Funny Story
Phnom Penh, Sunday, October 07, 2007
Phnom Penh, Sunday, October 07, 2007
I listen to old popular songs from our country (recorded on audio cassettes).
A song makes me smile: it says: “in one of our villages, a married man has a mistress. His wife asks him to let go of this “cumbersome” mistress. The married man answers to his wife: “My Darling, it is you who is cumbersome! If I have a choice to make, I would prefer let you go and I will only keep my mistress.” “My girlfriend, I’ll never divorce her, I’d rather divorce my wife.”
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
A song makes me smile: it says: “in one of our villages, a married man has a mistress. His wife asks him to let go of this “cumbersome” mistress. The married man answers to his wife: “My Darling, it is you who is cumbersome! If I have a choice to make, I would prefer let you go and I will only keep my mistress.” “My girlfriend, I’ll never divorce her, I’d rather divorce my wife.”
(Signed) Norodom Sihanouk
Exactly you are telling off the royalty mindset.If any consolation to you,the song interprets the riddle that as King instead of stay loyal to own nation,the infidel king rather embrace enemies and cheats own nation for the sake of his evil soul.
That's what the song actually meant,you emptied skull loser.
Stop talking the pretty girl Samakmith,be careful(Kbott sele thor),I remember in perhap 1977 ,you want to shake hand with one mith Neary ,but she didn't,because she was afraid Kbott sele thor.Do you remember that? At poy yung Vealtrea BB.
Oh good, to see Somdach Euv enjoys musics and entertainment again.
Live Long, Your Highness, and don't worry about Ah Khmer-Yuon troublemakers. I just love the feeling of my foot hitting their flat buns.
This song shows us cleary that this king is a traitor: He can destroy every thing to have a good life or to get the power and he never thing about the people who suffered and lost their family .
He destroy Cambodia because his wife monique told him to do so.
He killed intellectuals and all the people who did not support him to get the power.
He gave land to Vietnamese and told us that we lost lands.
Every thing he says is wrong:
When he says white, it is black.
That why he always laugh when the jounalists interwied him.
Sans blague! Tu delires, Sihanouk.
A l'epoque, tu avais une fois meme critique les chansons Khmeres en disant que les paroles ne faisaient aucun sens et commencant de composer et chanter toi-meme tes chansons...et pour ne te montrer que tu es le Roi (Samdech) de tout et tout...
Arretes tes delires...Retournes le Cambodge au peuple Khmer! Le Cambodge appartient au Peuple Khmer, non pas les Viets/Yuons!
This guy Sihanouk is mentally ill, gravely! He still thinks that he is a playboy, a casanova by refering to such a situation in his delirous life!!! Damn...
Almost to the end of of his life Sinahouk still manages to mock Khmer people.
[Meme vers la fin de sa vie, Sihanouk profite de moquer le peuple Khmer, merde!]
It means that he would rather love YUON than Khmer.
This evidences/manifests how chronic Sihanouk's mental illness is if not at its terminal stage...
Amigo Hooliyo must get Sihanouk admitted to a psychiatric ward at once!
What for?
Huh Anon@10:24PM?
Does putting him out of misery sound good enough to you?
It surely does sound good enough, 10:37; the problem is people who tried it in the past end up regretting what they did.
Here we go again old king, you stupid king! we need to put him in mental care institution center.
Can some body lok him up so he can keep his wish to be quiet?
He may get consoled by Tep Vong!
Pouk Ah Tmil!@
Major senile, sooner or later he'll be eating his own excrement.
Hey 11:56 PM,
The past is the past; the present is the present and guess what?...the future is the future!
Hey 2:02 AM,
You think Hooliyo will feed shihanouk s-h-i-t, with his hands?
2:07Am you sound moron!
Cambodia has become a trophy for the Vietcong victory and thank to King Sihanouk!
Long Live, Yours Royal Highness Kampuchea is safe now. Without yours Royal Highness helped kampuchean may not be safe today.
Khmer rouge terrorist killed all your people. vietnam pay your respect to liberated kampuchea for you now. thank you for all your helped we are the winner now, and vietnam kampuchea will stay along long time. Thank you samdach ouv.
Sihnarouk was and still is the male prostitute in Southeast Asia region.
When Sihaknuk getting his neck hung?
hi all, just wish remind you. in 10 years to come, half of national assemble members are half blood vietnamese born in cambodia and the border will be in front of palace. kon khmer
Close Friend-Enemies: Uncle Ho, Le Tuan Phan Van Dong are/were they suceessful or not ????
PM Hun Sen who was always anti-SHN in 1980s and 1990s and up to now(indirectly) to gain power.. How was/is/will be he ??????
From-Excellency Dr. Prof. Phd. General 7 Diamond stars Oknha Achar Knoy- Phd in Banditism from Chea Chamreoun University,PP, Cambodge
(NB: Dear Compatriots, who produces the Titles uncountable Samdach, Oknha, Excellencies, SahaChivins, Multi-ministers...Top General of Many stars(Gold Diamond Iron, wooden coal-Charcoal etc..????)I have no more Ideas about that Flip Flop Hero King..."
Close Friend-Enemies: Uncle Ho, Le Tuan Phan Van Dong are/were they suceessful or not ????
PM Hun Sen who was always anti-SHN in 1980s and 1990s and up to now(indirectly) to gain power.. How was/is/will be he ??????
From-Excellency Dr. Prof. Phd. General 7 Diamond stars Oknha Achar Knoy- Phd in Banditism from Chea Chamreoun University,PP, Cambodge
(NB: Dear Compatriots, who produces the Titles uncountable Samdach, Oknha, Excellencies, SahaChivins, Multi-ministers...Top General of Many stars(Gold Diamond Iron, wooden coal-Charcoal etc..????)I have no more Ideas about that Flip Flop Hero King..."
Oh Yas Mchas Bang Oh Yas Mchas On!!!!!!!!!!!!
A Best Actor/Artist who can produce Films to Compete with Hollywood is Our Hero King......
Excellency Achar Knoy
The song that Preah Karuna was referring to was sung (among others) by Ros Sereysothear and starts with "P'kor loan kokreuk .. santhoek eung euy kor kroam..". I however disagree with Preah Karuna on the word "Propoan" (which he translates as "wife".. as in "leaving the wife to take the mistress"). That word in old Khmer actually means "relation".. in other words the singer was saying that the man was willing to leave everything, even his relations (mother,father, siblings etc..) just to be with his beloved. I think that's TRUE LOVE! TERRIFIC!!
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