Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Kingsley girls help Cambodian school

The Kingsley School team with orphans and youngsters at the school and orphanage near Phnom Pehn In Cambodia.

03 October 2007
Midweek Courier (Leamington Spa, UK)

Leamington students who spent the summer working at an orphanage and a school in Cambodia say the experience was heartbreaking yet rewarding.

A party of a dozen 16 and 17-year-olds from Kingsley School spent four weeks of the summer helping the children and carrying out building work at the orphanage and school in Kirirom, near Phnom Penh.

Rhiannon Marshall, 17, said: "The work was incredibly rewarding and satisfying and it was such an amazing experience. It really was worthwhile just knowing how much you are helping the children's lives. When the times got a little tense and the temperatures reached 45 degrees in the shade, just thinking about how we were helping the children really motivated us."

The girls took presents for the children including bouncy balls, bracelets, pencils, footballs and sweets and helped build a path and car park.

Leamington estate agents, Brian Holt donated money towards materials to help improve the housing of the children, some of whom were abandoned at only a few days old by mothers who could not afford to keep them.

Other team members were Katy Warham, Claire Jones, Louisa Hadfield, Laura Johnson, Vicki Howe, Becky Slinn, Fiona Lemon, Kate Brown, Rozi Pearson, Katie Constable and Grace Challis.


Anonymous said...

Thanks to all British school girls who spent time to do a good deed to Cambodia children. They all need your help to educate themselves and to lead the future of Cambodia.

Anonymous said...

Thank you to all English school girls to help our poors children.Without your help they cannot get the school,because of dictator regime Youn Hun Xen.

Thank you.

Anonymous said...

Sounds okay with me, but no brainwashing khmer people please.