Nobel laureate gives advices to Cambodia about economic development
Nobel economist Joseph E. Stiglitz offered some advice to Cambodia about opportunities and risks for economic development during his visit to this country, a press release said here on Thursday.
In his meetings with government leaders, Stiglitz said that in dealing with pressing issues, Cambodia needs to sustain development by diversifying its products and export markets, according to the press release issued at a press conference attended by Stiglitz.
Similar to other developing countries, Cambodia could improve agricultural productivity by increasing extension services, improving market access through international certifications such as Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) standards, and expanding rural credit, Stiglitz said.
The growing population will likely increase pressure on land, and so proper land management will become increasingly important, he added.
Meanwhile, Stiglitz highlighted that certain legislation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other trading partners does not always align with the interests of developing countries, the press release said.
"In adopting laws on intellectual property rights, it is important to design them in a way to protect Cambodia's interest," Stiglitz said at his meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday.
Stiglitz, currently professor at the Columbia University and chairman of the Columbia University's Committee on Global Thought, visits Cambodia from Wednesday to Friday.
In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his seminal work on the economic implications of information asymmetries.
Source: Xinhua
In his meetings with government leaders, Stiglitz said that in dealing with pressing issues, Cambodia needs to sustain development by diversifying its products and export markets, according to the press release issued at a press conference attended by Stiglitz.
Similar to other developing countries, Cambodia could improve agricultural productivity by increasing extension services, improving market access through international certifications such as Sanitary and Phytosanitary (SPS) standards, and expanding rural credit, Stiglitz said.
The growing population will likely increase pressure on land, and so proper land management will become increasingly important, he added.
Meanwhile, Stiglitz highlighted that certain legislation of the World Trade Organization (WTO) and other trading partners does not always align with the interests of developing countries, the press release said.
"In adopting laws on intellectual property rights, it is important to design them in a way to protect Cambodia's interest," Stiglitz said at his meeting with Cambodian Prime Minister Hun Sen on Wednesday.
Stiglitz, currently professor at the Columbia University and chairman of the Columbia University's Committee on Global Thought, visits Cambodia from Wednesday to Friday.
In 2001, he was awarded the Nobel Prize in Economics for his seminal work on the economic implications of information asymmetries.
Source: Xinhua
"If Cambodia is already on right track of economic development, why does Stiglitz still need to give advices to Cambodia?"
Shut the fuck up, motherfucker (Heng Soy). Everyone has the right to offer their ideas to our government, and we want to hear it from everyone. Get it, stupid (Heng Soy)?
It is the same like what you said "everyone has the rights to offer their ideas to any rotten government", so does Heng Soy. But why you swear him? Your attitude is not different from your current rotten leaders in Cambodia.
For instance, Hun Sen himself always smart to elaborate eloquently about the guns and death....(his recent speech to appreciet his new royal ranking named Akka Maha Chakrey Tejo Hun Shiiii).
Cambodia is led by FEAR and FRIGHTENING under Hun Sen's leadership....Cambodian people are painful living under FEAR.
This reflect your demonizing attitude...
2:19, Ah Khmer Yuon (Heng Soy) did not offer any advice to our government, he just asking stupid question, alright?
As for Hun Sen, he'll go down in history as the greatest Khmer leader of all times, as done ordered by the heaven, and no one can change it. Therefore, get a life, will ya?
Heng Soy's question is valuable to remind current rotten government that not to be so proud of current economic growth...because there are many relating issues not yet solved such as pandemic corruption...etc
Believe me man, nothing in this world is not changed including kingdom of god or heaven....
I agree with Mr.Heng Soy!
To 1:35AM!
Ah lop lop lop merl min chea and what you need is dambong Karnoung on your head!
No way, 3:33, the question that Ah Khmer-Yuon (Heng Soy) raised has no meaning to the government but idiotic, stupid, and retarded statement that is intended to silence Stiglitz or everyone else from advising the khmer government further if Cambodia economic development is already great. Stop spinning and twisting the moron's idea, will ya?
And you are totally wrong about the kingdom of heaven. Unlike, our imperfect universe that continue to change, the kingdom of heaven is a perfect universe that never ever change.
Yuon Vietcong troller pretending to be Khmer on Khmer blog like animal@4:11AM must be shipped back out to where it belongs asap!
Nope this is not Khmer's Blog, but Ah Khmer-Yuon's Blog.
Always talk non-sense
It's nonsense only because you're retarded, 8:12.
Yuon Vietcong troller on KI-media like this animal@8:06 AM that is pretending to be khmer and calling khmer "Ah Khmer-Yuon" must be euthanized asap...
Fuck you, asshole (Ah Khmer-Yuon).
Give it up, you black-teeth black dog Viet Troller @8:58AM! Give it up! Tail between your legs and leave KI-Media now...!
“diversifying its products and export markets”?
Where are the producers and exporters? Our businessmen and tycoons are not such people. They are basically merchants or traders, importing and selling, and making quick profit and getting rich in the process, instead of producing and exporting.
Cambodia needs entrepreneurs who engage themselves in making, in producing and in exporting. To have such entrepreneurs it needs to promote entrepreneurial spirit and freedom of enterprise.
Cambodia also needs to appoint holders of international business degrees or the like, or businessmen, not bureaucrats or crawlers, as its ambassadors or diplomats abroad. One of the duties of these ambassadors and diplomats is to find markets for Cambodian products. Their promotion should be based on their performance in this search for markets.
All the above requires a shift of paradigm or culture – and time. The sooner this shift begins the better.
9:38 AM is LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
Come on, Dr. Lao, are implying that the government oppressing freedom of entrepreneurship now?
Anyway, there are plenty entrepreneur in Cambodia. It is just that they are small or miniature at the moment. Once, their customers (the poor) is rich enough to buy their products, you will see another level of Cambodia economy in action.
Dr Lao 9:38 AM
I bet when you talked such language to the leading government,
I guess that They don't undertand what you're talking about. Or maybe, They will avoid to talk to you. You are too complicated.
All we see in Cambodia is Garnment... Garnment.. Rices.... Is this diversification for the government? ...
Oops... sorry. If we add karaoke, bar, waitress, beer's girls, casinos... It's diversification.
Still diversification is products, and not service.
Like Mr Ok Socheat confess to me, Cambodia is so rich country. We can create a lots of industry. But most of the leaders are concern about their powers (even a wishing power) and their pleasures (karaoke, restaurant, wines, etc).
They have saided that They have created the microeconomy. Still at this level, the interest's rate is so high for the loan. That's not a good incensitive for prosperity. And the mesolevel and mesoinstitution, we have institutions : schools...mmm... schools. Government have build a lots of school. That's good. But Sigmund Freud, the famous psychologyst, has saided that the primary need of human is food. So if teachers don't have enough foods to eat, They will never strength to teach. About the government institutions.. Just one example, go to find a book about the kind of forest in Cambodia.. Usually I'll go to the ministry of fisheries and forestry, because i have a connection. And the secretary of state confess to me that they don't have documents. He have told me to go to the Shopping book center.
At the macro-level, I don't heard a lots from the goverment, on what directions they want to bring cambodians and entrepreneurs to...
One solution, They can ask the bank not to charge too high the interest's rate. So many things to change at the macrolevel.
At the meta-level, the world view, the government hate to talk about that view. The view that bring people to see outside. Cambodians people are like a frog in a welth (andoong). Government brainwash and They don't want to see complaint or anything that could change... Cambodia is govern by the communist's mind.
So all these 4 levels are use to analyze a country... I am just making a resume.
If we make analysis in details, We don't see a lots of positiveness.
11:18, of course you see simple economic sector in Cambodia such as garment, food processing, rubber, plantation, ..., and rice. That is because we are have never been industrialized. At no time in history can we manufactures a simple bicycle; therefore, don't expect much, until we are fully industrialized, and that could take at least a couple decades at full speed. However, something that we might be able to hack is electronic manufacturing. I don't mean fabricating silicon chip, but assemble them. Something like AM/FM radio, MP3 Players, or gadgets. A few years back I lost a bid with a Singapore company that was looking for people to fabricated Audio amplifier for automotive sectors. And they end up went with China because it is more stable. And that is why I am pissed whenever I see people bickering loudly over nonsense.
Mr. 11:10AM
What we find missing or wrong in our nation is a challenge for us, Khmers of this generation, you and I , and others. We can find what is missing and correct what is wrong. We can be and actually are part of the energy and dynamism of our nation.
Of course some are contended with and steadfastly hold on to the little we have. This remainds me of a remark abvout us, Cambodians when I was young. Our teachers, repeating what the French, told us, "the Cambodians are contended with so little" ( "Les Cambodgiens se contentent de peu"). In this column, there are fellow Cambodians of this type. Being centended with the present state of our nation will only bring about its decline.
With people like you around, I'm pretty sure our nation will grow stronger.
LAO Mong Hay, Hong Kong
Dr. Lao, there is nothing wrong with being conservative. Athlete who set high pace in the marathon often never reached the finish line. Do you like racing sport?
Dr. Lao 2:23PM
This contentment of Cambodian people are not good at all. Now, may be most of them think and say the same voice that "Hun Sen can stabilize the country from war, so nothing else they need, and they are thankful Hun Sen". When understand this situation, Hun Sen and his teamworks are doubling fear policy for them and bragging their achievement of peace repeatedly, without accelerating the strength of Cambodia to compete with other nations as well as he reputation in the world arena.
When we see this type of current Cambodian leaders' attitude, I can see that Cambodia will face with very dangerous future and uncertainty.
Cambodian people and this nation should deserve better than that.
Hmm ... That sounds like a great story. Hey, 5:05, I think you can be one of the rich and famous if you present your story to Hollywood.
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