Heng Reaksmey, VOA Khmer
Exclusive Interview from Phnom Penh
12 October 2007
[Editor's note: Head of state and spokesman for the Khmer Rouge when it rose to power, Khieu Samphan is widely believed under investigation by the special tribunal courts for trial on atrocity crimes. On Oct. 11, he gave VOA Khmer his longest interview since the indictments of two of his comrades, chief ideologue Nuon Chea and torture center director Duch. This is part two of a five-part series.]
Khieu Samphan, the former public face of the Khmer Rouge, said this week the truth was being manipulated to become his enemy.
The Khmer Rouge had fought hard to keep Cambodia sovereign, "but in the end we are charged with genocide," Khieu Samphan said during a 90-minute phone interview with VOA Khmer.
In rhetoric peppered with the kind of paranoia that eventually manifested itself in homicidal purges within the regime, Khieu Samphan said Vietnam would have annexed Cambodia into an Indochinese federation had the Khmer Rouge not risen against it.
Vietnamese overtures to the Khmer Rouge to become "like the Viet Minh" were rebuffed, Khieu Samphan said, because Pol Pot wanted to be "independent and self-sufficient."
Khieu Samphan was educated in France. He moved back to Cambodia a math teacher and became progressively political. In 1967 he fled secret police of then-prince Norodom Sihanouk. He joined the communist guerrillas at Oral Mountain and rose through their ranks as they slowly took over the country. By the time the Khmer Rouge took Phnom Penh, he was one of the most-trusted leaders, becoming their spokesman and nominal head of state. He has said was not involved in the policies that led to the mass death and torture of his countrymen.
Khieu Samphan said this week he was an intellectual and did not command troops. "I cannot command my own people to die," he said.
He declined to say whom he thought might be indicted by Cambodia's hybrid genocide tribunal.
"I only want to talk about history, which is the truth, so that the Khmer people know their own history," said the man whose regime dismantled Cambodia's education system and executed its teachers.
"[The Khmer Rouge] fought very hard, we had a hard time, and there were many deaths, but in the end [we were] charged with genocide," he said. "Black becomes white, and the truth becomes the enemy. Do not believe foreigners, and don't be divided."
Khieu Samphan, the former public face of the Khmer Rouge, said this week the truth was being manipulated to become his enemy.
The Khmer Rouge had fought hard to keep Cambodia sovereign, "but in the end we are charged with genocide," Khieu Samphan said during a 90-minute phone interview with VOA Khmer.
In rhetoric peppered with the kind of paranoia that eventually manifested itself in homicidal purges within the regime, Khieu Samphan said Vietnam would have annexed Cambodia into an Indochinese federation had the Khmer Rouge not risen against it.
Vietnamese overtures to the Khmer Rouge to become "like the Viet Minh" were rebuffed, Khieu Samphan said, because Pol Pot wanted to be "independent and self-sufficient."
Khieu Samphan was educated in France. He moved back to Cambodia a math teacher and became progressively political. In 1967 he fled secret police of then-prince Norodom Sihanouk. He joined the communist guerrillas at Oral Mountain and rose through their ranks as they slowly took over the country. By the time the Khmer Rouge took Phnom Penh, he was one of the most-trusted leaders, becoming their spokesman and nominal head of state. He has said was not involved in the policies that led to the mass death and torture of his countrymen.
Khieu Samphan said this week he was an intellectual and did not command troops. "I cannot command my own people to die," he said.
He declined to say whom he thought might be indicted by Cambodia's hybrid genocide tribunal.
"I only want to talk about history, which is the truth, so that the Khmer people know their own history," said the man whose regime dismantled Cambodia's education system and executed its teachers.
"[The Khmer Rouge] fought very hard, we had a hard time, and there were many deaths, but in the end [we were] charged with genocide," he said. "Black becomes white, and the truth becomes the enemy. Do not believe foreigners, and don't be divided."
The Master of Neo-Genocidal of Cambodians:
M. Khieu Samphan is right on the nail, At that time Cambodia was under Yuon Hanoi satellite since 1947, since June 15th 1955 thru- 60,66,69 and 70 Yuon Hanoi have Installation 230,000 Vietcongs, at the following areas:
Angkor, Baray, Tang kauk, Kampong Cham, Svay Reing, Prey Veng, Rattanakiri, Mondulkiri, Koh Thom, Kandal, Takeo, Kampot, Snoul, Kratié, Mémot, Chop, Chamkar Loeu, Prey Tortung, Borkeo, Borko, Phnom Del, Thnal Torteung, Ba kham, Phnom Penh.ect... I was the 1st Faced with Yuon Hanoi fighters at that times, all Yuon Hanoi thminh khmao, We called Yuon YeaK CÔng. So, he's right for that!
I believe, they'll reveal the truth.
In 1970, the number of Yuon Viêtcôngs install in Cambodia has reached from 1,500, 000
to 2,000,000 . [ One million five hundred thousand to Two million] personnel.]
In the North-Eastern Zone alone, they were 200,000 to 300,000. Lead by the members of the
central committee of the party, whose name Vô Chi Công, the secretary associated for the South Viêtnam and secretary of the Central Zone.
The army of the 5th East-zone, lived in this North-Eastern Zone of Cambodia.
The army of the 5th zone was there also. As for the central committee of the Southern Zone, which was at Mémot, East of Cambodia .
The members of the aforesaid committee were Nguyên Thi Thanh, Pham Hung, Nguyên Van Linh, known as [Muoi Côc], Tran Nam Trung, Hay So, Hay Van and Vang Van Thai.
Nguyên Chi Thanh, person in-charge for the army, and were a significant character,
who would have probably succeeded Lê-Duan if he had not died little afterwards.
I was 3 mounths and 20 at Pnom Srang, Pich Nil
Reveal about Yuon in Cambodia will Continue...
There too many traitors in Cambodia who just want the power to destroy their own country.
The criminals are among these 3 groups :
1) Sihanouk who created the war
2) The Vietcong and their Khmer leaders dogs
3) The Pol pot's gang
Only the intellectuals in democratics countries can help Cambodians to find their real criminals because they can prove clearly what they say.
All of these animals will not recognise their crimes unless they can see the piles of skulls of their victims in front of them. We should use Iraq law to prosecute these criminals. At present they have laughted in front of us who were their victims because they knew that they will be faced like Saddam Hussein by hanging them. Areak Prey
Agreed. He should be hung including his wife and children. Hung the whole family line. They are enjoyed 30 years already. It is enough...
Unfortunate, he's likely to be acquitted though. However, he should not fabricated false testimonies that could harm his credibility and weaken his defence.
oh shutup and shutup, Samdach Preah Moha Sena Decho will be prosecuted all including the king.
Because our CPP done the most for our country than the King 2000 times. Look at New Kampuchea now, we are growing and continue to grow with none stop. Our New Kampuchea is the only one under the leadership of Samdach Preah Moha Sena Decho. see ya!
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