By Phan Sophat Radio Free Asia
Translated from Khmer by Socheata
A high ranking government official praised the KR Tribunal (KRT) which is moving forward smoothly, and he also indicated that a number of KR leaders will be summoned by the KRT and they will be arrested.
Hor Nam Hong, the minister of foreign affairs, gave the above statement to reporters following his meeting with a North Korean embassy official on Thursday. Hor Nam Hong also confirmed that the KRT will face budget crunch.
Hor Nam Hong said: “Right now, it (KRT) is moving forward smoothly, and I am confident that in the future, there will be summons or arrests of other top KR leaders, just like Nuon Chea was in the past. There is a smooth progress, and there is no other issue besides the budget crunch in the future because the KRT could be extended until 2010, therefore, at that time, there will be a budget crunch, it’s not much, just a little, and I hope that the international community will participate in finding this budget.”
The KRT was formed by a joint agreement between Cambodia and the UN, and this tribunal was originally planned to last 3 years. According this tribunal, a budget of $56.3 million was planned to cover the expenditure.
Until now, two KR leaders have been charged and incarcerated: Kaing Kek Iev, aka Duch, the former Tuol Sleng (S-21) prison director, and Nuon Chea, the former president of the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) Assembly.
Critics have said that the KRT progress seems to be slow. Recently, the KRT administration was criticized after corruption was uncovered, and the Cambodian judges have been accused of not acting fully independently.
Regarding the KRT budget, Joseph Mussomeli, US Ambassador to Cambodia, told reporters, today, that the US will need to closely observe the progress of the KRT first, before it can decide whether to provide help or not.
Mussomeli spoke through an interpreter: “The main point is that the US government is reflecting on the progress of justice by this tribunal, whether it can fulfill its role under the international standards or not, and whether it is fine for the US to provide direct aid or not.”
The communist KR leaders ruled Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, and they caused the death of about 2 million people from killings, heavy labor, and food shortage, and up to now, none of them has been sentenced by the KRT yet.
Hor Nam Hong, the minister of foreign affairs, gave the above statement to reporters following his meeting with a North Korean embassy official on Thursday. Hor Nam Hong also confirmed that the KRT will face budget crunch.
Hor Nam Hong said: “Right now, it (KRT) is moving forward smoothly, and I am confident that in the future, there will be summons or arrests of other top KR leaders, just like Nuon Chea was in the past. There is a smooth progress, and there is no other issue besides the budget crunch in the future because the KRT could be extended until 2010, therefore, at that time, there will be a budget crunch, it’s not much, just a little, and I hope that the international community will participate in finding this budget.”
The KRT was formed by a joint agreement between Cambodia and the UN, and this tribunal was originally planned to last 3 years. According this tribunal, a budget of $56.3 million was planned to cover the expenditure.
Until now, two KR leaders have been charged and incarcerated: Kaing Kek Iev, aka Duch, the former Tuol Sleng (S-21) prison director, and Nuon Chea, the former president of the Democratic Kampuchea (DK) Assembly.
Critics have said that the KRT progress seems to be slow. Recently, the KRT administration was criticized after corruption was uncovered, and the Cambodian judges have been accused of not acting fully independently.
Regarding the KRT budget, Joseph Mussomeli, US Ambassador to Cambodia, told reporters, today, that the US will need to closely observe the progress of the KRT first, before it can decide whether to provide help or not.
Mussomeli spoke through an interpreter: “The main point is that the US government is reflecting on the progress of justice by this tribunal, whether it can fulfill its role under the international standards or not, and whether it is fine for the US to provide direct aid or not.”
The communist KR leaders ruled Cambodia between 1975 and 1979, and they caused the death of about 2 million people from killings, heavy labor, and food shortage, and up to now, none of them has been sentenced by the KRT yet.
Yes, and don't forget to arrest a bunch of Ah Khmer-Yuon?
are you khmer rouge youn's hanoi 12:25am....?
After 1975, they killed all unarmed khmer soldiers by thousands.
Please,do not forget the people who had work as a soldier among the KR's victims.
AH Hor Nam Hong used to be part of a Khmer Rouge leadership and in fact he even holds a position during the Khmer Rouge too and how come his is not being arrested?
This fool forgets his past so soon! This is Vietcong Khmer Rouge trail who manipulated the UN court in favor of the Vietcong slave to the highest order!
Ho Nam Hong was a leader and got in charge of Beung Trabek Jail ,why just only camarade Duch only await for the KRT??
Camarade Hor Nam Hong, Keat Chhun, Soc Anh, Hun Sen, Heng Samrin, Chea Sim and much more Khmer Vietminh form 1951 and 1954 the real Hanoi servants. Must be summoned by the KRT and they will be arrested as Duch and Nuon Chea.
otherwise, KRT conducting unfair trail or bias of political partism.
No 2:46, I am Khmer Rouge Ah Khmer-Yuon. And I killed many Khmer because them (motherfuckers) failed to get our land back for us.
shall we all start new Red Khmer era and start war with ah Khmer vietcong? we need to kick them out of our belove country...
Sure, if you want to commit suicide that badly.
Why all the above commentS forgOt the Traitor SIHANOUK?
We are talking about Cambodia, not Ah Khmer-Yuon South Vietnam. Sihanouk was not a traitor to Khmer and Cambodia, only to Ah Tootless Khmer-Yuons.
this guy must arrest & put in prey sar,tooo.
this comment are pure youn ,hey folks get away from Cambodian impersonate,you know what I mean killing field conspiracy,Cambodian dominating and Vietnamization , watch for that fake Cambodian who is spying in KIMEDIA.
That still sounds far better than westerner trained evil domination and killing.
fuck Ah kon mee chor viet cong viet minh ,all guys will die by HIV infection soon.
All Westerners trained evils provide you colors, TV,and dollars how about Ah vietconge black stained teeth dog eaters provide the shit to Cambodian???
Stop coming and pollute KIMEDIA site Cambodian not welcome you ,any how if you can find your own ways go back to Hanoi,will send you back like Lon Nol did.
Wrong, all westerners trained evils destroyed Cambodia, and Vietcong help us to restore our country and keep it from become hopeless like many of the South African countries.
You guys can't never be as good as the Vietcong because you worshiping the wrong shits and watch to much Hollywood DVD.
vietnam giving you to use,but in my perspective ,go to find the doctor to replace your brain,because ah Yiekong ah Youn and ah Pol Pot one face are all,if you could check french website you'll see your viet cong bull shitters are all killing field master mind and behind the closet do not give khmer people that crappy lying ah youn yiekong ah Hun Sen ah Pol Pot that all the same are the killers,pleases put your comment in your arse hole back Cambodian already know ah viet cong and ah Hun Sen not the angels as it claim.
Vote NO To ah Hun Sen beside that yes
Well, I don't know what kind of pill they gave me, 9:45. It's a black capsule with 3 white bands close to middle of it, but it certainly works great. It allowed me to see right through all KKF smoke bombs that they have been throwing at us.
I hope and praise that KR trial leaded by ECCC serves justice.
Crimnals of killing field can be charged by direct action (direct killing and indirect action(indirect killing).
Criminal Acts of the law are indiscriminated Acts.There should not be in any case that criminals are protected.Those who are in current government deserve no protection in regarding wrongdoing committed,if there are any.
Shall any selective intention occur,ECCCwill ruin UN reputation, and also it shoul be condemed by both the international and national human rights organisations.
Neang SA
vit(duck) cong give him young pussy.that's why he is barbarian. traitor
Including Hun Sen, Chea Sim,Heng Samrin and Tea Banh too? if that what you told the reporters in this article Mr. Hor Hay Nam.
10:59, you must have a hearing problem. You are hearing thing, dude. Go and get you ears check with your local specialist ASAP, will ya?
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