Tuesday, October 02, 2007

A message from the Royal Secretariat and ... the true Sihanoukists

Communiqué of the Royal Secretariat of Cambodia
Phnom Penh, September 29, 2007

H.M. King Father NORODOM SIHANOUK of Cambodia is very elderly, very weak, very demoralized.

The Royal Secretariat of Cambodia and the true Sihanoukists implore the persons who used to unnecessarily disturb H.M. King Father NORODOM SIHANOUK, without any valid reason, to stop dispatching to Him E-mails, letters, telegrams, faxes.

We would like to inform the disturbing persons that, from now on, there will be no more reply neither from H.M. King Father NORODOM SIHANOUK nor from His Office and Secretariat.

(Signed) Srey Nory


Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is finish!

Anonymous said...

China and Viet nam communist!
don't commit sin even thought it's in invisible situation.
UN hurry up!

Anonymous said...

I thought he is eagle,but chicken oop ! afraid the real ?

Anonymous said...

Sihanouk is presently being haunted the spirit of Late Lon Nol, Sirik Matak, Cheng Heng, Trinh Vanh, Sim Va, and all others victims. They wanted to debate with him as soon as possible in their world in front of Yummabal.

Anonymous said...

Please visite this website www.Cambodian.org.nz

Anonymous said...

When Sihanouk died the monarchy will also die with him.Because of China,his patron,insistence to reinstate monarchy in 1993 as albeit to humiliate his deposers and Viet Nam via CPP.
So CPP (Viet Minh/Viet Cong elements)is playing cool for time.It likes Republic system better since it kow tow to Hanoi directive.

All the fuzz makers i.e Thomico clique,Kek Kim Se,Srey Nory,Hun Sen-Chea Sim are actually reviving the reemergence of Khmer consciousness of people are created equal.

Just wait and watch,if 2008 CPP can consolidate majority in all legislative houses,and administration that means Hun Sen will be the maker of anything Cambodia.By then both FUNC with(NRP)will write own eulogy and arrange own funeral.All key players in both groups are turned coats and CPP to be already. See the examples: Lu Lay Sreng,Kol Pheng,Keo Puth, especially, Nhek Bun Chhay who is dying as well.

Domesticated Sihanouk is eating poison laced candy from CPP and that is the reason he is insanely depressed now.

Anonymous riddle: khloak lich ambaeng ondaet...

Anonymous said...

We needed to psych him up more to avenge Khmers that die. We needed to take him to S21/slapped him on the electrical bed/or drown him in the water drum!

Norodumb had no idea what Khmers went through in the 70's! Anyone that beared the name as Norodumb should be jailed for life and served his or her meals from a dumpster! Burn in Hell Norodumb!

Anonymous said...

SPD (split personality disorder) = sdach ta lover = immoral being = lack life principles

Anonymous said...

The article shows that true Sihanoukists and Sihanouk himself could not stand the comments,letters and emails etc...from ordinary Cambodians which revealed all truths about the actions they've committed against Cambodia. These irresponsible idiots must face jail terms or executed.

Anonymous said...

These loosers claimed to know even after they death. :)))

The truth is folded. And how do you loosers know the truth?

Don't confess to me that among you haters are Yuon Communist agents trying to blcok attentions from dragging Viet Commies along with.

Anonymous said...

GO MATE!!! GO. Let these loosers lose all.


Anonymous said...

You stupid secretary of shit1 How many time youe head of shit said he stop writing stupid thing?

Why don't you ass kissers tell your head of shit to stop reading and who care he can stop breathing too!

Anonymous said...

It looks like they got everything backward.

The people that is unqualified and overpaid are the Westerner people, not our judges. LOL, they dare to say that our judges is unqualified, yet they (westerners) haven't demonstrated any ability whatsoever to do anything right since they've been here, hahaha, LOL, hahaha.... .

Anonymous said...

The west got white skin, and they can't find a decent job in where they are living so Cambodia is the place for them to look for opportunity.

If you can just look at these bastard haters like 9;47 PM, you get a clue how the west behave. TRASH.

Anonymous said...

Looklike the King's haters are trash collector like 9:47PM.
Yes tehy are going backward alrite.

Anonymous said...

We not kille the people in the west and we put stupid cheater like you CPP and Youn's slave in jail!

And what are we trying to do know! HAHA HAS you can not stop the court now!

Try show you gut, Traitor killer!

Anonymous said...

Listen buddy, to keep idiot like you is no gain, to kill you is no lost. How's that sound?

Anonymous said...

1:19AM it sound like you fucking your mother and your father fucking a king kong!

Anonymous said...

That is not so bad.

Anonymous said...

it sound like f..un..su,,nprick!