, we must have schools, and we must add teachers who should have a decent living condition and on par with the yearly increase of school-aged children. This is an unending task, which must be maintained from one generation to another.

Hun Sen also welcomed the Teacher Day which will occur on 05 October. Hun Sen claimed that he was the one who set aside this day for the celebration of this event.


Anonymous said...

You moron, what have you been doing in almost three decades of your one-eyed rule. Now you start talking just because the election is coming next year. Bloody hell you should think other khmer kids want good education and quality of life like your kids and family.

Anonymous said...

"Hun Sen claimed that he was the one who set aside this day for the celebration of this event."

Yep, and the westerner Sam Rainshit stole our idea, just as westerner stole everything else in the past.

Anonymous said...

Ah Chker khvack pnake Hun Sen can only talk. He never go thru or do what he said. How could the teachers and school officials be not corrupted and the quaility be impoved while their salary is worth about a case of Heinekan or corona or less than a tang of gasoline. Now A Khvack, what are you going to do with their salary? Let's see if you can live on 30-40 bucks a month?

I am sick and tired of your cheap lies and fail leadership. Kal nah baan ah hang ngob?, ah chker youn!

Anonymous said...

Fail leadership, my ass. Cambodia is one of the faster growing country on this planet. You idiot are just jealous because we (the real khmer) did great, and you did crappy oversea, hahaha, LOL, hahaha!!!

Anonymous said...

i salute dr. hun sen for his commitment to improving the cambodian educational system. the pro-western crowd is all talk (name-calling, profanity) and no action.

a lot of khmers from overseas are drawn to the corruption in cambodia. once in cambodia they are even more corrupt than native khmer because they use some tricks they learned from the white man.

what has america done for cambodia in the last 40 years? they helped orchestrate a coup e'tat to depose our king and put the corrupt lon nol in power. then they bombed our country back into the stone age, killing a million innocent civilians. then in the early 80s they continued supporting the khmer rouge (because they opposed vietnam) even after learning of the killing fields.

america is really not concerned about building democracy and ending suffering in cambodia. it's about control...just like the french and british colonialists and the australian pedophiles...they all come to cambodia to control people who they think are inferior to them.

Anonymous said...

Dear 1:55 PM;

Are you sure you are a real Khmer? Most real Khmers are not like you. We are tired of CPP's leadership. You don't need to reverse the situation, just say the true ones.

They can lie only to most our illiterate people but not the educated ones.

I feel pity on you for doing such crasy ways.

I wish you could turn the right way.

Khmer Sot

Anonymous said...

AH HUN SEN is not helping and he needs to get out the way so Cambodia people can work to bring a change!

Anonymous said...

3:34. you start helping by refraining from cursing a fellow khmer. profanity is not conducive to an educated society.

Anonymous said...

It is the wrong way of solution of Hun Sen. He should elaborate the teachers who are siding with parties, low salary, students exploitation by teachers, no effective curriculum, no concerned by government in improving the education...etc

He should tell us the potential of national budget to subsidize the education, not to beg and beg again and again from others....his government is begging government...


Anonymous said...

Ah Hun Kwang and his disciples will spend their million dollars in Hanoi soon, folks. This is my prediction.

Anonymous said...

dear 1:55pm are you crazy you are idiot one of those hun sen don't you see a hun sen do nothing to all those teacher just like they said those teacher salary equal apack beer I think he said the true because never care or give a damm about cambodia peaple why A HUN SEN give more all teacher more money to those teacher rigth now why he has to wait and wait for what or until those teacher got kill by starvation on and on ....

Anonymous said...

Hey, we pay all our civil servants according to our budget revenue. If we have a little, we'll pay them a little; and when we have more from the growing economy, we'll give them more. What is wrong with that?

pyralis said...

Well One-eyed Jack, if you could actually process the nonsensical drivel you were spewing you'd realize you are the reason why the "edumacation" system is in a great decline. Do yourself a favor and go get a real education instead of paying schools off to give you pieces of papers that prove nothing other than the title of a Honorary Doctorate of Something Something.

Anonymous said...

Hey, good to see you, Pyralis!

Anyhow, Vietnam don't give out Honorary PhD just for the fun of it. Dr. Hun Sen developed both the Triangular and Rectangular economic strategy that is responsible for making Cambodia one of the fastest growing country on this planet; thus this PhD reflected his true merit.

On the other hand, in the West, many people has won many Nobel prizes for creating peace in the middle-east. Now tell me, when the last time have you ever seen peace in the middle-east?

As for regular PhD, what is the use? We have not seen any benefit from it. A lot of people in the UN got one, but I don't see any improvement anywhere on this planet. Have you?

Anonymous said...

Pyralis, where are you, baybeh? It is so low of you to hit and run. Do you know that? So come back here!